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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Awwwww! That's adorable Cindilu! When you have more than one child; that football hold comes in quite handy..got so I could hold a baby and make a PBJ sandwich for a two-year old at the same time! Kim
  2. I'm glad someone else noticed what is REALLY important in those pictures!!! I have never in my life seen anyone hold a baby that way! Looks like he could drop it if the wind blew too hard! Its called the "football" hold, it is actually a very safe way to carry a baby...he looks like he has been doing it forever...most new Dad's have no idea how to hold a baby...used to drive me nuts when my hubby was doing the feedings because he never supported their heads. Kim
  3. I just realized that little Parker may very well be taking his first steps on a black and white kitchen floor...remembering the house tour videos and Clay does have black and white floors...gave me chills thinking about it. Kim
  4. Hi all, Not surprised at all about the video from TMZ; just seems to be part and parcel of being a celebrity and I imagine Clay expected it, which is why Jerome is there (notice Jerome is wearing stripes too...must be a family thing!) Clay looks so happy and Jaymes looks great! I on the other hand, looked like I had been run over with a truck after I had my babies. I am one who believes there is a romantic relationship between Clay and Jaymes and it has nothing to do with being desperate for Clay to be in a relationship with a woman or worries about him being gay...just a gut feeling; watching that video, I just saw family there, like any other family bringing home a new baby from the hospital. I wish them much happiness. Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 47 Days until Clay is Partying with Paula! 68 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. CG I remember a post you made after the news first surfaced and you said the thought of Clay and Jaymes having a baby together made you want to vomit (paraphrasing here, and I probably got it wrong, but the word vomit was used) that sounds like an aversion to me. I would love to understand where you are coming from, but since you won't or haven't said why you are disappointed in Clay, I really can't understand. Kim
  7. Thread title...Yes, That Is My Baby or would Jack Black be coming after us for copyright infringement, LOL! Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, Ever since the news broke two months ago; I have been trying to understand those who are so disappointed in Clay for this decision and honestly, I still don't understand. I have read post after post on different boards and I still find myself scratching my head. I don't understand those who call themselves Christian can say the things about Clay and Jaymes they do...I am shocked at how judgemental some of his fans are; fans I never would have expected it from. We have had many discussions about how the media treats Clay, but I believe some of his fans are far more insulting and harsh on him than what is said in the media. I know I have said this before, but I will never understand fans who are the same age as Jaymes, who have been smutting and basically lusting after Clay for the past 5 years; using the same prejudices that the media has been spewing about the age of Clay's fans against Jaymes. The only thing I can come up with is that there are fans who are just green with envy...nothing else makes sense to me. And really, we know nothing of Clay and Jaymes's relationship...what happens if we find out they are really married...will those fans who have condemned him for being immoral be able to admit they were wrong...how do you take back harsh words that have been posted on boards for all to see? Now for some good news! 48 Days until Clay will be partying with Paula! 69 Days until The BAF Gala! ! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Apparently someone didn't read the countdown this morning, LOL!....70 Days until the Gala. Kim
  10. Claymatron :F_05BL17blowkiss: Actually, Mike has three sisters, two which are already married. His mother does not work and loves to plan weddings; she had been helping Emily all along and yeah I think a bit of a control freak. Emily is pretty non-traditional; actually wanted to get married on a beach in Jamaica, but his family is pretty religious and wanted a big church wedding, so she agreed. So I think in a way, they think of this as Mike's wedding and that's how they are approaching it. Mike and Emily are paying for most of their wedding, but his parents are helping out. They are quite well to do and can afford to give them this kind of wedding; I have no problem with it, if this is the kind of wedding they want, they I think they should pay for it. Lord, knows I don't have $10,000 sitting in the bank, LOL! And you know, Emily is quite aware of what her MIL is like and I think would prefer not cause problems, so kind of let her do what she wants in reason...Emily has put her foot down on somethings. It is just we are different people from different backgrounds; but as long as Emily is happy and loved that is all that is important to me. Kim
  11. Thanks everyone for the hugs; it really wasn't that bad of a day; just not what I envisioned for my first daughters wedding shower...but it really wasn't about me; it was about Emily and she had a great time. I remember my wedding and how controlling my mother was and I made a promise to myself that I would not be that way and I did not want to put Emily in the middle of an arguement between her MIL and myself; which is why I agreed to the joint shower. Some times you have to pick your battles and this was just one day. Kim
