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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I am thinking I just need to sign my paycheck over to Clay, LOL! Kim
  2. will YSRN relent if i protested loud enough? i think i may be the only one who love the green sweater. it looks good on him. Nope, I love the green sweater too! I didn't get to meet him at the Border's book signing but I was there and I thought he looked just adorable! Watched the video at work, but had to have it play softly, so now that I am home, I am going to watch it again and crank up the volume. And to clarify; I am only listening to Clay's versions of the songs, not the demos. Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 11 Days until Clay is on QVC! 17 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 19 Days until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. So where would he be singing this requested (no cellphone, so I am not on the call and text list)? If anyone would like to request a song for me...Light My Fire (I know it is a dreaded cover, but I like covers and have always had a hankering for Clay to sing this) Kim
  5. Just did my duty as a good Clay fan and order my CD from Wal-Mart...was just starting to place my order when our power went out (very windy here today); fortunately it was only out for a bit...so went back in and order it! I am so excited about this CD! Not listening to any snippets; demos or Clay's...just going to wait and listen on the 6th...so I appreciate when people spoiler lyrics, etc. Wedding Update: I am on vacation next week, so we are going Monday to look at Wedding Dresses and if we don't find one on Monday, then back out on Thursday. Emily wants to get the dress next week! Yeah, my rebate check is already spent! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, I caught the news about the picture taking before I went to bed last night and I think it is brilliant; better than the stage door. Now, the people who actually paid to see the show can get something and Clay doesn't have to stand outside signing things for the same people every night. 12 Days until Clay is on QVC! 18 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 20 Days until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. So exciting about the auction; unfortunately I am a poor Clay fan so no bidding for me, but good luck to those who are! I am really getting excited about the nexxt few weeks! I am on vacation next week, so I will be able to Clay alot, so hope for some good things coming our way! Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, Welcome Iseeme; I always enjoy your posts! Can't wait for your recap Jamar! 13 Days until Clay is on QVC! 19 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 21 Days (3 weeks!) until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, 14 Days until Clay is on QVC! 20 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 22 Days until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Claygasm No I am not kidding about the Vincent theory. Sometimes I just shake my head. Ruben and Clay...I think the Ruben pimping was done purely to make a competition and boost the ratings...they knew that Clay was running away with the thing and had to make it look like there was a race. I was pretty disappointed in the finale because I wanted Clay to win, but I think that was due to jammed phone lines, Clay's were, Ruben's were not and more people got through on Ruben's lines. Kim
  11. The KLO-Reunion Tour still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I have never been a fan of Kim; although I will admit, I was kind of hoping for a Kim/Clay finale. I thought having Clay do a duet with her on her debut CD was a blatant attempt to garner sales from the Clay fans and I really hate that kind of manipulation. I can understand why Kim wanted to do the tour with Clay and Ruben, but I think she handled the whole thing very badly and for all the crap she has thrown at Clay about how he is not a good friend; well, that is two-fold and I don't think she has been a good friend to Clay. Was Clay angry at Kim, yeah, I think he was, but I also think he was pretty pissed at the fandom when he posted his blog and suddenly was blindsided by the nasty comments in his blog and on the boards. I have to say, that is one day when I was very ashamed of this fandom. I will never understand why some fans will never give him the benefit of the doubt and always assume the worst from him. I could not believe some of the things I was reading about him and then when he blogged and cleared things up; it was back to "Oh we love you Clay" when two minutes before these same fans were complaining about how he was ruining his career. I can't stand that kind of two-facedness (is that a word?). Sorry for the rant, but like I said; I think this whole episode really showed a bad side to the fandom. Kim
  12. This appears to be the webisode that is supposed to air on Broadway.com tomorrow...found by claikendee at the CV...scroll down to where it says Spamalot Webisode in the list of videos: http://www.woodfm.com/iplaylist/artist/559598/ Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 15 Days until Clay is on QVC! 21 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 23 Days until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. After Clay revealed during the Prime Time Interview his sister Deb's suicide, there were many in the fandom who believe and probably still believe that AI chose that song knowing about Clay's family history in order to throw him off; sabatoge him, etc. There was a lot of outrage and how dare they's. Now, I am not sure if AI knew about that or not; doesn't seem like something Clay would volunteer; I know AI does background checks, is that something that would show up? It would not have been my first choice for a song for Clay to sing, but it fit the box they were trying to stuff him in...ballad boy. Like I said earlier, I thought he did a wondergul job on it and would not have known there was a mix-up if the judges had not mentioned it. Mack The Knife...I honestly did not understand why the fandom was ga ga over this because it really is not one of my favorites. Too lounge singer for my tastes; if they were going to have him do Bobby Darin, I would have preferred "Beyond The Sea". Unchained Melody...I really love this song, but hated the arrangement...after hearing about them adding a verse to Vincent, I wonder why they didn't lengthen this song instead. It was a little too theatrical for my tastes...my absolute favorite version of this song is when Clay sang it at the David Foster Gala. Kim
  15. Hubby and I were married Sept. 18th so this will be a nice way to spend our anniversary. Playbiller Maybe I could have Clay come sing at the wedding; kill two birds with one stone; as it were (I think our guest list might double if that were to happen, LOL!) Cha Cha Maybe we need t-shirts made up that say "Just a Fan". Kim
  16. Wedding Update! We have an offical date...Sept. 20th! We have a Hall! We have a Church! Okay, I can breathe now...big sigh of relief! Re: Vincident...I though Clay did a wonderful job on the song and never realized there was a mistake until the judges brought it up. Hated the suit though and hope he burned it! Kim
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