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Everything posted by aikim

  1. 4 kids in 6 years...two oldest are 18 months apart...don't remember much..it is all pretty much a blur now...just remember lots of diapers. Oh and my older sister and I are 11 months apart. Kim
  2. Good Morning All, :F_05BL17blowkiss: to liney23...someone thought something I said was funny! Jazzgirl Sorry I missed you last night; seems 10:00 comes around and I can't even keep my eyes open...you guys have to start partying earlier! Oh and forget the cheez-doodles; it's got to be cheez-its or nothing! As always, I love Clay to death! Kim
  3. Okay, why does this sound like it has something to do with feminine hygiene? Kim
  4. Why thank you! Now we just need some vanilla ice cream so we can make Black Cows! Kim
  5. Not to mention an open channel or two... And a bunch of advertisers who would lose a LOT of revenue. Seriously. IMO, if these shows upset people -- find out who is purchasing advertising space in the programs. Then, send a letter to those people saying that you'll never buy from them again, and here's the reason why. It may not work with some of the national programs, but it could very well work with the syndicated shows like ET and TMZ -- because you would be targeting local advertisers. That would hurt. It's worth a shot at least. Topic: Clay probably dances the hokey pokey in his pj's. Isn't that a nice thought? Hee...at my wedding we had a band with a sense of humor and they decided to change up the hokepy pokey a bit...they asked the guys to put their "best part it in" and then the girls to put "their best part in"...it was riot...I have it on tape. You can imagine what part all the guys were trying to "put in" except one cousin who stuck his elbow in! It was the best hokey pokey ever. Then there were my in-laws who had never done the hokey pokey and couldn't figure out what we were doing! Kim
  6. You know, I really hate these kinds of cryptic posts, if people have something to say, I wish they would just say it instead of beating around the bush...if you don't want to post it, than why bring it up? Kim Sorry, didn't mean to be "cryptic". Since I am always behind, I didn't want to say too much about it if it had already been discussed. Plus I never know what can and cannot be discussed and I don't want to piss anybody off (which I guess I did anyway). It was the alleged attempted baby buying story. I'll shut up now and go back to lurking. Please don't go back to lurking, I didn't mean to come across so harsh; I am just not big on secrecy...its seems we have had a lot of that in the fandom over the years...I mean, I like mysteries to a point, but I prefer my Clay news straight up...I saw that article in the NE on Friday when I was grocery shopping, so no new news to me. Kim
  7. You know, I really hate these kinds of cryptic posts, if people have something to say, I wish they would just say it instead of beating around the bush...if you don't want to post it, than why bring it up? Kim
  8. Tiptoes into FCA; being careful not to step on any sleeping bodies; gathers up empty glasses and goes to get broom and dustpan.... My that was some party last night; sorry, I missed it...sucks being a responsible adult at times and getting to bed at a decent hour...think I may need to change that, LOL! Of course, I don't drink, so next time you decide to throw a party, make sure you have a supply of root beer! Lovely pictures of Mr. Aiken being posted last night; it was very enjoyable catching up (well, I did have one "WTF" moment, but since I said I wasn't going to talk about certain subject, that is all I am going to say about that) Everyone have a lovely day, Tiptoes out of FCA leaving a pitcher of Bloody Mary's and a large bottle of aspirin. Kim
  9. Clayzor I pretty much disagree with your whole post and right now I am trying to pull my jaw up off the floor at that last bit...you actually said that to his mother? I am sorry, but if that is true, that crosses all kinds of boundries for me and is a perfect example of fans crossing the line. Kim
  10. I never expected Clay to ever give us a "heads up" about his personal life; I always figured we would hear after the fact...he would do an interview and suddenly we would find out that he was married and had a family and I still think that was the plan all along...to make announcement after the baby was born and I still think we will probably not hear from him until after the baby is born and there will be an exclusive either on TV or in print. Kim
  11. I have found a few of the comments this last week to be off the wall and distasteful IMO. I have absolutely no way of relating to them when I'm usually full of empathy for the feelings of others. This time zero, zilch, zip. In fact, I've been wondering what the hell I'm doing here in this fandom and if I fit in. I'm keeping this very general and non-descriptive so it does not focus specifically on what other fans have said, but am trying to explain my emotional reactions which are based on what I've read the last week. Many may feel that Clay fell off of pedestal but my reaction is about the fans and my expectations, and the fandom fell hard this week. I don't often rely on others outside of my family but this is one of the times I let my guard down and expected something more/better from others that did not materialize. I think I read too many posts over the years that said, I will always love him no matter what but the tabloids knocked us down with glee with only one little kick. They thrive on controversy and taking the must mundane thing and twisting it to sensationalize and to get a reaction. We're not faithful. In my eyes, we failed a test. I said I wasn't going to comment on this anymore, but this post really resonated with me; because this is where I am right now. I am trying to understand certain reactions, but am finding that I have a very low tolerance for intolerance and feel like I really don't know this fandom. Kim
  12. Just wanted to say "Hi"; poured rain while were Downtown today, but fortunately we had just ducked into a Subways to get lunch, when it started; it was kind of fun sitting and eating our sandwiches and watching everyone else trying to run for cover. Now the sun is shining and it is getting pretty humid out. My garden looks so pretty, my roses are all in bloom; the daylilies are starting to open up and I think my peony bush should bloom soon. Kim
