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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, Big old word to djs and Jamar ! 22 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! ! 30 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 51 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Hee! I hate that term too...like nails on a chalkboard to me. But I agree; it will be good for him to play to potential fans instead of just the regulars. Kim
  3. Oh Happy Day! My freezer is fixed. Same repairman that came out Monday only this time he actually took the freezer apart and it turns out the coils were clogged and he had to empty out all the freon, clean everything up and put back together. Why he didn't do this on Monday, I have no idea, would have saved me a lot of aggravation. Welcome to all the newbies and lurkers! Off to make dinner. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone: 23 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam" 31 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 52 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. I hope K'andre and Scarlett are not in the market for hair bands! Apparently, China is using used condoms to make them! http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/hairband.asp Kim
  6. Actually, that was my hubby's first thought...thankfully, I don't have that much in the freezer right now...good thing I have a family that likes to eat! Kim
  7. The saga of the fridge continues... Hubby was supposed to call for service again today if it was not working properly (which it is not); so I get home from work and find out he did not call...he thought he would "wait another day"...you do not want to know what I was mumbling under my breath. So, I decide to call myself and he tells me I won't get a real person, they don't give you an option; I had a real person in about two minutes...tell her the problem and her suggestion? Unplug and plug in the fridge and see if that solves the problem...that seems to be a universal fix; they always tell me that when I have computer or satellite dish problems. So, hubby unplugs the fridge while I am on the phone and we wait...then after 30 seconds she asks me if the setting dials flashed...I say no, the setting dials are in the fridge and we did not have the door open. She then asks if we can hear a fan running, I say no and then she asks me if we have the doors open by any chance. By this time I am biting my tongue not to go off on her. Finally she says she will have a service guy out tomorrow...great that is what I wanted to begin with. I hang up with her and the fridge is still not running, no fan...and the thermometer in the freezer is now registering 40 degrees...so it seems all the unplugging and plugging in did was make it worse. At this point, I am ready to cry....hubby decides to try one more thing...he turns the temp dials to zero, turns off the fridge for 30 seconds and then turns it back...heavenly days, the fan is on! Keeping fingers and toes crossed this works at least until the service guy gets here tomorrow! Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, 24 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 32 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 53 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. aikim, despite how your day has gone today, I wanted to say how inspirational I found your culinary recap from upthread. Almost makes me want to dig out a cookbook *almost* As for expensive purses, I generally agree that they are an indulgence, except that I am a Coach groupie, but of the "classics", not the newer fabric stuff. I love the leather styles from the 1990s and fortunately bought a lot back then and am blissfully happy in my leather Coach bag time warp. The stuff wears well and I may actually have a lifetime supply given that I wear the bags until they fall apart! Actually it turned out quite good although I think I should have cooked the pasta longer and thankfully I have a husband who enjoys my experimentations. Purses...no preference, but when I find one I like I usually carry it until it falls apart. Kim
  10. Thanks so much annabear! Funny about the cat, but it kind of makes sense...I notice there are some people whose voices I find grating so I imagine it would be the same with animals and cats have pretty sensitive ears. Kim
  11. Glad to hear your aunt is doing better, Scarlett! :F_05BL17blowkiss: (whew, I didn't kill the thread after all!) Kim
  12. Not been a good day at the Aikim's... My DD #3 took the puppy out for a walk and on the way back, the neighbor's dog was out (said neighbor never leashes the dog) and it ran across the street at our dog, growling, scaring the poor puppy almost to death. No harm done, but If I had been home, I would have given the neighbor a piece of my mind, still might. DD#2 opened the window in the bedroom which we had asked her not to until we can get the hole fixed in it...somehow the cat managed to squeeze through the hole and get outside. They did not notice until they heard a noise by the front door and saw the cat hanging off the screen by her two front paws. Apparently being outside was not all it was cracked up to be. Had the repair man out today to look at my fridge which is not freezing properly...we have only had the fridge 8 months and I am still paying on it. Apparently this repair man didn't have a clue. Hubby said he hooked the fridge up to his laptop to run a diagnostic and could not find anything wrong...so how come my ice cream is soup? Replaced the compressor motor and told us to wait 24 hours to see if the temperature stablizes. In the meantime I have a roast and about 6 pounds of chicken breasts in the freezer (there was a sale) that I may have to cook if this doesn't get resolved. He also turned the temp in the fridge and freezer down. Don't understand that at all. Like I said, good think I was at work today; it would not have been pretty. Loving your travel log K'andre; hope we hear from Scarlett ssoon! Kim
  13. I don't watch DWTS anyway, but the whole thing sounds like a real snoozefest. Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 25 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 33 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 54 Days until The BAF GALA! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. It must be a day for experimenting; I made fresh pasta today; rolled it out; stuffed it with a mixture of spinach and ricotta cheese; rolled it up...boiled for twenty minutes...cooled than sliced and put it a pan with bechamel sauce and parmesan cheese to bake. Kind of time consuming but I hope it is worth it...should be done in a bit. Kim
  16. FromClaygary Sounds really fun and btw...huge Stephen King fan here too; would love to see pictures of his house. Kim
  17. bwah at least you know your countdown is read!! That is too funny. My idea is that we all rent that bus and take 2 months off from work and follow Clay around on his next tour, maintaining 100 feet distance so we can't be arrested for stalking. Did I used to think Dirty Dancing was good. Geesh, it's sooooo cheesy..and not the good kind. Now, that sounds like fun. I may be old, but "I'm Not Dead Yet". Sounds like fun to me too! I post the countdown over at CV and not one person noticed the typo...either they are not reading them or not paying attention! Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 26 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam" 34 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 55 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great DAY! Kim
  19. How about "Yummy Yummy Yummy I've Got Love in My Tummy"?? :lmaosmiley-1: Great song (I just posted it above you!) Kim
  20. Well, if you want really silly love songs.... Yummy, Yummy, Yummy She's Sixteen Sugar, Sugar I Think I Love You Kim
  21. Uhhhh....I don't think we really know that. I tend to think that Clay is a lighthearted person, in general. It's just easier to express other emotions in song. And I don't think that OMWH is sooooo very loaded with angst. It's more about hope and growth. But that's JMO, of course. I agree that Clay is a light-hearted person and enjoys having a good time and goofing around...but I do think he had some pretty tough times in the last 5 years. I actually have never thought of OMWH as a depressing CD or the songs as depressing; hope and growth is a good way to put it. Kim
  22. When Clay talked about OMWH before it was released he said it was a reflection of the last 5 years of his life; while there may have been some lighthearted times over the last 5 years; the majority of it has been difficult...the battles with RCA, the tabloid crap; his issues that resulted in him taking paxil, and who knows what else...we are not privy to all the goings on in his life. Now we know that there was also the attempt at conceiving a child which could have taken a couple of years. I think this was a CD that Clay needed to do for himself; I think it was cathartic for him...sort ridding himself of all his old burdens and disappointments before a new beginning, that new beginning being Parker. I think the next CD we see will be totally different and much more light-hearted to reflect his new life; new direction in his career and maybe his own personal happiness that must be through the roof now. He really has come through the fire as the song says. Kim
  23. Note to self: Make sure you preview post before you hit submit! Kim
  24. My mother used to hang out clothes to dry all the time; my MIL still does. I would love to but the area I live in does not allow clothes lines ( I live in a mobile home park and I guess they think it would interfere with the asthetics of the park, LOL!). My MIL never had a dryer until about 10 years ago when they moved. She would hang clothes in the basement to dry. Kim
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