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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Bella I'm glad you liked my tree...been an Oz fan since I was a kid and we would wait for that one showing of the movie...we would always watch it at my Grandma's...I can remember all of us kids around her black and white TV...I collect Oz memorbilia and have quite a collection. Kim
  2. "twiddles thumbs" Just waiting for hubby to get home so he can drive me to work. He had to take my car to work last night; he has a mustang and knocked part of the exhaust yesterday hitting a snow bump. I really hate not having a car. Plus; we have run out of toilet paper and I can't even make a run to the store...would be nice if the family would tell me when we are down to one or two rolls....I know TMI, LOL! Don't I lead an exciting life! The sun is out and there are some birds at the bird feeder, that is always nice to see! Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, Love the stubble! Don't care if he says "We" Couchie Yay! for the new glasses! 33 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 55 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. I already saw ET, Clay's 15 minutes into the show...gosh, I just want to hug him! Kim
  5. Thanks...sorry you had a time at the dentist...not my favorite thing to do at all. I have an appointment coming up in a couple of weeks and I am dreading it because I have a tooth that has been bothering me...hope I don't need another one pulled. Ever since I had my teeth cleaned in June, I have been having problems...the hygienist was a bit enthusiastic in her cleaning. Glad you liked the tree! :thbighug-1: Kim
  6. Awe Luckiest1; I hope you don't lose your days...that really sucks. Thought I would share my little Wizard of Oz tree...with the puppy and cat we decided not put up the big tree, so I bought a 4 ft tree and put all my Oz ornaments on it. The book underneath the tree is The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L.F. Baum. I thought it turned out quite well! Kim
  7. Loved the video...I certainly needed that...put a smile on my face...think I may have to go watch it a few more times. Kim
  8. Can I just say I hate Mondays...not only did I have to deal with the snow this morning; but I wasn't at work 30 minutes when the Library Director yelled at me. I have been running our book sales for the last few years, going through donations and keeping the book room organized and I have been trying to weed out some of the old books that have been in the room forever. We are talking library discards that are probably 20 years old and she had a fit when she saw me bringing up a cart for the dumpster. Apparently she thinks these books will sell and in her words "it is not my call to make" as to what books go in the garbage. Excuse me, but if I am going to spending all this time working on book sales and organizing them, than I think I am qualified as to what books will sell or not. I have been doing this for at least 5 years. Just pissed me off...she never says thank you for all the work I am doing...has never come to a book sale or shown any appreciation...yeah, she is a bitch on wheels and I have decided I am done...she wants to sort books and keep the room organized, more power to her. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get that off my chest. Also found out that the husband of a co-worker passed away over the week-end; he had been ill for sometime so it was not unexpected, but that means I will being doing her job and mine while she is away...she is planning on being gone for a couple of weeks, but she is 72 and not in the best health herself and I am thinking this may spur her to finally retire. She should have done it long ago, but I think the job is a respite from all her personal troubles. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Off to watch Clay on ET...I peeked in a little at work, but now I can really enjoy it...and he looked gorgeous. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, It is a winter wonderland outside; looks very pretty while I am sitting here having my breakfast and catching...probably not so much when I have to get outside and clean off the car and get driving in it. DD's car has a radiator leak so I have to drive her to school, which means leaving a half hour early...I hate having to rush around in the morning. Don't forget ET tonight! 34 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 56 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. (bolding mine)...Yes I do! K'andre You rock! Kim
  11. Happy Birthday Clay! Your 20's may be over, but the "best is yet to come"...it really is, enjoy it! 1 Day until Clay is on ET! 35 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 57 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. No, no, no ...he said he didn't like BFM to make the fans feel better that it wasn't on the CD and that he didn't mind that someone else recorded it. Kim
  13. I think when Clay said he was bored with ATD that was in the middle of a tour when he had been singing it every night and I can imagine it would get boring singing the same song over and over again. Kim
  14. Heidiho Your right...you really do have to laugh at how predictable this fandom has become...the same people saying the same things they said in 2006. Didn't make a difference then and it is not going to make a difference now. It is what it is...you don't like covers, than don't buy the CD...simple as that...anything else is a waste of time. Kim
  15. I love ATDW...covers or not...doesn't matter to me as long as he is singing! I have no doubt the process leading up to ATDW was not pleasant, but I think he loved the songs and recording and singing them. At some point...those more vocal fans are going to have to accept the fact that Clay is never going to be a rock star, may never be a huge radio or recording star...he may very well end up with a career on Broadway. Makes it tough for those of who can't make it to NYC and our only chance of seeing him is when he tours...but I want him to be happy and do what makes him happy. Kim
  16. Be afraid...the natives are getting restless...looks like it is going to be a re-hash of the ATDW angst...I think I may go into hiding for a few days...this is not going to be pretty. Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until Clay's Golden Birthday! 2 Days until Clay is on ET! 36 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 58 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Another Carol Burnett, Sonny and Cher, etc. fan here...I would love to see the variety show make a comeback...but I honestly don't think Rosie was the right person; she is a very polarizing personality and I think she is much more suited to a show like The View! I know a cute singer man who would be perfect for the genre! Kim
  19. From Rosie's blog: Someone asked Rosie about whether there will be news about more episodes of her show. Rosie's answer was QUOTE there will b no more no ratings bad reviews yet still - a thrill 4 me
  20. No shopping here...except for a run to the grocery store for eggs, milk...the usual stuff I run out of . The turkey carcass is being made into stock...love after Thanksgiving turkey soup. Leftovers tonight since we have bowling and have to be out the door by 6:00...we will have the soup tomorrow. Re-watched Clay's parade appearance and yeah, the hair wasn't the best...if he is going to wear his hair short, he needs to go JBT short or let it grow out...I actually prefer longer hair on him...this style, not so much. But it was great seeing him and I love listening to him talk, especially about Parker. Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 37 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 59 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. I rest my case! I can see why you felt bashed, people do take things personally on a fan board. Why, some here ALWAYS assume every post with a differing opinion is meant just for them! :-O Anyway, why worry about the opinion of someone who hadn't, ya know, even watched the show? Totally irrelevant opinion! I skip 'em or just disregard them, it's easy! As a liberal non-homophobic Democrat, I had to agree with a lot that guy said. The jokes and politics talk were jarring, to me. I was hoping for more of a Carol Burnett type of thing. You know, what you said doesn't even make sense. I wasn't the one feeling attacked. I didn't think Kim's post was meant for me. SHE apparently thought MY post was meant as an attack on HER. SHE was the one mistaken. WHAT I SAID WAS NOT ABOUT KIM. IT WAS ABOUT THE REVIEW AND UNLESS SHE WROTE THE F**KING REVIEW IT WASN'T ABOUT HER AND SHE HAD NO RIGHT TO FEEL PERSONALLY BASHED. Unlike you, djs, who constantly with your not-so-subtle passive aggressiveness NEVER fails to take an opportunity to take a swipe at me and you have been doing that practically since the first day on this board and I am getting VERY tired of it. Grow up. To everyone else, HAPPY TOFURKEY DAY! Since I said I agreed with that review 100%; than yeah, I would assume whatever you thought about the reviewer you would also think about me, so yes, I was offended. But you know what, it is Thanksgiving...the turkey is smelling yummy and I need to start on my side dishes. Have a good one! Kim
  23. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Thanksgiving! 3 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 38 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 60 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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