  12. Hi all, Back from the shower...I was a little apprehsensive about it because I was planning it with the groom's mother whom I had only met once and I wasn't sure what she had in mind. She had asked me to be there by 12:00 to set everything up; which I was...my husband's family was also there which I didn't expect...I told them we were doing set-up at 12:00 and the shower would start at 1:00 but for some reason they decided to come in early. They had a two hour drive and perhaps misjudged the time. After we got them settled; I saw my apprehension was a bit justified. Diane (groom's mother) and her daughters began setting things up and I began to feel like an intruder...I had brought centerpieces for the tables, but she also brought flowers and had her's on the table before I had mine out of the bag...when I showed her what I brought; she just looked at them and said "I brought flowers". I said, well we can have both on the tables...they weren't big centerpieces and since I had spent time making them, I thought well, they are going to be used. I brought my punchbowl; they brought a punch fountain, so we ended up using my bowl to mix the punch in, and then poured it into the fountain. So it went; them setting things up the way they wanted and me standing around like I was in the way. I guess I should have been more assertive as to what I wanted and how I wanted it, but that can be hard for me...especially with people I don't know well. There were just things I would have done differently if I had been doing it on my own. I just felt like as mother of the groom, she took over a lot of things that should have been mother of the bride territory. Anyway, the food was very good and everyone enjoyed it. After we ate we played some shower games which went over well, except that I forgot to bring the answers for the bridal shower word scrabble game...don't know how I forgot that! That was good for a few laughs. Emily and Mike received many wonderful gifts, a few duplicates and we had fun playing a bing game while they opened presents...you get a bingo card and fill in the squares with what you thought they got and when you get a bingo you get a prize. I should have gotten a bigger cake as there was just enough for everyone, but it was very good. So it was a good day, with some not so good moments and a learning experience...with three other daughters, I now know how I will approach future showers. I am just tired and glad it is over and wish I had stuck to my original idea of having a shower for just my family...I think smaller and intimate works better for me. So 6 weeks from today is the wedding. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, Bridal Shower today, I am excited, nervous and freaking out a bit, it is starting to hit me big time that my daughter is actually getting married...it doesn't seem all that long ago that I was planning my own wedding. 70 days until The BAF Gala! BTW, CV is back up! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. If it was a c-section; today's date makes perfect sense...having the baby on the first day of The Olympics guarantees a minimum of coverage...the baby news was on all the entertainment shows today but with the Olympics starting...there will be wall to wall coverage on all news outlets and the baby news will be a non-issue. I think Clay had this all planned out perfectly from giving Linda the scoop from his Mother, to the blog and the date...makes for as little fuss as possible and Clay and Jaymes get all the privacy they need. Kim
  15. Unless Clay and Jaymes show up on an episode of A Baby Story (can you imagine!), I guess we will never know! Kim
  16. A poster at the CH mentioned that the time would be related to when the cord was cut...I never heard of a baby's birth time based on when the cord was cut...but I guess if that is true they could have waited until 8:08, cut the cord and then recorded his birth. Kim
  17. How do we know Jaymes had a c-section...neither Faye nor Clay mentioned it...or is it just an assumption because of her age. Kim
  18. So, has anyone been in touch with Luckiest1 to tell her the news? Kim
  19. Kim, Will you explain why you feel this way? I actually hope that they are in a romantic relationship and I'd like to know why you feel this statement may imply that. Paulette Well, I have always felt they were close, but it just seemed like an unnecessary statement to make...why qualify the baby's name? This baby is an Aiken, pure and simple...not a Foster-Aiken, not a Foster...an Aiken...one name...I can't really explain it, but that one sentance just seemed like he was telling us we are one family...yes, I know he referred to Jaymes as his "dear friend" but can you imagine the boards if he had said "my lover" or "my wife"...like I said probably not the way he wanted to go public with a relationship, but the choice was really taken away from him. Anyway, I always figured that someone's significant other, whether spouse or live in...would be their best friend. Probably I am making no sense...but it just feels right to me...I never have bought the just friends theory. Kim
  20. Mo Rocca announces the news http://news.aol.com/newsbloggers/2008/08/0...-at-clay-aiken/ Kim
  21. Finally have a few minutes between Shower preparations...gifts are wrapped, cake is in the fridge and I just popped some cream puffs in the over..still have to make the filling and the glaze. Clay and Jaymes...I think there is a lot of love there...just don't think you ask a friend to go through invitro for you...it is such a complicated process and it is possible this is not their first attempt. I think they both wanted this baby very badly; I guess we can all interpret Clay's blog the way we want, but for me the way he emphasized "no hyphen, just one first name, one middle name and one last name" says this relationship is more than just friends. Yeah, I know it is weird that he announced the baby news and not anything about their relationship, but I don't think the baby news was supposed to be out two months ago and he had to address if; even if he wasn't going to go public with their relationship...now, maybe an interview coming up...he did say more soon in his blog. Kim
  22. The story from Comcast...very nice and they used a beautiful picture of him! http://www.comcast.net/articles/music/2008...ple.Clay.Aiken/ Kim
  23. Just heard through the CV Emergency List that WRAL is going to have a story soon...they do stream but I do not know the website. Just a heads up! CV is still down...not sure of the status there. Kim
  24. I really hope that all those who doubted Clay, his integrity, his love of his fans (he told us first) are feeling just a wee bit ashamed of themselves today....He is the man he has always portrayed himself to be and I love him to death. Kim
  25. Congratulations to Clay and Jaymes and welcome to Parker...I am so thrilled for all of you! It makes sense that Clay would let Linda have the scoop...very good relationship there and someone he trusts. I wish I could hug him.. Kim
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