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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, Wow, you certainly miss alot when you go to bed early; that time of the month and I was feeling like crap, so I decided to camp out in bed in front of the TV last night instead of hanging out on the boards. My gut reaction to the article was that Clay was tired and cranky and wasn't in the mood for stupid questions; just lazy journalism and I applaud Clay for calling the guy on it. It did say these were excerpts; so it would be interesting to see the complete article. The drama on the boards; read a little bit of it and not surprised, same old; same old. Always seems to be double standard where Clay is concerned or maybe I should say a higher standard. We are allowed to say whatever we want about him, whether it be about his hair, clothes, or posting pictures of his crotch, etc.; yet he is supposed to be this paragon of virtue and never say or do anything that might be considered controversial. Don't get it and never will. 6 Days until Clay is on Broadway! 10 Days until Clay is on The View! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 7 Days, 1 week! until Clay is on Broadway! 11 Days until Clay is on The View! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Let me know if it helps you see Clay more clearly or not. I clicked on it and all I got was a blank screen...is there supposed to be something there or am I being really dense? Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, 8 Days until Clay is on Broadway! 12 Days until Clay is on The View! (tentatively) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. I think we can all agree that the promotion for ATDW was not what we all expected for a talent of Clay's caliber; what we don't know is why and I think that is where the discussions often veer off into the Twilight Zone for me...consipiracy theories; Clive is the devil in disguise; RCA was punishing Clay...it goes on and on...but whose to say that Clay wasn't in agreement with the promotion or given the hellish year that 2006 and considering how thin Clay was on Kimmel; that maybe healthwise he wasn't up to a big promotion campaign...he began taking Paxil for his panic attacks...he was very ill earlier that year Europe and we really don't know how long it took him to recover from that. Way too many unknowns, but honestly; for me, that particular horse has been long dead and I am so ready to move on to Spamelot and beyond. Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 9 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. thread title? heee! Eeeeeeee! Something I said was nominated for a thread title! First time! I'm honored! Kim
  8. Finally got home and was able to listen and watch the clack from last day; it was killing me all day having to wait...but it so worth it! UM...as has been said, the best ever...Clay owns that song and nobody should ever sing it but him! First time I ever heard Get Here...yes Clay, no problem...checking the airlines, trains, etc. right now! And Dear Clay, don't ever change that hairstyle or color or shave the sideburns... Kim
  9. ClayIzzaQT from CV just posted a picture of Clay that is to die for...I can't bring it over, but someone, please hurry! Have thudmats and drool bibs ready! Kim
  10. Good Morning! And a big to ComEd, our power went out again, right in the middle of downloading clack! But thank you everyone for the screencaps, he truly is a beautiful man and I am loving the sideburns! Guess I will have to wait until this evening to listen to the clack! Loving Leslie's blog...what, no clack of him singing the theme song to Mr. Belvedere?, LOL! OMG, rehearsals must be a hoot! 10 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Well, I missed the whole dang cellcert, our power went out around 6:00 and just came back on! Sounds like a good time was had by all and please, please, let there be clack of Clay singing! He looks purty too! Kim
  12. There are just some people that can't see beyond Clay Aiken, Popstar and that is really sad, because they are depriving themselves of Clay's potential...he is so far beyond Popstar it isn't even funny...BF is setting the groundwork for a long career and I for one, can't wait to see where it takes him. Kim
  13. How do you know its Monday? When you look down and realize you have two different shoes on! (but at least they are both black!) Kim
  14. It was just announced on The View that will be a guest in the next month! Apparently they were listing upcoming guests. I am not watching, this was posted at CV! Kim
  15. This just in from the BAF Golf Outing! REPORT FROM THE FRONT 60 carts - 2 players per cart - 120 players signed up - this is a VERY GOOD turn out! (Do the math..) The country club and the club house is beyond beautiful and classy! The golfers are signed in and having a gourmet breakfast right now. They anticipate being done playing around 4 - 4:30 and we will meet them at the country club at 5, I know caperkeeper doesn't get home from work until 6:15 to 6:30 so we will cell cert unti,l and if we can get the stream going. Big plaque that says WELCOME TO THE BUBEL /AIKEN FOUNDATION ANNUAL INCLUSION TOURNAMENT WHERE EVERY CHILD DESERVES TO BE FULLY INCLUDED IN LIFE WE ARE WORKING TO MAKE FULL INCLUSION A REALITY Signed..........Clay Aiken at the bottom - BUBEL /AIKEN FOUNTATION SERVES TO BRIDGE THE GAP THAT EXISTS BETWEEN YOUNG PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AND THE WORLD AROUND THEM. WE SUPPORT COMMUNITIES WITH INCLUSION AND TOGETHER CREATE AWARENESS ABOUT THE POSSIBILITIES THAT INCLUSION CAN BRING. More as we know it! JEROME AND CLAY ARE STANDING IN FRONT OF MY HUSBAND RIGHT NOW.................HE'S IN THE HOUSE yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (These reports are from Katy4clay at the CV!)
  16. Oooh, if any of you CVers are over there and happen to catch a post, would you mind bringing it over here for us? I second this request.... and I have to sniff cos aikim;s calendar only has one event left...sniff. I know, makes me sad too...hoping he will be doing some morning show appearances I can to it. Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 57 Degrees here this morning; feels good, but it can be confusing to the plants...looks like colder temps will be returning by the week-end. CV is planning on having a golfcert this evening, I believe around 6:30 est. Hoping the Golf Outing is a big success for the BAF! 11 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. I have actually played Clay at work...MCWL and AIW and people have stopped to ask who it is...I tell them and they move on...no snide comments. My feeling has always been, we don't like it when Clay is made fun of, criticized, etc., so why do it to other artists? Always have felt there was a bit of hypocrisy in the fandom in that regard. Kim
  19. I never get grief about Clay...oh, the occastional eyeroll from the kids when they get in the car and its all Clay, all the time, but it's my car and if they don't like it they can find another mode of transportation. Some at work know I am a fan, but I don't talk about him and I don't have pictures around. Even at home my stuff is put away. Hubby has no problem with me going to concerts...but he is not a fan, so I limit my clack watching to when he is not around...helps that he works nights and goes to bed around 7:00...I have most of the evening to Clay around. Kim
  20. Had an interesting occurrence at the Antique Mall we went to today; I'm walking and spy a picture out of the corner of my and do a double take...it was high up on the wall, quite large...and yes, after I stood there and looked at it for awhile, it was my Grandpa! It was taken when he was in high school and it was a picture of his baseball team. This would have been around 1914 or so. I was sure I had a smaller picture of it at home, so I have been looking through old family photos and of, course I cannot find it. So now, I need to call my sisters and verify it is the same picture and make sure I am not totally nuts! I do recall giving my brother a copy of this picture; so I will have to call him too and have dig his copy out. I didn't purchase the picture because I wanted to verify first...I do know he went to Blue Island High School where the picture is from...like I said it is quite large...probably 3 feet long and 2 feet tall...I suspect it came from the school itself. I would love to have it, although I am not sure where to put it, but I just can't stand the thought of my Grandpa hanging in an Antique Mall! Oh yeah, I bought some books too! Kim
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