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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I love the "mouse song"...ergo...my avi...never to change unless somehow I win a meet and greet and get a picture with Clay...."Somewhere Out There" (sung very off key) Kim
  2. The only thing I play in my car is Clay...so yeah, I play him over and over. Right now I am listening to the demos and ATDW with OMWH and Sterling Heights thrown in...I am really enjoying the demos as I had not listened to them in quite a while. "I Know How The River Feels" still does it for me and listening to it know after the journey Clay has been on really makes it more special...actually got a bit choked up listening to it. The only song that Clay has sung that I really don't like is his duet of Open Arms with Kelly...just cannot listen to that. Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 15 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Per the CH, Reed has made his Myspace private and is deleting fans...Facebook is still public, but I imagine that might change. Kim
  5. Personally, I think its high time Obama was scrutinized, I think he has gotten a pass for far too long. I truly don't believe he has proven himself and I still don't know what qualifies him for being President. Seems like as soon as he became Senator in Illinois he began running for President and didn't do much for our state. Kim
  6. Speaking of undershirts; along with being Clay's on-stage "comfort assistant" (wiping his brow, bringing him his bottled water; waving away the bugs at those outdoor venues) I could also be his laundress...he is going to need someone to make sure his clothes are cleaned and pressed (I don't mind ironing) and if in the process an undershirt (or two or three) should get "lost" in the washer or dryer...well, that does happen...I have lots of mis-matched socks to prove it. BTW...Is Reed offering one-on-one yoga classes or is that limited to Clay? Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, Sounds like the band is really shaping up...I like "Couch Tomato's All-Girl Band"...I think we need to have t-shirts made up! 16 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Another non-musical FCA'er...since it will a summer tour and probably hot...I volunteer to stand next to Clay while he singing and wipe the sweat from his brow...perhaps we can have special towels made up...I am short, so if he sitting on a stool I will probably be right at forehead level. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Gearing up for a major snowstorm here in the Midwest; supposed to snow today into tomorrow, ugh! I am so ready for winter to be over. 17 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. thread title? BWAH.... OMG can you imagine it? Hysterical. I'd have to run out and take up an instrument STAT. My first, I'm sure in a long line, of interviews went well. Don't know if I want to work in San Francisco though..but at least it is one block from the BART stop. I have to go back Monday for a second... Should never read fast...I thought you said Barf stop and I thought...they actually have a stop where you can get off and barf! :hahaha: Kim
  11. I call dibs on "whatever" since I can't do any of the latter! Kim
  12. I am wracking my brain to figure out what song LNM is!!! I'm with couchie - anywhere, anyhow, anytime!!! I'll be there! Kim - regarding your/our computer virus problems.... how did you get them sorted out? One thing that got messed up on mine was the TCP/IP got uninstalled. My guru couldn't make it over yesterday, and is coming tomorrow instead, and I know he'll fix it. I'm just curious how much damage was done to your computer. I used a program called SuperAntiSpyware that a fella from work recommended. He put it on a flashdrive for me and installed it on my computer rather than downloading from the site. Took me about three tries to get it to run completely due to the computer shutting down, but once it did it found all kinds of viruses and spyware...cleaned them all off. I was pretty impressed for a free program. No real damage...I didn't lose anything...computer is running like it was before the viruses. I have been listing to the Sterling Heights concert (waves to everyone who was there even If I didn't meet you!) and I have been enjoying it so much...I really miss concert Clay, so I am good for anything...TV theme songs, the phone book; commercial jingles...it is all good! Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 18 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Congratulate me! I fixed my computer and it only cost me 3 days of headaches and a lot of swearing! A fella from work (who may be surprised tomorrow morning when I give him a big hug and a kiss, LOL!) referred me to this program called SuperAnti Spyware. He uploaded it to a flashdrive; I took it home; downloaded on my computer and ran it and it got rid of every virus, spyware, adware...whatever was on the computer. I couldn't believe how much crap was on it it! Anyway, everything seems to be running fine...one question though...how do you remove a program that doesn't show up in you add/remove program log? First concert date...July 15, 2009 Kim
  15. Just peeking in from work...leaving in about 15 minutes to go home and spend another evening working on my computer issues. Sometimes I like make-up on Clay, sometimes I don't...depends on how it is applied...I think on AI...it was hit or miss...sometimes looked like they laid it on with a spatula or overdosed on bronzer (Diane Warren night). But, I think if Clay was doing it himself for Spamalot, he did a pretty good job overall and I never found it jarring. Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, Looks like I missed a rather interesting conversation...all I will say is that sometimes personalitiies don't mesh and whether someone posts a positive post or a negative post; If I don't personally like that person, I am not going to respond either way and sometimes I just don't have a response for a post. If someone constantly pushes your buttons; than the best thing, for at least me to do, is to ignore that person. 19 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Another non-make-up wearer here...mostly moisturizer and lipstick..never have like a lot of goop on my face. And I don't dress up to go to the store either...this time of the year, when I am not at work, I live in sweats...and my house has that lived in look...my kids always ask if we are having company when I clean...guess I don't clean enough, LOL! Kim
  18. Could also be that the eyeliner is permanent; might have been easier than taking it on and off every night. And except for Merle, I don't think any of the others were in Spamalot so why would they have make-up to take off? Kim
  19. Hi all, All I see in those pictures are a group of friends having a good time; Fear I agree with your post. I said before that I think some people are okay with Clay being gay as long as they don't have to see him being gay...I think these pictures probably make it real for some and they can't handle it as much as they thought they could. Glad to see everyone made it home safely and had a great time in NYC...hope I can see some of you when Clay tours! Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, Fear; That is the same problem I have...can't run my virus scans because they stop halfway through...tried safe mode, but my virus scans won't run in safe mode. So, I hesitate to download anything else if it won't finish scanning. Talked to a friend last night who has a computer whiz for a son and he is going to come over and see what he can do...may have to re-format the whole computer. Anyway, I am here now...I can get on the Internet, but I don't dare minimize anything...that will cause the computer to freeze. 20 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Believe me, I know all about dysfunctional families...I think mine could write the book. I have always seen Clay's family and friends being supportive since the beginning, so I guess for me it wasn't a surprise. Kim
  22. Okay, I am back...gonna make this quick. Just a quick question and I hope I don't offend; but I have seen many posts; here and elsewhere commenting on how supportive Clay's family is and I think it is an odd thing to say...I mean, why wouldn't they be supportive? I don't get why people are surprised that the family would be at his final show or any show for that matter. Just something that has been bugging me. Kim
  23. Actually I think Marty Moran is the guy who was Sir Robin before Clay. The guy who took over in May was from the touring company. Yes, that was me and please let me know how you get rid of it...I have tried everything to no avail. Kim
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