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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 85 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 87-94 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 86 Days Until the Closing Night of Spamalot! 88-95 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 87 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 91-98 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Slush and snow here again today...can't say it enough...winter sucks! But it could be worse, so stay safe all of you in the tornado zone. Topic de jour...can't dance; hubby can't dance...I may get one slow dance a year if we go to a wedding and then I have to lead and we usually just go around in a circle until the song is done. I love that Clay ventured out of his comfort zone and took this role. Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 88 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 90-97 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Goodness, that is one stunning banner! Took my breath away when I logged on! Looks like we are going to get some more snow here in the Chicago area, I am so ready for winter to be over! I love Clay's modesty too; I think he is very aware of how talented he is and considering his determination to get on AI, I would say a pretty healthy ego too, but it is refreshing to see someone who is not so in your face about it. I do not understand why some fans want him to change and be someone he is not. I know some are bothered by the whole "we" and "us" thing he does and honestly, I have no idea why...doesn't bother me at all, most times I don't even notice it. If he were to start saying "I" all them time he would probably get skewered in the press for being big headed and some of those same fans would be the first ones complaining about it. Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 90 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 92-99 Days until The New CD! Hugs and prayers to those who need them! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Thanks everyone for all your perspectives. JJ I think you and I are very much alike in are approach to messageboards...I am a pretty blunt person and say what I feel and sometimes that is not always appreciated and I really hate when my posts are interpretated to mean something entirely different than what I intended and then I get green-inked or reprimanded for it. Doesn't sit well at all with me. I like this board because I don't have to sit here for 10 minutes trying to word my posts so it fits into guidelines and doesn't offend. But still, I am much more a lurker than a poster. Kim
  9. Interesting conversations today; sometimes having to work really bites when I miss so much. Wasn't going to bring this up, but since it sort goes along with the discussion about posts from other boards, I was actually called on something I said here...have to say that it made me very uncomfortable...sort of like big brother was watching me and has now made me very wary of saying anything about anyone that is not a member here or talking about other boards. This person felt I was talking behind her back and maybe I shouldn't have said anything at the time, but it was in a moment of frustration and I needed to vent. I hate censorship, and I hate that I now feel like I have to censor myself, but in the interest of inter-board harmony, I feel it is something I need to do. Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 90 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 92-99 Days until The New CD! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Not watching the game, but I always root for the underdog..so yay Giants! Kim
  12. I never thought there was anything between Kelly and Clay either except friendship; never saw any chemistry and I honestly have doubts that they are still "best buds" today...like some have said they are on different career paths and I have never been comfortable with the constant comparisions between their careers...to me it is like apples and oranges. I have never thought of Clay as a "pop star"; I think that term is very limiting. Success can be defined in so many ways and I think Kelly's definition and Clay's definition are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Clay and Tyra...Definately saw chemistry there; I was amazed at the comfort level; first time I ever felt like I was really seeing Clay and honestly, there were times when I felt a little uncomfortable watching...like I was intruding on private moments. Clay and Angela...there have actually been times when I have thought they may have had something going on...they just seem too familiar and comfortable with each other on stage and if it did happen, well good for them. Quiana has always seemed more like a sister to Clay to me and I would never expect him to interact with her like he does Angela. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 91 Days until the Closing Show of Spamalot! 93-110 Days until the New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 92 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 94-101 Days until The New CD (keeping fingers and toes crossed!) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Must just be me, I don't find Sara Silverman's comedy all that funny; I've seen promo's on Comedy Central and frankly I find a lot of her stuff offensive and even though I haven't watched the video, there is no way I would want Clay doing a video with foul language. Sometimes it isn't easy being conservative in this fandom; sometimes I really feel out of the loop. Kim
  16. Good Morning All, Snow day here too, but I normally don't work on Fridays although I was supposed to go int his afternoon to set up the book sale we are having tomorrow...guess I will just have to wing it tomorrow morning! Safe travels to all those heading out today! 93 Days until the Closing Night of Spamalot! 95-102 Days unti the New CD (still keeping fingers and toes crossed!) Everyone having a great day! Kim
  17. aikim! You lucky beyotch! Where you going to PUT all that? I mean, what do you DO with that much? I'll never tell! Kim
  18. Its cold but clear in New York- I sure hope everyone can get here OK. Keeping my fingers crossed for those traveling. They have already cancelled 500 flights at O'Hare; couple of friends that are heading to NYC this week-end have a 10:00 a.m. flight tomorrow; if it gets as bad as they say, I don't think they will be getting out. Kim
  19. Jump in the middle of thread and saw "controversey of the day" and thought I missed something...then I saw what it was...big eyeroll. Bracing for another winter storm; we could get 6-10 inches...it is really going to be a crapshoot for those leaving from O'Hare tomorrow for NYC. They have already cancelled some flights. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, 94 Days until the Closing Night of Spamalot! 96-113 Days until The New CD (Still keeping fingers and toes crossed!) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, Atinal I found your post interesting because I have a different experience; I never get upset about things written about Clay because I know what it is true and I consider the source, most times I just roll my eyes and move on, but sometimes I wonder if I am really an unfeeling person because I don't get upset about things. Reading around the boards the last few days and I was truly like, what am I missing? Because I just didn't see what everyone else was seeing and at some other boards I was made to feel like I was really a bad fan because I wasn't gnashing my teeth and pulling my hair out over this. I always try to come up with logical reasons for things and sometimes that is always not appreciated on the boards. Oh and the accent thing, well I have seen his accent exaggerated in fan fic many times so I am not sure why this is so different? 95 Days until the Final Night of Spamalot! 97-104 Days to the New CD (still keeping fingers and toes crossed!) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Good Morning All, 96 Days until the Closing Night of Spamalot! 108-115 Days until The New CD (still keeping fingers and toes crossed!) Everyone have a great day! Kim
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