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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Welcome njrp4clay! You ladies are all so smart; just been nodding along in agreement while catching up. So had a sort of "Clay" moment today; had to call tech support regarding a problem on the database we use to order books and I hear this very sweet southern voice say, "Hi, my name is Clayton, how may I help you?"...honest to God, I actually got tongue-tied hearing that and my mind went blank for a couple of seconds! Unfortunately, he could not help me (it has been a day...customer service hell to the max...can I just say how much I hate those automated voices that ask you tell them what you want...they just sound so condescending) but it was nice talking to him! So Muski, you couldn't fit All My Children into your closing statement? Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, For myself, I try very hard not to use FCA as a place just to come and rant; but sometimes it is good to be able to vent and post opinion without getting edited and it also makes one feel so not alone in the fandom when you see others with the same opinion. And like I said yesterday, sometimes you just like to be where people take the common sense approach to situations rather than the emotional one. 31 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 33 Days until "On My Way Here" is here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Ashleysgram So good to see you here! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Muski Kim
  4. Me either Gibby; I am here to have fun and to enjoy Clay...I have enough stress in real life without having it invade my "hobby" too! Clay is such a smart man and I have great faith in him that he knows what he is doing to have the kind of career that he wants. Kim
  5. I firmly believe there are some fans who are not happy unless they are complaining about something and if there isn't anything legitimate to complain about, they are more than happy to make things up. Yeah, I am in a pissy mood...probably doesn't help that it is that time of the month either...think I need to go find some chocolate...I think there is a half-eaten chocolate bunny from Easter around here somewhere. Kim Awe, come on...just whisper it...I won't tell anyone! Kim
  6. While I am happy to see this, I wish fans would just let the info come out as planned instead of always pumping folks for info before they are ready to release it. Kim
  7. American Idol? I honestly have no idea; but I am sort a leaning towards no...and even though they have a huge audience and would be great publicity for him...I am kind of hoping that ship has sailed....that said, if he does make an appearance, I will be watching. Kim
  8. Wow! No one read's couchie's posts???? Is that allowed???? (She posted this a little earlier....) Sorry, I must have missed it...thought it was something new. Kim
  9. Yeah, but it is usually the same people, saying the same things they said back in 2006 and frankly, I am just not ready for ATDW, part 2. Kim
  10. Thank you God for this place of sanity and logical thinking...my mouth is still hanging open from the stuff I am reading on other boards! :F_05BL17blowkiss: and huge hug to FCA! That said, I am disappointed there won't be a summer tour but I can live with Fall or even a Christmas Tour if I have to. These were fan questions; questions the fans wanted answer, can't fault Clay if some don't like the answers he gave. I am really looking forward to the CD; it sounds so interesting; not going to listen to any snippets though, want to be completely surprised. Kim
  11. That cereal list reminds me of my Aunt; she had her kids on a breakfast schedule the whole time they were growing up...Mondays was waffles, Tuesdays was hot cereal..etc., my cousins hated it. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, Sunshine here this morning and it is going to be in the 50's; I can just feel the warm weather right around the corner! 32 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 34 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! 89 Days until The Summer of Clay (maybe?) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Ohh! Cha Cha Lovely Banner! ldj Great recap! Another word filter hater...will be glad when things are back to normal (as normal as they can get in Clay Nation tomorrow) :F_05BL17blowkiss: to our admins for not inflicting that on us today! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Was a little scared to log on this morning, since other boards takes April Fool's Day very seriously...but so far so good...no crazy banners or wierd words when you post...of course, I haven't hit reply yet, LOL!. 33 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 35 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! 90 Days until The Summer of Clay! Everyone have a great day! Welcome back Ansa! Kim
  15. Have a safe trip...um...trips ausdon! I am not listening to anything either; I look forward to ripping open that CD on May 6th, sitting back and just letting Clay's voice wash over me and hearing those songs for the first time. Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, No tinglies but I did have a dream last night that the Press Release came out today; I have had dreams that have come true, so here is hoping this is one of them! 34 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 36 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! 91 Days until The Summer of Clay! "Hey Chicago, What To Do You Say, Cubs Are Gonna Win Today! Go! Cubs Go" Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. The lyrics of YWT have always sort of confused me because the complaint has always been about the Christianity of the song and yet reading the lyrics there is a lot of the Old Testament in them and a lot of it didn't make sense to me. Talking about the God Of Abraham and David and then at the end, the Risen Lamb of God as if they are the one and the same (and as a Catholic, I do believe that), when Jesus Christ is not universally recognized. Just was never quite sure what the songwriter was doing there. I actually did clean yesterday; cleaned my whole kitchen and just finished ironing the curtains so I can re-hang them. Always get the cleaning bug in spring time and have been known to take a week of vacation so can I clean my whole house from top to bottom. Not doing that this year though, decided that is just too much work and who is going to see if the tops of the celing fans are dusty? Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Re: Sacrificial Love...he talked about that song in the WRAL interviews; he said it was about a relationship that you have to sort of hold you over until the real thing comes along (paraphrasing here) 35 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 37 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! 92 Days until The Summer of Clay! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. It sure is. I don't think anyone is saying that it isn't. I know I wasn't. I wasn't either. Kim
  20. Playbiller I do believe there is a faction of the fandom who expect Clay to live up to their own moral code; some because they practice the same faith and some because I think they desperately want Clay to be who they want him to be. And partly, I think too, because the image he portrayed on AI, this sweet, southern boy who loves his Mama and his God. There are some who refuse to take Clay down off that pedestal and allow him to be a human being, flaws and all. I think Clay is partly to blame too, because I think he was new to everything and was so afraid of offending the fans, his family and especially his Mama, that I think he kind of boxed himself in with the family-friendly talk. Clay may have been 24 when we first met him, but I think emotionally he was a lot younger and had a lot of growing up to do and there are still a lot of fans who just do not want to see that growth and want him to remain that kid we saw in Atlanta. Kim
  21. Speaking only for myself; I had and still do have a hard time understanding the very extreme reactions to the song...intolerance can go both ways and when I read posts denouncing the song; I find I get very offended because to me it is intolerence of the Christian faith. Clay said in LTS that he sang the song for himself only; to thank his God, not to try and convert people and I believe him. Would it have been better if he had made announcement before each show that this song was included so those who were not interested could take a bathroom break or go to the merchandise stand? I don't think so. I am Catholic and if Clay were Jewish and decided to sing a song in the middle of a concert with jumbotrons showing the Star of David and the Torah, I would not be offended. But maybe that is because I was brought up in a religious environment. CG I don't know you and I don't know your background or why you have such strong feelings about religion, so maybe that is why I have a hard time understanding. Kim
  22. Picture of Playbill Ad at CV...scroll down: http://www.clayversity.net/forums/index.ph...486&st=4470
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