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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I definately think I am going to have to work on Emily to have Something About Us played at her wedding...love this song! Kim
  2. 1 Day until Clay is on GMA! 2 Days until The View! 3 Days until The Today Show! 6 Days until Leno! 10 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 13 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Finally, I am listening to OMWH! Of course it took an hour of Itunes hell to get it downloaded; had to upgrade my Itunes and then; since I have never used Itunes before, figure out how to download the CD. Then a mad dash around the house looking for a blank CD to burn it on. Honestly, it would have been quicker to go to the store and buy a CD! But I am loving this CD...I am just sitting here with a huge grin on my face...good job Clay! Kim
  4. Not listening either, I actually like going out and buying the CD; spending 15 minutes trying to open it, reading the linear notes...the whole CD front and back and then listening to it. Can't wait for tomorrow! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until OMWH is Here! 2 Days until GMA! 3 Days until The View! 4 Days until The Today Show! 7 Days until Leno! 11 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 14 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. I think I'll just let Laughn bring over the updates...you sure have a quick finger on that clicker! Kim OMWH is #9 on Amazon!
  7. Laughn You beat me to it, I was just going to post that! Very interesting! Kim
  8. I think for some fans there is still the need to prove that AI and America got it wrong 5 years ago and that Clay is indeed the best and if he would only get radio play and accepted by the masses than they get their "I told you so" moment and maybe it is a way to validate their fandom to their families, friends, etc. who don't get it or don't understand. For me; my kids don't get my Clay love and roll their eyes a lot at times, but they don't put him down in front of me and they know when they are in the car with me, we are listening to Clay and you know, sometimes I will hear them singing along to a song or tapping their fingers to the beat of the music. I think it may not be cool to admit you like Clay Aiken, but I think a lot of people do. I sent a link for OMWH to my three sisters, one sister responded and said she liked it...the two others have never responded and that was three weeks ago...have to admit that really bothers me; even if they just sent a note and said, thanks, but no thanks, I would have appreciated a response. My hubby may not like Clay's kind of music although he will listen to it in the car if I ask, he has been pretty tolerant of the fandom and for the IT show at the United Center in Chicago, actually drove me down there, waited in the parking lot for the show to be over for two hours and then drove me home. He doesn't mind me going to concerts, but I know not to push it. The farthest away from home I have ever traveled is 4 hours. I think he realizes that this fandom is more than about Clay, it is about friendships and I have two very good friends that I have met through the fandom that live quite close to me. After 5 years in the fandom, I have accepted that Clay will probably never be on top 40 radio, that the music industry may never totally embrace him, but he is such a gifted entertainer that to limit himself to just a career as a "pop star" would be a waste of his talents. I am so thrilled that he took this role on Broadway, because I do believe that it will and has opened many doors for him and that the best is yet to come. I don't worry about Clay because I know he will be successful and will be remembered, long after the naysayers and critics have put down their pens and turned off their computers. Kim
  9. I guess what bugs me is that some of the people who have illegally downloaded the CD are the ones who are usually the most vocal about Clay's CD sales when they are not what they think they should be and I guess I just don't get that. Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 3 Days until GMA! 4 Days until The View! 5 Days until The Today Show! 8 Days until Leno! 12 Days until The Climmel/Rachel Ray! 16 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Spent all afternoon cleaning my living room and reorganizing a closet so I could put some stuff away that cluttering up the floor..I really hate clutter and it is so nice to see my carpet again...it's blue, who knew? Kim
  12. I got an e-mail from Wal-Mart that my CD has shipped! Kim
  13. I have no desire to download the CD either; haven't listened to the snippets, have only heard what was on QVC; but I am perfectly content to wait until Monday to hear the whole thing; kind of makes me sad that some aren't. But to each his own. Kim
  14. PuddinsJoy! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Don't be a stranger! Madly cleaning my house right now in between checking the boards...weather kind of sucks so no gardening this week-end. I am so anxious to get my garden, hoping for next week-end. Kim
  15. And others of us used to be members but can't for the life of them remember their username and password. And my email addresses say there is no such user. Hmmmmm...... I was actually a member there once too, and now I can't get in. Does anyone now how they get their pictures? Always kind of bothered me that one site has exclusive pictures and you have to be a member to see them. Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 3 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 4 Days until GMA! 5 Days until The View! 6 Days until The Today Show! 9 Days until Leno! 13 Days until The Climmel/Nightline/Rachel Ray! 17 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Hugs Couchie, I feel your pain literally. Hope you have a great time this week-end. I pretty much need to stay off the boards when I am feeling like this because every little thing starts to piss me off and I don't trust myself to post. Just in a mood and I can't even get excited about Spamalot this week-end...probably need to eat copious amounts of chocolate or something, LOL!. Love the two new interviews; my favorite thing about Clay is that he says what he feels and the heck with being PC. Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 4 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 5 Days until Clay is on GMA! 6 Days until Clay is on The View! 7 Days until Clay is on The Today Show! 10 Days until Leno! 14 Days until The Climmel! 17 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Feeling like utter crap right now, PMS'ing big time ( I am going to be 51 in Sept. and I am so ready to be over this shit!) Anyhoo, just wanted to make a correction about the ATDW, People did have a download suggestion for that review, Sorry Seems To Be The Saddest Word. I remember because when that review came out and people were bitching about how bad it was, I, in trying to lighten the mood, commented that at least they suggested downloading that song and promptly got my head bitten off for it. No surprise there. Now I think I will head off to a hot bath... Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 5 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 6 Days until Clay is on GMA! 7 Days until Clay is on The View! 10 Days until Clay is on Leno! 14 Days until The Climmel! 17 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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