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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, The wedding was absolutely beautiful; my DD3 has all the pictures on her camera so as soon as I can get her out of bed, I will have her upload some so I can post them. We had to be at the church by noon for pictures; they decided to take all the pictures before the wedding rather than after; so no traditional "not seeing the bride until wedding"; but it really was a good idea...less hectic afterward. No major glitches during the ceremony; just a song out of order, but no big deal. I made it down the aisle without tripping, LOL...I was ushered in by the groom and of course, the first thing he said to me was "don't cry"...only got sniffly twice...when Mark was walking her down the aisle and then at the end when they went to both parents with flowers and to get hugs. And then of course, outside I went over to see my MIL and she was crying which got me going. Emily looked beautiful and very happy (actually, I think more relieved that it was finally over; it has been a busy 5 months!) The happy couple left the church in the groom's parent's corvette which was very classy and again, so non-traditional. The reception was two hours after the service so we went to my sister's house who lived close by and had a nice time visiting with everyone. I had not seen my one sister in 4 years, so it was nice to have us all together again. A fun time was had by all at the reception; high heels came off as soon as I got there and then more visiting and catching up. The Daddy/Daughter dance was "I Loved Her First" by Heartland sniff.gif I got my one slow dance for the year with my hubby (he does not dance) and then just watched everyone else having a good time. No Clay except they played "When I See You Smile"...not by him and whoever sang it was not very good. But everyone had a great time...it just flies by so fast. We will be heading out to the happy couple's house this afternoon to bring Trixie (her dog) back to her...she was at our house yesterday with a sitter. It will be nice to sit and talk without the constant interruptions and loud music. Have caught up as much as I can with the Spamalot news; sounds like a good time was had by all and he looked wonderful. Very happy and I think, very relaxed...you can really tell a difference between the pictures now and the ones the first time around...still haven't watched any clack, but I will get to that soon! Thanks for all the well-wishes! Kim
  2. gbmifan Best of luck to you tomorrow! It is supposed to be 80 and sunny here also, perfect! I am wondering if one of the reasons for the shorter hair is that it may have been dried out and damaged from all the dyeing and he needed to cut it to get it back in shape...or maybe shorter is easier under the wigs? But it grows fast and I am sure in a couple of weeks he will look totally different. Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, Well, tonight's the night; Rehearsal Dinner and then the big day tomorrow; I can't believe how fast it got here. Have a million things to do today! Oh, yeah and I seem to remember there is a Play premiere tonight...Clay Aiken in Spamalot, right? I will have to catch up after the dinner; I am sure I will be quite wound up and not ready to sleep for a while. Regarding the hair, while I like the long hair, I wonder if his hair was getting dried out and damaged from all the coloring and it was necessary to cut it to get it back in shape...or maybe shorter is easier under the wig. 8 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 29 Days until The BAF Gala! 35 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Well... I like baseball, but I have to admit, it's not my favorite sport. I am a fan, they're the hometown team for me after all, and I follow what's going on but not "closely"... I much prefer to crawl into a comfy chair with a good book... Omigosh, I think I found my twin...I never met a book I didn't like...although I am partial to Stephen King. Kim
  5. I'm in Milwaukee. And yes, flowers! If I'm going to indulge, I'm going for broke!!! And love the pics - he looks good... You wouldn't by any chance be a Brewers fan would you? They sure aren't going to let the Cubs walk away with the Division. Kim
  6. Clay at the premiere of A Tale of Two Cities...finally we have pictures! http://photo.wenn.com/index.php?ref=tale%2...908&version
  7. Whereabouts in the Midwest are you? Would you like a corner piece of cake with flowers? Kim
  8. Jazzgirl Sorry you are have to replace so many appliances; I hope your insurance with cover some of the cost. "slides over a large piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk". Oh and I had to laugh at the chocolate malt-o-meal, my hubby's favorite breakfast is coco wheats! And I am counting on several slow dances with my hubby at the wedding on Saturday. Kim
