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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I am going to call it a night; hubby has left for work, so I am going to go snuggle in bed, pop some clack into the DVD player and enjoy me some Clay. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to FCA and to ashleysgram whom I see down there; hope you hang out for a bit here, sweetie! See all you lovely ladies in the morning! Kim
  2. Claygasm I just find it so disrespectful for people to disregard Clay's blog and do whatever the hell they want because they think they know better than him and RCA how his career should be run. I thought the same thing about his dedication on the CD, but I do believe he is very proud of this CD. That line in The Real Me you quoted, I thought about the fandom the very first time I heard the song. Makes me very ashamed of this fandom at times, present company excluded. Kim
  3. Claygasm You are never alone; I like Ashes but I don't love it and I think there are much better songs on the CD and honestly don't know why the fandom is pushing this song so much to be the next single. To me the most important thing is that Clay's music be heard and if that be by illegal downloads, file sharing, ripping the CD from a copy borrowed from the Library or burning copies for friends, than so be it. Hearing the songs is what is going to get people in concert seats...numbers are just numbers and are not the whole picture; they are just one piece of the puzzle. Kim
  4. Yep, The chicken little's of the fandom are clucking madly and covering their heads. Lord, it is so tiring. Kim
  5. Thanks lajeterfan; very interesting...I mean a lot of it we already know, but I love the part where he says he always considered himself an entertainer...I always have too...what I find really kind of humorous now is that so many in the fandom that had Clay firmly in the "pop star" box are suddenly jumping on the "Clay as an all around Entertainer" bandwagon now that the numbers aren't what they think they should be and Clay may not be the next Elvis as some had hoped. Iseeme I understand your feelings regarding Faye based on what Clay wrote, but for me; that book is told only from Clay's point of view and without Faye and Ray's point of view, I hestitate to condemn her; I am sure if you talked to my kids, I would not get any mother of the year awards myself...we all do the best we can when raising kids and I just can't judge another mother without walking in her shoes. Kim
  6. I did that several times and keep getting the old story...no idea why. Kim
  7. Jumping into the discussion here, but it really surprises me when someone can watch a video of Clay singing and zero in on whether he has eyeliner on or not...too much else going on to notice that. What really struck me on watching these videos is how effortless it is from him to switch from the high and low notes; blows me away how he can go right into that falsetto so smoothly. I think that is what I love about watching him sing, he makes it look so easy. Actually not a fan of the eyeliner and glad he is not wearing it anymore; although I do think it gave him a sort of David Bowie vibe. Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, Sun is shining but it is still only 46 degrees; what happened to Spring? Yesterday it felt like winter again...I want it to be warm! 1 Day until Leno! 2 Days until Kimmel! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Is it possible because of the way it was filmed that they told him not to move around too much? It did look at times like wanted to move and then held himself back (just re-read that last sentence and I just know the smutters are already drooling! ) Kim
  10. I guess I am willing to give Clay a break on his voice cracking and not moving around so much; voice is probably a little ragged and Lord knows, the man was probably exhausted from Spamalot and then going right into promotion. I think he always is more relaxed singing in front of an audience as opposed to a studio. Kim
  11. The numbers are looking good! Went to my Wal-Mart this morning and they had re-stocked, was happy to see that! Kim
  12. I really hate my computer...so far I have seen EIDN and Ashes, part of WIDTL...computer keeps kicking me off the internet...you know, the pop-up that says...IE has encountered a problem and needs to close.... But, Oh my, EIDN, lov, love, but why did they have to cut to the band when he sang "well now", my favorite part? Have to go and see if I can watch Something About Us, my other favorite song on the CD! Kim
  13. Good Morning All, After a perfectly lovely week-end at my MIL; got home yesterday to a really wonky computer; kept shutting down; blue screen pops up telling me there is a problem and windows needs to shut down. Have no idea what is causing this so needless to say I was unable to really catch up last night or post anything. Don't forget AOL Sessions today; with this darn computer, I don't know if I will even be able to watch them, but I am hoping! 2 Days until Leno Repeats! 3 Days until Kimmel Repeats! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. First concert? Well, I was a definate late bloomer; did not go to any concerts in high school...my actual first live performance was going to see Gorden Lightfoot with my future hubby. He was and is a big fan...me not so much, but I did enjoy it. We went to quite a few shows at the Holiday Star Theater in Merrillville before our kids were born; Alabama, James Taylor, The Beach Boys...after the kids, I did not go to any more concerts until Clay...think I am making up for lost time! Kim
