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Everything posted by aikim

  1. The refrigerator is cleaned out! Can't believe the amount of tupperware with leftovers I had in there that no one was eating, not to mention a couple of science projects that I have no idea what they were originally, how embarrassing. But now it is all cleaned and ready for the Christmas goodies. Next...the pantry. Need to see what I have and what I need to get. Fear That is the best part about WFI...just talking to people and letting them know about the Foundation...we find that once we explain what it is about, so many are more the generous and really appreciate what it is doing. We don't talk up Clay much, so it is always nice when someone recognizes the name and says they are a fan. We get so wrapped up in our little internet world, that I think we forget that Clay does have a lot of fans out there who are not on the boards but do admire him and appreciate his talents. One of the reasons why I never worry about Clay or where his career is going...so looking forward to 2009 and the best yet to come! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, Enjoying the quiet before I get started on my very busy day of cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping. Loved pictures from the stage door last night...I just can't get over how wonderful he has been looking. 3 Days until Clay is on The Waiting List! 11 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 33 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. "Finally, I am first at something!" Kim
  4. I am so thrilled for him! I think the caricature looks like the cover of MOAM! Kim
  5. Annabear The link isn't working. Kim
  6. Cute? More like drop dead gorgeous...that Reed is one lucky fella! Kim
  7. Finally home from work...we have had near blizzard conditions all day... it is a mess out there! ldyj Are you getting any rain/sleet yet? We are supposed to get rain/sleet tonight and then more snow...ugh! I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow or we may be having pancakes for Christmas! Guess it will all depend on the weather in the morning; plus hubby will be taking my car to work so I will have to wait for him to come home. Thanks for all your kind words on my morning post...yes, I am the eternal optimist...always have to look on the bright side of life! Scarlett Kim
  8. It's snowing! I thought it wasn't going to start until this evening, but looks like it started early. I was doing dishes and one of the Christmas music boxes that I have on the shelf by my kitchen window started playing all by itself...this one plays The Little Drummer Boy. It was very peaceful, doing the dishes, watching the snow fall and having the music playing softly. I have quite a collection of music boxes and often one of them will start playing for no reason and I always believe it is my Mom and maybe even my Dad letting me know they are still around. It all reminded me that this is a season of hope and even though many are missing loved ones, the birth of Jesus reminds us that one day we will see them again and there really is reason to celebrate. As I look out my window there are birds at the feeder, sparrows and a beautiful red cardinal...they always put a smile on my face as it reminds me that Spring really isn't all that far away. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, 4 Days until Clay is on The Waiting List! 12 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 34 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! And, the days are getting longer; Spring is just around the corner! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 13 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 35 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Back from an impromptu session of wrapping; one of the gals couldn't make it so I filled it...had a great meeting a lurker Clay fan.....and enjoying sharing the Foundation and the Christmas Season. It was a bit slow, but we met some nice people...a couple that immediately came over to ask about the Foundation before they even shopped. She recognized the "Aiken" name but asked if it was Troy Aiken! When I said no, Clay...she responded "Oh yes, he was a special ed teacher before he was on idol". We explained about the Foundation while we wrapped their books. One of the books was the 3rd book in the Wicked series...so we got to talking about the theater and she mentioned that her kids are really into theater have seen Wicked and are going to be heading to New York to see some plays. Of course we mentioned Spamalot and Clay! Hope they decide to see it. Unfortunately it started getting busy about the time we were leaving so I think the Girl Scouts may have a better day than us...this was our last day of wrapping for 2008, but always looking forward to next year and how we can make improvements and spread the good works of the BAF!
  12. Good Morning Everyone, Solo I am guessing "coconut" and I didn't look at the spoiler! Wind was howling all night and we got a dusting of snow; looks like the sun may be coming out so that will be nice...have to look on the bright side somehow. 14 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 36 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Hi all, Been a very long day and now that I have stuffed myself with a McDonald's Cheeseburger and french fries, I feel a little human again! Crown is all cemented in place; only took about 20 minutes. The Dentist thinks it was jarred loose when I had my tooth pulled as they are right next to each other. So I got to B & N at 10:30 and had an enjoyable day with my Clay friends Nancy and Marilan; we chatted in between wrapping, I got some shopping done and we did pretty good for the Foundation. Nancy talked it up big time and one gentleman left us a $40 tip! Left with Nancy around 2:15 to head to her house where my husband was picking me up and at 2:30 p.m. WLIT in Chicago played Clay Aiken's O Holy Night! We were so excited and eee'd all the way to her house! First time I have ever heard Clay on the radio! Then had to go grocery shopping...so we are finally home; I am stuffed and a hot bath is looking mighty good right now! Couchie I am so glad you are going to NYC! Kim
  14. That was great! Off to the dentist and then wrapping and then grocery shopping...see you all some time tonight. Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone, 15 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 37 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. aikim... I had that happen once. It took all of 15 minutes to x-ray it and then when it was found all was well, to glue it back on. I've had no trouble since. Good luck! Are you???? Yep! I hope it is that easy! Kim
  17. I don't fucking believe this....I just had a crown fall out! I swear hubby is going to start thinking I am having an affair with our dentist I have been there so much in the past 2 months. Looks like I will be spending my Saturday with him instead of WFI! kim
  18. Well, I knew the man was mad talented...but I didn't expect this! Kim
  19. Friday is my normal off day from work anyway...but I am not making my weekly trip to the grocery store so the family will just have to eat what is in the fridge until I can. Right now I am cleaning...just finished my bathroom and now I have to get in my girls bathroom and clean that. Already cleaned the stove and have one load of laundry in. Haven't heard from hubby, so I don't know if he is on his way home or not...he has a normal 40 minute ride home but I imagine today it will be twice that. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, Couchie Glad to hear your mom is coming home and I do hope you can make your trip to NYC! :thbighug-1: Ldyj Glad you didn't lose your power; I think most of the snow went north. Isn't as bad here as I thought it was going to be. We are getting sleet and ice here; there is a tree branch laying in my driveway in front of DH's car. He took my car last night as he has a mustang which is not good in snow and ice. I am just glad the branch didn't hit his car. Looks like I won't be going anywhere today...I don't mind driving in snow, but I will not drive in ice. We are supposed to get more snow this week-end. 16 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 38 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Just back from the dentist; had to have a cavity filled. I think he gave me a double dose of novacaine...whole left side of my mouth is numb and my left nostril is dripping like crazy! Don't just love when they tell you to rinse out but you are so numb you just dribble everything down the front of you? Hopefully, this will be the last time I will have to see the inside of that office for 6 months. Good news is the snow has not started so I didn't have to drive in icky stuff. Now they are saying it should start around 7:00. Glad I am off of work tomorrow. Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, Couchie Glad to hear things are better with your Mom! I am here to have fun; there is enough drama in real life; don't need it in my fandom. When it gets to the point where I am spending more time worrying about Clay, his personal life, what is being said in the rags, etc. yada, yada...then I am out of here. Far as I can see he is very happy right now and to me that is the most important...the rest is just blather. 17 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 39 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Good Morning Everyone, Couchie Sending good thoughts and prayers for you and your mom. 18 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 40 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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