  9. Okay, I walked in the door and what do I see waiting for me on the kitchen counter; an anniversary card and..... A CHOCOLATE DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE! Of course this is hubby's favorite cake and of course, he works nights so he will be going to bed at 6:00 p.m.....so, it will be just me and the cake tonight...this is not good people! Okay, who wants to come over and help me eat this cake! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Birthday Ldyj! Today is my 26th wedding anniversary; in all the wedding excitement I almost forgot about it; doesn't seem possible that so much time has gone by and now our daughter is getting married. No plans tonight, but maybe a special dance at the wedding reception. I had sent Emily the video of Something About Us with the Obamas several weeks ago and she has not mentioned it to me. I figure either she listened to it and thought it was really cheesy; didn't listen to it at all or listened to it and is going to surprise me by playing it at the wedding. I am hoping for the latter, but trying not to get my hopes up. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tuck a copy of OMWH into my purse. 1 Day until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam" 9 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 30 Days until The BAF Gala! 36 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. MEMO To: All Gawkers, Stagedoor Groupies; residents of NYC From: The Clayma...er....Clay Nation Re: Cameras Effectively immediately, it is imperative that you have a camera in your possession at all times...we have had two sightings of a certain Clay Aiken and thus far have no photos to back up said sightings. We need these photos to verify: Hair Color Hair...Long, short, spikes, parted down the middle, on the side (which side) bangs, no bangs (you get the picture) Shirt...is it a button down (and if so how many buttons are open), stripes or no stripes Jacket Pants Shoes (are toes visible or not?) Glasses Jewelry of any kind (especially pay close attention to the left ring finger) Pants Now, this is especially important...if there is any female in the vicinity of Clay Aiken (and especially if they are holding hands, have their arms around each other and especially if there is any lip contact...) WE MUST HAVE PICTURES! Ahem... Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. (Please read all disclaimers attached to this memo with regards to any interaction with bodyguard (okay one, very large bodyguard) police (our bail fund is earmarked for events commencing this week-end) and any lost or damaged equipment)
  12. And just to add to the speculation: Not a fan of the spikes; I am going with he showered after rehearsal, gelled his hair and ran his hands through it...thus the spikes. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! 10 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 31 Days until The BAF Gala! 37 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! 11 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 32 Days until The BAF Gala! 38 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. The only thing 4-6 week old babies are concerned with is getting fed and getting changed...I don't think they are that aware of their surroundings; I would think it would be much easier to travel with him at this age; rather than when he is older. And, I truly cannot see Clay spending 4 months in NYC without his son. Kim
  16. You mean like, oh, the whole last month? Sadly...the Baseball Gods only listen to so many hexes per season and respond to even fewer. --- Just make sure you keep your hexes on the south side of Chicago... Kim
  17. Hi all, Finished up the last of the wedding gifts today; so I think I am ready for Saturday...maybe...might have to check my list again to be sure. Congrats on the Condo Annabear! Glad to see everyone checking in; hope power is restored soon to those without. Off to dig something up for dinner. Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 4 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!" 12 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 33 Days until The BAF Gala! 39 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Have to give a shout out to my Cubbies...Carlos Zambrano just no-hit Houston in Milwaukee...first no-hitter for the Cubs since Milt Pappas in 1972. I was so nervous, I couldn't even watch the 9th inning; just paced around the kitchen until it was over! , :thbighug-1: to all the Houston fans. Kim
  20. I feel the same way...I just think a lot of fans had fantasies about the way Clay's career and his life were going to be and are just really disappointed that it hasn't turned out the way they hoped and just need to blame someone or something...for some it is RCA, for some it is Jaymes and I think for a select few, Clay himself. I am just enjoying this ride and look forward to where it is going to take us; Clay is an enigma and endlessly fascinating and I think this fandom would be pretty boring if he wasn't. Kim
  21. I never said there were fans who hated Jaymes; but I do think there are fans who dislike her, blame her for ATDW and the low sales of OMWH and generally feel like she is holding Clay back...I have seen posts referencing the above...but I also think there are fans who are just plain angry about the way Clay's career has gone and need someone to blame and Jaymes has become the "it " girl " in that regards. Kim
  22. I have an extra pair of shoes too...have a pair of ballerina flats to wear at the reception, no way am I going to be wearing heels all day. Keeping everything crossed that the weather clears up by Saturday. Sounds like you are going to be busy; I am not having anyone stay at my house; but I guess I should get it clean just in case. My hubby picks up his tux on Thursday. Kim
  23. The rain has finally stopped here in the southern suburbs of Chicago; just a little windy right now and it is cooling off...it has been so muggy! Kim
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