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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Apparently, Page Six has the pictures of Clay and Rosie and has captioned them...don't really think it is all that bad. Kim
  2. Yeah that. AIKim and Muski reached through the computer screen and gave me their cold/flu/whatever. I need my vacation time for a certain trip in April so am trying to suck it up and get something done. Awe, I'm so sorry...this stuff is not fun at all...I am so tired of coughing and blowing my nose! Lots of hot tea and chicken soup! Gah! I am so loving the blond hair, he better not change it before the summer tour! Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone! 10 Days until Spring! 53 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 55 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Hi all, Feeling much better, I actually slept through the night without coughing and it was 50 degrees here today! Hoping this is a sign that Spring really is on the way! Muski take care of yourself and everyone else that is not feeling well! ldyj Keeping you and your Mom in my prayers and Couchie and Mom too! Can't wait to hear the recaps from all the FCA'ers getting Spammed tonight! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, Safe travels and have fun to all those heading to Spamalot today; can't wait for all the re-caps! Couchie Hope your mom is doing better! 11 Days until Spring! 54 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 56 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, Still coughing; woke up at 4:45; tried to go back to sleep, finally gave up and got up...so that is why I am here so early. Have to go to work today...don't get paid for my days off so I can't take too many sick days. Hate the time change, it was getting light at 6:00, now it won't be light until 7:00. 12 Days until The First Day! 55 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 57 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Good Morning All, 13 Days until The First Day of Spring and 12 Days until Spicey's trip across the pond! 56 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 58 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Yes, playbill you are right, and that makes sense. I didn't understand why they was an abridged version and why ANYONE would want the abridged version but of course NOW I know. They have replaced the one I got with the abridged version which is only a couple of hours long. It's not 5 hours of Clay but even one hour of Clay is better than 5 hours of someone narrating HIS story! This is the version I have; I listened to it on a two hour trip to my mother-in-laws and it was heaven, like he is talking just to you...enjoy! Kim
  9. Thanks for the trip down memory lane; too much clack to pick out favorites and my head is too stuffed up to even think clearly. So it has been reading what everyone else finds to be favorites. Perma I was in Merrillville when he hit the note in AIW and it is something I will never forget..I think it really hit home for me the connection between Clay and his fans and the power of that love. I wish I had known you were there that night, I would have loved to say hi! BSOB is one of my favorite pieces of clack and I do watch that one often, not just at Christmas time. My fondest memory is Invisible from St. Paul. The very first video I ever downloaded and I remember how proud I was of myself since I was pretty new to computers at the time and I was scared to death that I was going to blow it up or something. I remember watching that with the biggest grin on my face even though part of it was sideways; the first shirt tug and the OMG girl. Such a fun time in the fandom and it was just the beginning. Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until Daylight Savings Time! 14 Days until Spring! 57 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 59 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Can someone PLEEEEESE find the original of that picture for me? I NEEEEEEEEEEEED it badly. Used to bowl in a league, about 6 years ago. I think my average was 145. Camethisclose to a 200 game one time. I think I choked too. *g* Now, I just bowl with the Wii. Love that. Wii's are the best video game systems ever. It is at the OFC, the Spamalot Discussion thread, post #4888. Kim
  12. KarenEh If you want to study his cheekbones more, I suggest you check out the CH banner Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, Still feel like crap, but have to go to the grocery store; the family still needs to eat even if Mom is sick. 2 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 15 Days until Spring and 14 Days until Spicey's trip across the pond! 58 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 60 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Decided to pull myself off the couch and see what was going on and I see we have another bowler here! Those are great scrores...my average is 127; but I generally bowl better than that...I am still waiting for that 200 game. Hubby and I bowl on Friday nights. Love the quote from Hannah! Had some chicken soup and feeling a little better; going back to bed and sleeping for two more hours helped too. Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone, Not so good this morning, the cold has progressed to the coughing stage, so I am definately taking a sick day today...I never take sick days...I always feel guilty when I take a day off of work but I really don't think they want me there coughing all over the place. Yay! for the CD being on Amazon for pre-order and Yay! for the rankings...we are good! I will wait until the morning of May 6 and get my butt over to Wal-Mart ASAP...maybe buy one from Amazon later on. 3 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 16 Days until Spring! 59 Days until the Closing Night of Spamalot! 61 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day!
  16. Hmmm...I think not drinking could have its advantages...the heck with solving mysteries and writing a book...I think the madcap adventures of my fellow FCA'rs would be much more interesting (of course all names will be changed to protect the inn...okay not so innocent) Kim
  17. Not a big fan of outdoor theaters either; I am not a big fan of heat...the JBT in Indy comes to mind...but if that was the only choice to see Clay this summer, I would be there. The RV sounds good, but I don't drink...just stick an umbrella in my iced tea... Kim
  18. Please take with a huge barrel of salt (but nice to think about) Perma Camp out all you want as long as you keep bringing the pretty! Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday, I am feeling better, not 100%, but not sick enough to justify taking a sick day; especially since I don't get paid for them. So I will just trundle off to work with my cough drops and tea. 4 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 17 Days until Spring and 16 Days until Spicey's trip across the pond! 60 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 62 Days until the New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Annabear just home from work and not feeling much better, aches and chills to go along with the sore throat and stuffy nose. I think a sick today tomorrow might be in order. I don't watch reality shows at all and keep hoping the genre will wear itself out, but I don't see that happening. Oprah not a fan at all...I think she has gotten much too egotistical and power-hungry, so needless to say, I am not watching her show. Apologies to all those Oprah fans out there (but you know if Clay were to be on her show, I am so there!) Kim
  21. Kim, they (UPS Innovation folks) told me it would take about 24-36 hours from the time you get the notice for the tracking number to start working. I checked mine on Friday and there was no info, but by Monday it was showing up. Gal at UPS said total time from your email to your door should be apx. a week. I'll let you know if that turns out to be true this Friday. lol. Hee. I was going to whine about wasting this top post talking about the mail, then I realized we were talking about Clay's package, so I guess it's ok. Thanks for the info...guess I'll wait until tomorrow to check again. (I was so proud of myself that I went through the whole winter without getting sick, but this morning I have a sore throat and stuffy nose...guess it was inevitable.) Kim
  22. I finally got my e-mail regarding my package...quickly tracked it to see where it might be and It says no information available. Guess that means it is languishing in a truck in some warehouse somewhere. Kim
  23. Good Morning Everyone, 5 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 18 Days until Spring! 61 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 63 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. Good Morning Everyone, 6 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 19 Days until Spring! 62 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 64 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  25. They usually show the Sunday episode the following Saturday here at 4:00, so I will have to wait until then...but yeah, probably need to keep checking the schedule. Kim
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