  13. Good Morning, Heading to downtown Chicago this morning for a book fair (like I need more books, lol); they close off a couple of streets and set up tents for all the vendors; it is a great way to spend an afternoon even though it is going to be hotter than blazes outside today. Had all kinds of rain and tornado warnings yesterday; fortunately we just got rain. I've delcared a moratorium on the topic de jour for myself; think I have talked way too much about it and really, there isn't much more to say. I know what I believe and I love that man to death and can't wait to see what he has in store for us in the future. Have a great day all, Kim
  14. The music passes will be available on June 24th. I thought it was a Target exclusive only, but I could be wrong on that. Kim
  15. Love those George Carlin quotes! I asked Clay a question at the OFC...I asked him why he always wears stripes...always wanted to know. Kim
  16. He actually referred to himself as a "progressive mama's boy" in LTS...it was pretty clear to me from reading the book that he was pretty liberal in his thinking...I think some missed that or maybe didn't want to see it. Weren't we going to have a re-read of the book or did we have it and I missed it?, LOL! Kim
  17. Oh I wasn't taking your post seriously...I love your posts; they always make me laugh. Just poking myself, really. Kim
  18. :thsigns053: Muski splashes cold water on her face to make sure she's awake and rereads this... :lmaosmiley-1: :laught31: Lawdy! That ain't me! Hell, my fantasies have always had Clay in a relationship with somebody---- ME! Just me thinking out loud and I am probably way off base as usual...just really don't know what to make of some of the extreme reactions to Jaymes. And that will be my last foray into trying to psychoanalyze the fandom. Glad to know we can still count on you! Kim
  19. That's some conclusion Kim. A fantasy is just that....fantasy. I don't personally know of any person in the fandom who ever seriously thought the fantasy could become a reality. I know many, many people who have shared fantasies about Clay on the boards and I never once thought they were serious. It's more of a running joke, something we 'play' at. You know, lighthearted levity? I can't think of any sane person that would seriously be angry with Jaymes because she 'stole' Clay from them. Clay could publicly announce that he's flaming gay and has a harem of 12 young men and it wouldn't interrupt my fantasy at all, much less the announcement that he's going to have a child with Jaymes. In my fantasy we're both single, he's straight, I'm young, firm, intelligent and beautiful and the sex is smokin' hot. Oh, I know that there are a few fans out there who are totally nucking futs - we all know who they are - but 99.9% of the fans are just playing. In my opinion. You misinterpreted what I said; I don't think anyone thought that they really had a chance with Clay but they enjoyed fantasizing about him; maybe now that there is a possibility of Clay having a relationship with Jaymes; it isn't so much fun fantasizing...maybe it would be a little uncomfortable for some to smut knowing Clay is in a relationship.
  20. Evening all, End of the work week for me and boy, I am I glad...just been a hell of a week all the way around, and not just because of the Clay stuff...one ladies I work with was on vacation this week, so I was doing her job and mine and just to add to the fun; the AC went out at work today...always seems to happen the first day we hit 90 degrees. I sometimes feel like an oddball in this fandom because I never angst over anything...this news came out and I have to admit I was thrilled to think that maybe it could be true...I just didn't think it was odd at all that Clay would have a relationship with Jaymes or that they would decide to have a baby together. The details didn't and still don't matter to me and never once thought that he had changed or was; (and God, I am beginning to hate this phrase) "not who I thought he was". If he is happy, I'm happy. I will admit that I am having a hard time understanding some of the reactions...the extreme sadness some are feeling just seems out of proportion to the situation to me and I have come to the conclusion that they are more sad for themselves than for Clay because their dreams and fantasies have been shattered. And I do think some have held Clay up to such high standards that it was inevitable that he would disappointment them at some point and I don't think Clay can be blamed for that. I think a lot of the anger directed at Jaymes is again...because she stole the fantasy...the older woman-younger man scenario has been played out for the last 5 years on the boards and she may actually be living that fantasy and maybe it is not so much fun to fantasize when it is a reality. Not sure if that makes any sense..but just the feeling I have been getting. I do find it sad that some are stepping away from the fandom...hope they can resolve their issues and find their way back...somehow I think all might be forgiven as soon as they see a picture of Clay with his child. Kim
  21. Hi all! Have absolutely nothing to add to the conversation; hugs to those dealing with pet issues..been there myself. Still a fan...the tabloids suck...and I love logging on and seeing that smiling man up in the banner...that smile is what is most important and if Jaymes has put it there than I couldn't be happier for them. Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, Love the new banner...his smile just melts my heart, love seeing him so happy. Looks like we are in for some rain this morning which will be good for my garden. Everything is looking good. I planted lettuce and broccoli this year and so far, so good. Carrots and onions are coming up; I also have tomatos and peppers. I planted rhubarb last year and it is about two feet tall right now; first time I have ever had rhubarb, so I am not sure If I will be able to pick some this year or not; I have heard you have to wait a couple of years. Hope everyone has a great day! Kim
  23. My daughter was on the computer and I just got back on; how wonderful for Clay...I guess the reports of the demise of his career were greatly exaggerated. He looks wonderful in a tux! Kim
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