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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Hi All, Iseeme Hope everything works out with your MIL! Goodness, the heavens just opened up here and it is pouring rain! Looking forward to the UNICEF blog and more pictures! Clay looks like such a baby in those early pictures; I agree that he is much more handsome now. Kim
  2. Good Morning, Raining here, but we need it...been dry as a bone lately. Clayzedover Word to your whole post! Claytonic I love the poem! Boobgate...I still can't believe how nuts everyone became over that; overreaction to the nth degree. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. I don't know what anyone else means when they say it but that isn't what I mean. Being gay or not being gay has nothing to do with the kind of person that you are, at least not as far as I am concerned. Clay has shown himself to be a good person, to really care about other people, to love his God, that is the person I am talking about. I have heard people say that he isn't the person they thought he was if the baby thing is true and and honestly, I don't understand their thinking there, but that is just me. I don't understand it either and that is why I was asking for an explanation...I don't understand how some could make a complete 180 turn on Clay and their fandom based on a rumor, it was/is whiplash inducing. In this country a man is presumed innocent until proven guilty; for some in this fandom, Clay is always guilty until he proves himself innocent and I just don't think he should have to continually prove himself. Bookwhore; thanks also for your explanation...I hope I didn't come off sounding pissy, but that phrase has almost become like nails on chalkboard for me. Kim
  4. You know; I have heard that phrase "If he isn't the person we think he is" so many times since the whole baby rumor and I really wish someone would explain that to me...just sounds like talking in circles...does it really mean...If Clay turns out to be gay when he said he was straight...if so, then why not just say it? Kim
  5. Sociopath or war criminal works for me...never did get the "blowtorch puppy" analogy; but then I came to the fandom late and probably missed alot. Kim
  6. Just me trying to be funny, Kim! I just thought the This Is My Opinion Only Based On Nothing was funny! No biggie. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Okay; I just didn't know where it came from and what it meant...and you know, I get a bit twitchy when people tell me how I should post, LOL! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kim
  7. TIMOOBON What does this mean and why should I be putting it in front of my post...I think whenever we post, it is a given that it is our opinion and nothing more. Kim
  8. Playbiller; I have been seeing question marks too, but thought that was what I supposed to seeing! :lmaosmiley-1: I was wondering why all the words were using the same symbol! Had a neighbor lady when I was about 12 or 13 who had a baby and didn't know she was pregnant...didn't understand it then and don't now...you have to feel the baby moving and wouldn't you be suspicious if you missed a few periods...she actually went into labor and still didn't know and she already had two kids. Thought she was having an appendicitis attack...I would think after having a couple of kids you would know a labor pain when you feel it. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Enjoyed catching up and just word to everyone's posts regarding Clay, his career, etc.; I have been nodding my head in agreement. So, this week-end I started walking again; have been pretty lazy lately and with the Wedding in two months, I figure I should at least try and get this old body into some kind of shape. Plus, my husband and I are going to be doing a 5k run/walk at the end of August. A couple that we bowl with lost a daughter to a drunk driver about 10 years ago and since then have started a foundation in her name and have this race every year to raise money. They have been asking us to join in and we finally decided to this year. I thought I better get used to walking and hopefully I can get through the race without embarrassing myself...at least not coming in last place and actually finishing the race. Anyhoo, I got out of bed this morning and I could not believe how sore I am; guess I really am out of shape...but a good sore. Well, off to do dishes and get some laundry done before I head to work. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Is it just me or does the whole "who will next UNICEF Ambassador be" come across as sort of crass...too reality show like? Just seems out of place to me. Why promote it...just announce at the end of the show. Kim
  11. Well now, I had all kinds of pithy things to say and then Comcast went kerflooey and I had a heck of a time getting back in here. Not ready to start playing "Taps" for OMWH, I am sure Clay will tour at some point and I am looking forward to whatever Clay has in the works for the future. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, Clay on TV tonight! I think I need to start taking a nap in the early afternoon so I can stay up later, seems I miss so much when I head to bed early. Bookwhore, I remember that well...of course you don't look like a hooker, but then again, wearing shorts and a T-shirt and standing outside the motel smoking a ciggie, well, I can see where one might get the idea, LOL! Funniest thing ever...those were good times, hope we have many more of them. No concerns about the traffic on the boards, I just think it is a natural ebb and flow; just wait until tonight...I think you will be seeing Clay fans coming out of the woodwork. Lots of running around to do today...everyone have a good one! Kim
  13. Scarlett, It was actually luckiest1's idea, I just started it off...don't want to take credit for a great idea. Yep, I left the full length songs off my list; didn't see how you could compare them to the others. Kim
  14. My AI list - favorite to least favorite: To Love Somebody Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me Grease Solitaire Build Me Up Buttercup Sugar Pie Honey Bunch Somewhere Out There Unchained Melody At This Moment I Could Not Ask For More Tell Her About It Everlasting Love Someone Else's Star Vincent Mack The Knife Kim
  15. TLS is my favorite also...I remember that night and actually sitting in front of the TV so I wouldn't miss a thing and I remember my mouth hanging open on the wail of "to love somebody"...my kids thought I was nuts! Kim
  16. Couchie; There were and still are people in the fandom who can't seem to see beyond the end of their nose and only want Clay to sing...anything else is just unfathomable or maybe it just scares them to think of Clay doing anything else but sing. I just want Clay to do what makes him happy and whatever that is, I will be here to support him. That was probably the single most thrilling event in my fandom and there are still times when I think about it and can't believe he actually responded to something I said. I know the OFC can be the wild west at times, but since it is the board that Clay reads, I always think it is good to post some positive thoughts there. Kim
  17. Was this when people were saying that Spamalot was the worst possible career move he could make? Yes, back in Sept, 07 when it was first announced. Kim
  18. Since Claytonic asked, here is my post and Clay's response (hope I don't get edited for posting official OFC content, LOL!)
  19. Good Morning Everyone, Liney23, Thank you..I still have that post and am waiting for a Meet and Greet so I can thank Clay in person. BMUB...That was when my infatuation with his neck/adam's apple started...would love just one nibble. The performance when the ladies thought Clay was so sexy and Faye made that comment was Sugar Pie Honey Bunch...it was the the arm movement that did it. 1 Day until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Just in from garden; picked my first lettuce of the season...it is all nicely washed and tucked away in the fridge for dinner this evening. The tomatoes probably won't be ready to pick for another month...always look forward to fresh tomatoes from garden. Sorry Couchie; I don't think this post is very witty or thread title worthy...but :013085001176249046: Oh and Wanda; just word to your whole post. Kim
  21. Topic de jour....After 5 years in this fandom; I am still trying to figure out how to write something without pissing someone off...interpretation...that is always the bottom line...can't tell you how many times I have written something intending it to be snarky and gotten told I was being sarcastic. Sometimes you just write something without even thinking that someone may take it the wrong way or interpret it in a way you didn't intend. I find that I have really pulled back from posting because it gets tiring constantly defending your posts. That is the problem with having lots of guidelines...those guidelines are open to interpretation and frankly I am not a mind reader and and it is no fun to post when you have to try and figure out how an admin is going to interpret something. One of the reasons I like FCA is that we can post, disagree and move on and I don't have to feel like there is an admin sitting on my shoulder at all times...I may not post a lot here either, but I enjoy reading and the conversations are always interesting without all the drama and teeth-gnashing that goes on elsewhere. You really do have to have a thick skin to post on message boards and learn not to take things personally and sometimes just agree to disagree...but it is good to have varying opinions because it makes you think. Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is on CNN for UNICEF! Happy Birthday Muski! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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