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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I'm a newbie too but I'll say HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello back! Kim
  2. "waves back to Jamar" That was such a fun time; waiting until all hours of the night for Clay to do the handshake thing...I touched Aaron's hand...does happy dance, LOL! I still remember Bookwhore's reaction to touching Clay's hand or was it an actual grip? Loving all the funny moments...I love how quick-witted he is. Grand Rapids: "git 'er done!" Merrillville Christmas Show 2006 - The schtick with the two ladies; one pushing the other's head and the whole thing to the NJU about how the person next to you will have your e-mail, phone number, address and will be asking you for a ride to Florida before the end of the show! I think he used that through the tour, but I think Merrillville was the first and he had us rolling. Kim
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTyzTJTNhNk...feature=related Videos of George Carlin...he really was one funny guy...I could spend all day watching. Kim
  4. This is our Cinnamon...I woke up at 2:30 this morning to sound of a crash from my bathroom...she jumped up on the bathroom window ledge and knocked over a music box I had up there...fell in the garbage. I love roses and this had a rose on top of the box...it is now in two pieces, the rose broke off...but it was a clean break, so I think we should be able to repair it. So sad to hear the news about George Carlin...we have lost a lot of good ones lately. Kim
  5. Perma Thank you for the link...I have always had a thing for Clay's neck ever since Build Me Up Buttercup! Kim
  6. Do you think this might be a joke? Because the film called "The Acrobats" is about a dirty nasty joke. If you can stand dirty and nasty you can look it up on youtube. I was curious and did that. I started with one performer and couldn't even watch a minute of it. I can't think of his name, he used to be on Full House. You'd think he does clean humor. not. The premise of the movie is that there is a dirty joke that all comedians tell, but only to other comedians. Penn Teller and some other guy got a lot of comedians to tell this joke on camera and that movie is the result. I don't think that is a true listing, somehow. Why not? Kim
  7. Sorry, I just copied it from CV; you might want to go the CH and see if you can get them there...they don't really tell much; just that the item is not available. We just don't know what the item is...movie, soundtrack, book? Kim
  8. Muski You got em! Been there, done that...so glad I am past that time in my life; but still have the gray hairs to remind me. Waves to Jazzgirl! Nice seeing you! Kim
  9. I am just going to word Muski because this is me and she said it so well! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Happy Birthday Ansa! It is 3:49 p.m. and I am home from work; somehow managed to work an extra 30 minutes yesterday, so I got to leave early today! Yay! Thailand! Kim
  10. Love Grace of God...It is one I always sing to and I think it would make a great song for UNICEF! Upbeat? Uptempo? After 5 years in this fandom; I still don't get the difference. Perhaps someone can give examples so I know what the heck people are talking about it. Kim
  11. One of these days I am going to learn to keep my mouth shut or at least my hands off the keyboard...not sure if your post was directed at me Playbiller; but we all approach our fandom from a different perspective. I am not one to broadcast that I am a Clay fan...no screensaver's on my computers; here or at work...I don't talk about him to people. I did send the link to the Amazon OMWH video to my sisters ( I have three) and only one responded and quite favorably, but I actually felt uncomfortable doing that. So purchasing a single and gifting it someone would be even more uncomfortable for me. If you have someone to give it to that would appreciate it, that is great...but I can't see buying more copies of the CD and stockpiling them at home...no different than them sitting on a store shelf to me. Not to offend you, but you do come on a little strong to me...I don't like being made to feel like a bad fan because I am not doing everything you think I should be doing to support Clay. (of course, if your post wasn't addressed to me than just ignore this) Kim
  12. I think every fan should print this out and tape it to their computer so they can read it everyday and the doom and gloomers need to get a notebook and write it out 500 times, LOL! Kim
  13. Playbiller I appreciate your support of Clay and wanting OMWH to be successful, but I just don't respond to strong-arm tactics or guilt trips. I have done what I can to support Clay and I honestly don't know how my buying a single from Amazon or another CD that I don't need is going to help. Supporting OMWH on radio is a good thing and what we should be doing as Clay requested...other than that...I think the fandom has done everything they can. Kim
  14. Happy Birthday, Couchie! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ldj Glad you found out what was wrong with your knee and that it can be taken care of! Kim
  15. Hi All, Haven't had much to say lately...the music discussion was interesting...I just like the way Clay's sings. Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Hi all, Beautiful day here in the southern 'burbs of Chicago; had a rainstorm this morning but now the sun is shining and the humidity has dropped; love having the windows open and the AC turned off! Hope everyone is having a great day. Kim
  17. I have to admit; I am very surprised at how many in the fandom have a problem with Jaymes and Clay having a romantic relationship...considering how vocal this fandom can be when the media, etc. makes comments on the ages of Clay's fans and starts accusing them of ageism...well just seems like a bit of a double standard. I find it very plausible that they could be in a relationship; two people who have worked very closely together for the past 3 years and the work relationship develops into a romantic one. Yes, I know that Clay said he wanted to get married and have 2 kids and be a High School principal, but that was before Idol and celebrity does change things. That would have been possible for Clayton, but for Clay Aiken, probably a lot more difficult. Put yourself in his shoes; can you imagine trying to date and not sure if the person is interested in you, your money or your public persona? Clay has always had trust issues and I am sure that celebrity has exacerbated them and given his enthusiastic fan base, I can certainly understand him being gun shy about dating. Jaymes is someone he knows and trusts...someone who has been there with him through some of the most worst times in his career and some of the best...has seen the struggles he went through with the label; she knows the real him. Sometimes the heart wants what it wants and you just have to go for it; I am sure we have all made plans for our lives that haven't worked out...you take love where you find it and if Clay and Jaymes truly love each other, than I couldn't be happier. I am Jaymes age, going to be 51 in September and very happily married; but if I wasn't married and some 30 year old guy wanted to have a relationship with me..believe me, I would be going for it! Kim
  18. Absolutely cannot see Clay being a "godfather" to his own child...does not compute to me at all. Kim
  19. So sad about Tim Russert, I admired him very much. In other news, R. Kelly has been found not guilty, blech! Kim
  20. My feeling (and hope) is that he just does not feel he needs to say anything - in fact, I am uncomfortable with the idea that he is not making a statement just because of contractual obligations to do with an "exclusive". Lawsuit? yes. But this would be the very first time that I would feel he has "gone Hollywood", so to speak. He doesn't strike me as someone who arranges their private life around gossip media PR crap. In fact, ew. "Gone Hollywood"? I have seen that phrase thrown around a lot since this all happened, and I don't get that at all. It actually makes perfect sense to me...if this is true, than why not control the media coverage? Do one exclusive interview and thats it. He could take whatever monies he would get for it and give it to charity. Kim
  21. Agree with Couchie and Muski...my honest opinion is that Clay will have an exclusive interview after the baby is born and can't say anything right now..contractual obligations. And you know, Clay's blogs really are not private, so anything he says to just us...won't stay between just us. EIDN is my favorite too and it is Well Now...sexy two words ever! Kim
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