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Everything posted by aikim

  1. New picture of Clay and Hannah from Hannah's website...speculation that this was taken on her closing night. Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 14 Days (2 weeks!) until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!" 22 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 43 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Yep, this Saturday also, but no clubbing since two of the Bridesmaids are underage. It is going to be at the groom's sister house, not sure what is going on, but I understand there might be cookie baking. My youngest who is a bridesmaid...has been doing a lot of eye-rolling...she thinks it will be boring. I will be interested to hear about when it is over. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Birthday Merrieeee! gbmifan Hubby and I start bowling tomorrow night; thankfully we just start over with our averages every year...mine usually hovers around 130. 15 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 23 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 44 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Muski Sending best wishes for your MIL and your family! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, Cha Cha You are definitely my twin! I love ice cream sandwiches. When we were kids we go to visit my great-aunt and she would always have Eskimo Pies for us...can't really find them now, but that was such a treat...can't beat chocolate and ice cream. Cool site for the travel size items...wish I had a trip to plan so I could buy some stuff! Muski I have never dyed my hair and I don't plan on it...I figure I earned those gray hairs so I am going to wear them proudly (plus I am just too damn lazy, LOL!) 16 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 24 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 45 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. That's right as usual the Ho Ho's don't get any respect! I am partial to SuzyQ's myself. Kim
  8. Stay safe Cotton! It has been trying to rain here; a little thunder, a little wind, a little rain...but nothing major...we could really use a downpour here as it is so dry; my grass looks like straw. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Hugs and prayers to all that need them! Clack...I have some on my computer; but I just don't save everything...if someone recommends something I will save it. I do download a lot during concert times, but then delete as I go along. I do have a lot of DVD's and CD's and should probably watch more of it; but it is hard around here since we only have one DVD player and I have very little time by myself to indulge myself. 17 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam"! 25 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 46 Days until The BAF GALA! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Post I made at CV when we were having a similiar discussion:
  11. I have never had Indian food, but I am not one for spicy foods (at least my stomach isn't) so even though it may sound delicious, I would have to pass on it. My husband would probably like it because he loves hot and spicy food. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, Sending prayers to all in the path of Gustav! 18 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam! 26 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 47 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Back from a 5k walk/run that was being done in honor of the daughter of a couple we bowl with; she was killed by a drunk driver 11 years ago and they do this every year to bring awareness to driving under the influence. This is the first year for us and I am proud to say that we completed the 3 miles; I knew hubby would, but exercise and I have a nodding acquaintance and I thought I would really be huffing and puffing...but suprisingly I did pretty good..we did in 1:04. There was a pregnant girl in front of us walking who was 3 weeks from her due date and I used her as a motivator...I just was not going to be beat someone who was pregnant! It was a lot of fun and It is good to know that I can walk three miles; guess I am in better shape than I thought! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Watching the Weather Channel this morning and they have downgraded the hurricane to a CAT 3; but still, stay safe to all in its path. 19 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!" 27 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 48 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Also sending my prayers and good wishes to all who are in the path of Gustav that you remain safe. Welcome to all the newbies...you will love it here! Scarlett and K'andre; safe travels! Kim
  16. And most likely, he found out right around his Birthday last year that Parker was on the way...makes me schmoopie thinking about it. Kim
  17. Tried on the dress, definately need a slip; fortunately I already have one that will work...just need to go out and get a strapless bra. Slipped into the shoes and walked around a bit, they are pretty comfortable and I think I should be able to make it up and down the aisle without tripping (God willing!). The jacket to the dress comes with shoulder pads which I am thinking of taking out...never liked shoulder pads and I really don't want to go to my daughter's wedding looking like I should be playing quarterback for the Chicago Bears. Only problem is; I worry if I take them out if it will affect the fit of the jacket. All in all, I looked pretty darn good if I do say so...not as many bumps and bulges to cover up as I thought. Times like these I really hate men...they have it so easy...just shower, shave, put on a suit and go! I asked hubby if had a pair of black socks to wear with the Tux and he pulls a pair of brown socks out of the drawer...I say no, those are brown...he pulls out another pair...nope, navy blue. Guess I need to go out and buy him socks and give him a once over before we leave that day. Lurved eyeliner Clay...kinda had a David Bowie thing going on there! Kim
  18. Kim, I have one bit of advice. Yes, you want to look good and love your dress, etc. But - BE COMFORTABLE! Good that you are trying everything on, keep the outfit on for a little while. Walk around. Stand up for a time. If anything feels uncomfortable - RETHINK! That's a long day with lots of pictures you don't want to be frowning when Church Lady #8 comes to chat! *g* She'll think you're mad at her or your SIL when it's really just your feet hurt or your panties are working their way up places you don't want 'em to be!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Then - have fun! Enjoy the day! Good advice! I don't want to have to squeeze myself into some undergarment that is going to be cutting off my circulation, LOL! I have already decided to bring a pair of flat shoes or slippers to wear at the reception. There is no way I could wear heels all night! Kim
  19. Thanks Ansa; Actually, I think this whole experience has brought us a little closer. Right now she is in the midst of packing up her apartment to move. She will be staying with her prospective in-laws until the wedding. If she had her way, she would just live with her fiance, but his parents don't believe in that and to keep peace; she decided this was the best solution (we have no room in our house for her and they have an extra bedroom). I give her credit, there is no way I could live with my in-laws for three weeks; I can barely tolerate a week-end at their house. Not that I don't love them; but a couple of days of family togetherness is enough. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, The only thing I am going to add to the hair discussion is that I am glad the spikes are gone! Three weeks from today my daughter gets married; I am getting very excited and a lot nervous. I am going to try on my dress and shoes today and see how everything looks together and whether I need to go out and buy any special undergarments...do people still wear slips? The bottom of the dress is a very clinging material and I am worried about whether anything will show through...I never dress up anymore...can't remember the last time I worn pantyhose! Any advice would be appreciated! 20 Days until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!" 28 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 49 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Well crap, I turned on 5th grader too late...totally missed the first hour and Clay...of course I did see it the first time it aired, but I was so looking forward to seeing him tonight. But, hey, we got a sighting! I bet he is getting his hair ready for Spamalot, hence, the color change! Cute that he was shopping for Parker, bet that little boy is going to be a little spoiled. Kim
  22. Fear I saw Wicked here in Chicago and I promise you; you won't be disappointed...it is amazing! Just don't go in expecting the Wizard of Oz because it is nothing like it! I know a lot of people had trouble getting into the book (and it took me two readings to really get it); but the play really does do a good job getting to the core of the book...i.e. prejudices based on skin color, social class, etc. and really makes you think! But it is a funny play too; the little asides to the Wizard of Oz movie are a hoot! Kim
  23. Good Morning Everyone, Couchie Your "niece" is adorable! Waves to Cha Cha! 21 Days (3 weeks!) until "Spam, Wonderful, Spam!" 29 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 50 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. :clap: You guys are the best! Message boards can be the worst of times and the best of times...here's looking forward to the best of times yet to be. Kim
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