  15. Hank Snow???? THANK YOU!!!! I can sleep tonight!! Or possibly, Hank Williams? Kim
  16. Watching him sing LAA for the first couple of times on the tour last summer; my impression was that he was uncomfortable singing the song...maybe he just felt too vulnerable? But as the tour progessed, it appeared that he was finding a way to sing the song and detached himself from it; he was singing the song and quite beautifully, but maybe not as emotionally attached. Discaimer: Of course I have no real idea of his emotional attachment to the song, these were just my impressions...he could have been thinking about dinner for all I know as he said one time when asked about what he is thinking when singing. Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, Off to my MIL for the rest of the week-end, we will be back sometime tomorrow, so no countdown tomorrow morning. 2 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions! 4 Days until Leno Repeats! 5 Days until Kimmel Repeats! 30 Days until The Music Pass is available! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Beautiful sunny day here, the birds are singing and I am off to a "Clay" lunch later with momof3boys and jazzgirl. 3 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions! 5 Days until Leno Repeats! 6 Days until Kimmel Repeats! 31 Days until The Music Pass is available! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. I don't know the answer to the CD question; Clay and RCA are the only ones who know what was expected and whether Clay achieved that nor not and as always, I figure there is so much more that we don't know than we do...so I really hate to speculate in "what ifs". I just don't think a successful CD is the be all and end all for Clay's career and I hope that he is not putting all his eggs in that particular basket and given his decision to do Spamalot, I don't think he is. My philosophy has always been to take life one day at a time, because we don't know what tomorrow will bring and that is how I approach Clay and his career...I am just going to enjoy his music and whatever happens next, happens...and I hope it will be just as exciting to the fandom as Spamalot was. Kim
  20. Aikim - I'm NOT trying to change him and I DO accept him for who he is. I'm merely asking opinions for why you think people aren't buying this CD. Please don't misunderstand my post. It was just a basis for discussion. Starting to wish I hadn't even bothered to bring this post over from the AI7 discussion because it's getting twisted in all kinds of directions it wasn't meant to be. Iseeme My post was not in response to your post at all, so please don't feel bad; just a general observation of posts I have seen recently and in the past. To be honest and I hope no one takes offense at this, but since I don't watch AI; I generally scroll by any posts having to do with AI. I know people enjoy talking about the show and the contestants; etc., but it is just not my thing. I am sure there are those who skip over my posts all the time. I actually enjoy your posts very much because you mirror my feelings quite often. Kim
  21. I think that your "eccentric" is Clay's personal preference in song choice. He prolly thinks hip-hop is eccentric. This is where I think there is the biggest divide in fandom - some want to hear and see what he chooses to do next, some are sure that if he sings different songs and does other things differently, he would get more popular acclaim. Clay seems to have told us that he is gonna do as he likes, not pick stuff just because it is "marketable". I don''t get the impression that being a pop star is the only thing that he wants to do or that matters the very most to him. Don't think he will start to choose songs to please reviewers or individual fans either, JMO. I think he is creatng his own niche, not trying to fit in any of the ones fans or critics have wanted him to change himself for. Also firmly believe that when he does change things, it is because he wants to and not because of "market research". I just want to word this whole post; my feelings exactly...I think there would be a lot less angst in the fandom if some would just accept Clay for who is instead of trying to mold him into who they want him to be. There are day when I really want to ask some of the more critical fans why they are here; it seems like Clay will never live up to what they think he should be so why not move to a "pop star" who will meet their criteria for a successful "pop star". Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, Welcome Tijala and newbies and lurkers; sometimes you just have to hold your breath and jump in. I know I was scared to death the first time I posted; but I love it here and glad I took the jump! :F_05BL17blowkiss: to FCA! 4 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions! 6 Days until Leno Repeats! 7 Days until Kimmel Repeats! 32 Days until The Music Pass is available! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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