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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 18 Days until The BAF Gala! 24 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! 61 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Not crazy at all because I had the same thought; it hit me the first time I saw the interview and then again this morning when I re-watched...just the way he was grinning...like I know something you don't know. Then again, in the People interview he talked about Jaymes dating and that any prospective date needed to understand the dynamic between the two of them, but didn't mention himself dating, so who knows? Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 19 Days until The BAF Gala! 25 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! 62 Days until Clay's Golden Birthday! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. I am a Food Network junkie and actually liked Paula when she first came on the scene; but now she has become such a caricature of herself that I find I can't watch her anymore. She actually wasn't too bad with Clay, but once he was done, I lost interest. Rachael Ray...I can only take her in small doses...way too perky for me. Kim
  5. Couchie at counting down the end of free speech at the OFC! I really am trying to understand that people have religious issues with regards to homosexuality, but believing it is a choice just seems to illogical to me. Why would anyone choose a lifestyle with all its inherent societal ramifications...I mean, people have been killed for being gay. This is just something that has been baffling me and I hope I haven't offended anyone by asking the question. Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, Love the banner! So glad to hear Clay did the stagedoor, can't wait to see video! 20 Days until The BAF Gala! 26 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Clay loves his fans...and he has always been in tune to what the fans want from him; we have had endless discussions about what songs he should sing; what we want to see him do in concert...I mean the fans have not exactly been subtle about their fantasies, dreams and wishes. When he is grinding with Angela in concert it is because the fans wanted that; we wanted to see Clay being sexy and flirty...how many times have the fans posted that they wanted to see Clay be romantic with a woman...whether it be on screen or in a music video or real life...so we get the Tyra kiss. During the JBT he did stump the band so we could hear him sing songs that we have all been wishing he would sing...remember the night he sang WAMLAW? He has always been about pleasing the fans and trying to make the concert experience the best possible...for 5 years he has been fullfilling the fantasies of his fans because we asked him to. Kim
  8. So sad to hear about Paul Newman; not unexpected, but sad nevertheless. My favorite of his movies was Cool Hand Luke..."what we have here is a failure to communicate"...sometimes I think we should adopt that as the Claynation's official slogan, "g". While I will agree that Jaymes may not have been as diplomatic as she could have been in the thread, I can understand where she was coming from and what she was trying to accomplish...but I also have to say that there are some fans who have never liked Jaymes since day 1; who still blame her for ATDW and feel that she has been a detriment to Clay's career and are not happy that she will be in Clay's life permanently because of the baby. For those people, no matter what she said over at the OFC, they would have a problem with it. I suspect that Clay probably asked her to monitor the thread since he is working and to maybe clarify things if possible, but she is a woman and a new mother and I can totally understand her protecting those she loves. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Clay is Partying with Paula tonight! 6:00 for those in the central time zone! 21 Days until The BAF Gala! 27 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until Clay is Partying With Paula! 22 Days until The BAF Gala! 28 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. I am seriously thankful I still have a job...I was so bad today...I am loving Jaymes...it was nuts trying to keep up on the board and I saw a lot of familiar faces over there that I haven't there before... waves to K'andre and Couchie and Luckiests1!. And a big :thbighug-1: to luckiests1! I can see now why Clay loves Jaymes so much and why he loves her...they really are soulmates and they make beautiful babies...hope they have more! Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 23 Days until The BAF Gala! 29 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. I posted this at the OFC and thought I would share it here: I think the timing of Clay's announcement was perfect...let me explain. According to the People article he has known since he was 18 but told no one...he held on to that secret for 7 years until 2003 when he told Kim Locke and it took him another year to tell his mother. Another year after that to tell Brett, that takes us to 2005. He said his mother was still struggling...can you imagine what it must have been like for her? You found out your son is gay...you are adjusting to that news and your own feelings and before you even have a chance to let it all sink in and the ramifications it is in the tabloids...suddenly the most vile things are being said about your son; it becomes a running joke for the late night comedians, and dj's. How she must have hurt for him and he for her and Brett and the rest of his family. And think of Clay when the gnats crap hit fan; he is trying to deal with his family accepting the news and now he has to deal with outraged fans...fans trying to understand and wondering if he will have a career at all...and still trying to accept it himself and what it meant for his life and career....The Weight of The World must have been on his shoulders indeed. In 2006 we discover that he is on Paxil...he must have been struggling mightily and I am so happy that he has friends like Angie, Jerome and Quiana by his side and Jamie and Jesse. I don't think we will ever know how difficult the last 4 years have been for him. But in all that we were his constant; we believed and loved him and he believed in us and he trusted us to have faith in him and his decisions even if we didn't understand them...how could he tell us when he was still trying to accept it himself. And then there was Jaymes...someone who came into his life in 2005...who believed in his talent...who defended him during the first JNT...who was there for the battles with Clive over ATDW and stuck by him and helped him get that CD made when he probably wanted to chuck the whole thing. Go re-read the linear notes for ATDW and his thank you to her; that says so much. So they decided to have a baby together, a baby they both wanted very badly even though they knew there would be snickers and gossip and more questions and concerns. But in the end, the chance at parenthood won out and in the midst of all this comes Spamalot. Broadway... a very special place, with very special people who embraced Clay and showed him respect and love and I think he found a home there and realized that he could be his real self there...they saw The Real Me that is Clay Aiken and they accepted him...it was like everything was falling into place. He had acceptance in the business and a role of a lifetime that he was born to play and now a son and the love for that son showed him that it was time allow the world to see his real self...did he lie and mislead...to an extent...but long before there were any fans involved...he was lying and misleading himself...have the fans suffered some embarrassment for defending him and believing him to be straight...sure they did...but compared to what that man has endured his whole life...a drop in the bucket. It has taken him 30 years to find Clay Aiken and I love who he is. Kim
