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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Thanks aikim, I will do my best, but sometimes my brain just has a daylong senior moment......... Have no idea where my mind was this morning;! :lmaosmiley-1: Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, Iseeme So sorry about your MIL, she sounded like a great lady. I have my girls newborn pictures on the wall in the living room; the ones taken at the hospital and I think they are pretty photogenic; no wrinkles and they all have their eyes open. Baby #2 is even sticking her tongue out at the camera! Glad to hear our "Happy Wanderers" made it to Hong Kong safely! I hope what happens in Hong Kong doesn't stay in Hong Kong! I want hear all! 27 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"!! 35 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 56 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great idea! Kim
  3. Thanks everyone for all your favorites; I have a terrible memory when it comes to interviews; so this has been a great trip down memory lane. I think I may have to go download some of those and re-watch! Kim
  4. Did they have a direct flight from Newark to Hong Kong or was there a stop in between? Kim
  5. oops! Looks like I misunderstood; it probably was the sandwich story he told on Leno. Kim
  6. Pardon my denseness . . . What Leno thing?? Oh - Good morning . . . woke up with sinus headache - ugh - and last day the Myrtle Beach Dream Dinners will be open. Too bad the grocery store doesn't realize they are getting rid of the best, most unique, friendliest part of their store. pffft! Please pardon my Whine, as well, this morning. It's pouring rain and I just finished baking cookies to take to the store as a goodbye to the girls I've enjoyed working with since the end of March. *snif* Leno...When he was on with Jack Black and they were talking about singing the "Yes that is my Baby" song. Jack sang it and then Clay came out and said he was going to sing the extended version. Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, I see Jazzgirl popped her head in last night; hope to see you around here more often! :thbighug-1: 28 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! 36 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 57 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Nah, just a plain old Ace rent-a-car; but spent an hour on the the phone with Visa to get an okay to up our credit limit so we could actually rent the car (don't ask, suffice to say this was a few years ago when our credit card was getting a heavy workout). We were in NJ for my Godparents 50th Wedding Anniversary and I really did not want to call the family and tell them we were stranded in Newark because "just charge it" had become our rallying cry! It all worked out in the end; we got the car, made the celebration and paid off the credit card and are now much more responsible charge card users. Lesson learned. Kim
  9. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to our Happy Wanderers! We have a connection, I have been to Newark Airport and it was not a pleasant experience...good thing you don't need to rent a car! Kim
  10. Welcome Preden! I love Thursday afternoons because I am off on Fridays; so it just means it is closer to the week-end! They finally finished tearing up the old tile around lunchtime and so mercifully we had a quieter and less smelly afternoon, but then the AC must not have been working because it was very warm in the library and just sticky. I was walking around looking for missing items and by the time I finished I was actually sweating. Off to get a shower and then dinner. Kim
  11. "raises hand"...As prolific a reader as I am, I have never read the Green Gable books...not sure why I didn't when I was younger; guessing I will have to look into getting some copies; I know we have them all here in the library. Speaking of the library, they are re-tiling the floor in the office next to me and between the noise and the smell of burning tile adhesive and the acetylne torches they are using; I have a headache and am feeling pretty nauseous. Think it is time to inventory the shelves so I can walk around a bit and get away from my desk for a while. Muski Have a great vacation! I also have a best Clay buddy that I met on the boards and it is really scary all that we have in common; she only lives about 10 minutes from me and I probably never would have met her if it wasn't for Clay. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, 29 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 37 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 58 Days until The BAF Gala! Bon Voyage Scarlett and K'Andre! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. 60 Degrees is my kind of weather...although I guess in the summer it would feel cold. Kim
  14. Have a wonderful trip Scarlett and K'Andre and a safe one! Can't wait to hear all about it. Kim
  15. Hi Underthespell;nice to see you here! And I see Ashleysgram lurking down below...come out and play! Kim
  16. Love all the Mom and babies pictures; one of these days I may figure out how to use the scanner on my printer and subject you all to a photo of myself...maybe after the wedding! Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 30 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 38 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 59 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. kf Looking good! Cotton I am so sorry...that really stinks! :F_05BL17blowkiss: My husband collects albums...I would guess maybe a couple of hundred now. The cover art really is art...some of them are really worth framing...maybe some day when we have the room (i.e when the rest of the kids move out!). Kim
  19. djs Clay has sung Sweet Baby James in concert, I believe it was the NAT Tour...they did a medley of James Taylor songs. Kim
  20. Newborn stories....DD#1 was colicky and was also born with a urinary tract infection; add to that a very painful episiotomy incision and constipation and the first couple of weeks were pretty much a blur of pain, exhaustion, praying the baby would just sleep and that I could poop! Did you ever try giving medicine to a newborn? A lot easier than trying to get a urine sample. My mom was a nurse and cam over to show me how to get it, but I never could get the hang of it...finally just took her to the doctor and told them to do it! After that I never thought I would have more kids, but 3 more followed. Never had any help with the kids; but after a while you get the hang of things and later 3 were all good sleepers so that helped. Came home from the hospital with baby #4; MIL was watching them, she left. House was in a chaotic mess; I was exhausted; kids were running around playing; baby was sleeping and I thought I would just rest on the couch when hubby comes in and actually asks me what is for dinner? I think I threw something at him and then told him to order pizza. He got a vasectomy shortly after that (no I didn't use the pizza cutter; it was several months later; used a doctor and everything!, LOL!) Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, 31 Days until "Spam, Wonderful. Spam" 39 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 60 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Speaking of babies; Emily called me the other day and asked me to gather up some pictures of her from birth through the present; they are going to be doing a video montage at the reception (note to self: just bring the whole damn kleenix box!). So I dragged out all the photo albums; must have at least a dozen, not to mention photo boxes; and spent the afternoon yesterday going through them. It was a fun trip down memory lane and I was a good Mom and didn't pull any naked baby pictures out or ones of her sitting on the potty chair! So of course this reminded me of Clay and Parker and all he has to look forward to...first haircut, first steps, first teeth...I remember how excited I was when she first turned over. Still have more pictures to go though...those awkward teen-age years and high school! Kim
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