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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 5 Days until Clay is "coming clean" on ET! 29 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 64 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 88 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. I noticed Bookwhore; I was just thinking today that I had not seen you here in a while. We've had about 8 trick or treaters so far...it takes two to hand out candy...one to give out the candy and one to hold the dog back...he is 5 months old but he weighs 20 pounds and barks at every little noise...glad I am not going to be home tonight, LOL! Kim
  3. It was reported there was a camera crew at the Shubert the other night; maybe we will get some current pictures of Parker! Kim
  4. It is Halloween, it is 70 degrees and it is Chicago...what is wrong with this picture? I cannot believe how gorgeous it is out today...I have all my windows open! Normally it is cold and rainy and some years we have snow! Hubby and I have bowling tonight (no I am not wearing a costume) so the kids get to hand out treats although we haven't had many trick or treaters in the last few years. Given that it is so nice out and it is a Friday night, maybe we will have more. We are having sloppy joes and french fries for dinner tonight and this morning I made 3 loaves of homemade raisin bread...so we are set for breakfast this week-end. Loving all the Halloween graphics and pictures! Kim
  5. I would imagine Clay doing the stagedoor is dictated by the weather and whether or not he has plans after a show...so I wouldn't say he is totally done doing them but as we move into November and December, I would imagine he would be doing less of them. Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 30 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 65 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 87 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. That banner actually made me gasp when I logged on....good job Cindilu! Kim
  8. Clay and Jaymes really do make a beautiful couple (and beautiful babies!) Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Congrats to the Phillies and their fans...I've resigned myself that I will never see my Cubs in a World Series in my lifetime...yeah, I am still a tad bitter about this season...so tired of waiting for "next year". 31 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 66 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 88 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 32 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 67 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 89 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. jtgranny's EIDN...Go...Download....Now...It is in the CV Vault...Good Lord...that man is going to kill us all when he sings that song in concert. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, CG Sorry about the game last night but if you want to talk about curses, try being a Cub fan; I have resigned myself to the fact that I will never see the Cubs in a World Series in my lifetime. 33 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 68 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 90 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Bella I am sure you will do fine...I am one of those cooks that always makes more than I need...I figure better to have too much than not enough. The cookies are done and frosted and quite yummy! We have a 5-month old puppy; part beagle and part terrier but he looks all beagle. He weighs 20 pounds already and sure knows how to pull on the heartstrings...the whole time I am in the kitchen baking he is right next me...crying and looking at me with those big sad beagle eyes begging for a cookie...I finally couldn't stand it and gave him a burnt, unfrosted one...I know, bad Mommy...I have no willpower. I think I will have to make him some dog biscuits so he can have his own "cookies". Kim
  14. Cookies are all done...just need to frost them now...I made pumpkins in honor of Halloween! Loved the video on the Broadway site! Kim
  15. Note to self: When you decide to bake cookies...turn the oven ON...they tend to bake a lot faster that way! Slaps self upside the head Annabear Great quote! Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Birthday Cindilu! 34 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 69 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 91 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 35 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 70 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 92 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Cindilu I am not sure if your remark was aimed at my post or not, but I was not scolding you...just making a general observation of posts I have seen across the boards. Like I said, it surprised me because the impression I got was that most fans were happy to see him at this event. Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, It was reported at the OFC that Clay is a member of The Friar's Club. I am really surprised at some of the reactions I am seeing on the boards because I remember when it was announced that Clay was going to be there; it was lauded as a great career move and an honor. These roasts are known for being raunchy and I fully expected Clay to get his share of put-downs...and I bet he did too. He is not that naive, young boy anymore...he is a grown man and quite capable of taking care of himself in these situations...Clay makes his career decisions based on the knowledge he has of the industry and I find it rather fascinating to see where he shows up. Really looking forward to the future after Spamalot. But yeah, definately not my type of humor. 36 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 71 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 93 Days until Golfing for Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Info on the Friar's Roast...couple of Clay jokes included (i.e. jokes about Clay)...raunchy as to be expected: http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared..._lauers_roa.php Kim
  21. Clay looked great! And yeah, "Singer and Actor Clay Aiken" has a very loverly ring to it! Kim
  22. I just got gas this morning and it was $2.99 a gallon. The other day I got my husband's 401K statement in the mail and it had actually gone up...I was expecting the worst and was pleasantly surprised. My husband has two more years to work and then he will have 30 years in the company and will be able to retire (he works for Frito-Lay)...looking forward to it, but I am also worried that they may try to push him out before then or that the benefits we are counting on may not be there. Hubby doesn't think we have anything to worry about...he never worries about anything...kind of ticks me off at times. Even though we are both working, we are still living paycheck to paycheck and I have to scrimp and save...coupons are my friends at the grocery store and I have cut down on extras, don't buy a lot of snacks...besides homemade cookies and such are better anyway. What really annoys me is that the size of boxes and containers are getting smaller, but they are charging the same prices or more...do manufacturer's really think we are that gullible and can't tell? It will be interesting to see how much money will be spent at Christmas this year...I know I will be cutting back. But that said, I always try and remember that there are people worse off than I am and to count my blessings...we may not be rich but we have a roof over our heads, and food on the table and life in general is pretty good! Looks like the Roast will be covered on ET tonight and Access Hollywood and The Today Show will have highlights on Monday. Kim
  23. Good Morning Everyone, "Matt Lauer's Roasting is Down To The Wire, Breathlessly Waiting for Clay Aiken's Prose...." (My apologies to all Christmas Song lovers everywhere; but it just got stuck in my head and I had to paraphrase...anyone care to continue?) Ahem... 3 Days until Clay is getting Wicked! 37 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! 72 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 94 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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