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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 31 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 43 Days until The First Day of Spring! 62 Days until Judge Aiken is holding court on AMTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Why am I not surprised? I really wish fans could leave this stuff alone; don't think it helps Clay at all and I am sure his management just loves getting these kind of phone calls. Kim
  3. Personally, I am not a fan of reality shows...find most of them to be pretty mind-numbing...but for Clay...he always manages to get me to watch shows I don't like...remember when he was on that Nick show...watched for two hours just to see him...I really must love the guy! Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, 32 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 44 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. If I am going to pay $75 or more to see a concert, than I expect the artist to sing live...that is what they are promoting...otherwise, I could just stay home and listen to a CD. Kim
  6. Hee I'm waiting for the......."Oh he told her but he didn't tell us" posts to start! Honest to God, that same thought crossed my mind when I read the interview, LOL! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 33 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 45 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Should we perhaps take a page from Steve Martin's book and adopt the arrow through the head as our official FCA "tiara" since we are such "wild and crazy" gals! Kim
  9. I guess you will have to add me to the "crazy list"...I admit it...I watch horror movies all the way through and like it...sometimes I even watch them over again! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 34 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 46 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. So how would one know that the "majority of the world' thinks of the word "claymate' negatively? To me, it is just a word and has as much power as you want to give it. Claymate/Clayfan...all the same to me. No different to me than calling fans of The Grateful Dead...Deadheads...just a word. Kim
  12. I really do understand that the fan club has not lived up to its promises and while I know the message board is not everyone's cup of tea...I don't see it as any different than any other board. There are some good people there and some good discussions and there are some trolls and pot stirrers...you just have to learn to scroll and ignore. I am renewing because I am a fan of Clay's and it is one way I can support him and I could not imagine seeing the words "he blogged" and not be able to go over there...that and the small chance at winning a meet and greet. I don't really need the other perks because clack is so plentiful at other sites in the fandom. And I really do think it is important that all fans; whether they like the message board or not, go over and voice their opinion. As far as we know, it is the only board Clay reads and I think he needs to hear all opinions. Just my couple of cents, Kim
  13. There is actually a poll at the OFC in the blog thread to see how many fans are renewing...so far the yes votes are leading at 48%. I don't know how many people have actually voted. Kim
  14. Okay, I'm a little embarrassed at how happy that makes me. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were the first person I thought of when I was posting the picture...I knew it would bring out some EEEEEEEEEEE's! Kim
  15. Picture of Reed and Clay with the cast of Barnum in Florida...Brad Oscar Bedevere in Spamalot is on the left in red shirt: Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone: Jamar Just to let you know, January is officially over! 35 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 47 Days until The First Day of Spring! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. For me; this has always been a fun little hobby that I do for myself. My family thinks I am a little nuts at times but I have to say my hubby has been pretty understanding. The first concert I went to was the IT in Chicago. I took my daughter (who was a fan at the time) and one of her friends. Now, there was no way I was going to drive to the city, so my husband, who works nights and usually is in bed by 6:00...drove us down; waited for two hours in the car until the concert was over and then drove us home. Then he went to work on about 2 hours sleep. It was the sweetest thing and this was before I had found the boards and my Clay friends to go to concerts with. I am not really public with my fandom to others outside my immediate family...my sisters know, but I don't talk about him when we are together. People at work know, but I don't have wallpapers on my computer here or at work. I did have his calendar up in the kitchen the year it came out...but to tell the truth; it made me very uncomfortable having it in my husband's face everytime he walked into the kitchen. I felt like it was sort of an affront to him...I did leave it up all year, but I was kind of relieved when the year was over and I could take it down. And yet, the other day when my best Clay buddy called my husband answered the phone and knowing it was her from the caller ID, answered "Clay Aiken Fan Club"...he really does get a kick out of the two of us together. I figure this is just like his NASCAR hobby, I figure he has that to keep him busy and I have this. It makes me happy and I can't imagine my life without it. Kim
  18. wonder if he plays sax Maybe he could take Angie's place for When Doves Cry v.2009 Oh Good God...could you see the heads exploding if that happened! Kim
  19. Couchie - looks like full episodes are in the vault, but not on ClackUnlimited. Where is this vault of which you speak? I went looking for it on this site, found the media center and had to tear myself away from reading the reviews of the performances on AI2 Revisited. After reading some of them I wonder. Is it heresy for me to say that I think that Simon was correct in saying that Clay was not what he was looking for in a pop star? He wasn't looking for a cute geeky boy with a great voice. He wanted a pop star to make him a whack of money, to fill huge arenas with screaming dancing fans, someone who can sing the music that sells millions of CDs, year after year. I don't think so because I believe the same thing...Clay never has had the typical pop star image or look and I think Simon was being completely honest...but I also believe at that time Clay was running away with the show and I think it was also meant to keep people from voting for him. Of course, many in the fandom believe that Simon saying Clay belonged on Broadway was a gay slam and a put down. I just never saw it that way...but then again...I always seem to have a minority opinion in the fandom. Kim
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