  14. The timing may not have been right, but I honestly cannot see him doing this while Jaymes was pregnant; obviously the baby was uppermost in his mind...not the fans or whether he should come out before or after OMWH. Actually, I think this was the perfect time; I think having Parker safe and healthy with him while making this announcement; somewhat softened it and really put it all into context. I believe Clay thought this out very carefully. Just me or does anyone else find it ironic that are board name is Finding Clay Aiken; something it seems Clay has been doing for a long time. I truly love that man! Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone, Woke up about 2 this morning and decided to check the boards and saw that Clay had posted...we are truly blessed to have him in our lives. Then I saw the GMA promo; he is the Daddy I imagined him to be and I cannot wait until the interview. 3 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 24 Days until The BAF Gala! 30 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Ironically, before this all happened, I had just made a post on another board wishing Clay would spill his guts and tell all to just end the speculation once and for all, looks like I got my wish. You know, I have been a big Jaymes/Clay shipper but always in the back of my mind was thought that he could be gay...the possibility has always been there. Back when LTS came out and he talked about his religion and leaving church for awhile and the thought crossed my mind that it had something to with the gay issue...can't imagine; coming from his background, what a struggle he must have been having. Some fans believe he has lied to us and feel betrayed...but perhaps he was also lying to himself...maybe it has taken him this long to come to terms with it himself. Then there was his family...again refer to LTS and the comments Aunt Diane said regarding him being on the Ellen D. show...when you have family that has strong feelings about homosexuality, how do you approach that? Whatever the reasons, this has probably been a long journey for him and yet looking at the picture of him and Parker, I see a very happy man, a man at peace and in the end that is all that matters. Yes, he will probably lose fans; but he will probably also gain fans, but maybe in the end, his peace of mind was more important. Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is telling his story on GMA! 4 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 25 Days until The BAF Gala! 31 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Hi all, Thank you for the birthday wishes and Claymatron my husband's birthday is Sept. 29 so from the 18th on next year it is going to be party central at my house! Looking forward to the interview; since Clay said in his blog that they were figuring out a way to introduce us to Parker, I am going to assume that he is part of the reason for the interview. The circumstances in 2006 were so different; trying to put together a CD that kept getting changed, dealing with Clive and then the gnats issues which took over his CD promotion...he had made it pretty clear that his private life was private...but being out of the public eye for so long, he couldn't ignore it and it had to be dealt with. I never thought the GMA interview was that bad; I am sure it was comfortable for him but since we have never heard him talk about it; I never bought into the theory that he was unhappy with the editing and would not do an interview with Diane again. I think there is always a tendency for fans to project their own feeling onto Clay; we hated a particular interview so he must too. I think a lot of fans hated that interview because he didn't say what they wanted him to say and I am sure it will be the same this time if he isn't forthright. The last couple of years were difficult and now he appears to be in a much happier place and maybe feels more comfortable discussing his private life...Jaymes and Parker. And no he doesn't need to, but he also knows that the fans have a lot of questions and maybe wants to provide closer for those who are still on the fence. I imagine this interview will will either settle things for those who aren't sure about their fandom or confirm things that were suspected or hoped for; but I also think there are fans who are scared that he may confirm things that they don't want to deal with...I think we may need hard hats on Thursday and Friday for all the exploding heads...but either way, I think it is a good thing and hope it will put the baby issue to rest and perhaps we will get some further career news. Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, Thank you for the birthday wishes; in all the wedding excitement; I actually forgot my birthday was today! I am still unbelievably exhausted from the week-end; probably should have taken a day off just to rest. We ended up going to my sister's house yesterday to visit and re-hash the wedding; another sister was in from Pennsylvania, so we had a nice visit. Its been about 4 years since I had seen that sister and it was nice having us all together. 5 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 26 Days until The BAF Gala! 32 Days until Clay is Roasting Matt Lauer! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. I don't know why she didn't smile; her teeth looked beautiful; she had them whitened and also had some work done on her front tooth; she had fallen when she was about 7 or 8 and broke her front tooth and even though it was capped; the dead tooth at the base had been graying and she hated to smile because of the way it looked. I'll have to see if there are any pictures of her smiling. Kim
  21. They did take pictures at the reception, but all the church pictures were before the wedding; unfortunately, my husband's parents could not make it there before the wedding; so only got pictures at the reception. Kim
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