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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Couchie Best wishes for your Mom! It was so nice meeting you Saturday night! Fudge is made, Pumpkin pie is made; cookies done...taking a little break before more cooking commences. Hugs to those having a difficult time this year! Kim
  2. Good Morning All, Have a busy day of baking and cooking and getting things ready for tomorrow. A Very Merry Christmas to all! 1 Day until The Skating Special Airs! 14 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 25 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Cindilu2 and luckiest1 Glad you made it home safely. fromClaygary left about 3:30 to drive to O'Hare airport after wrapping with us today. We were all tired and it was so cold sitting by the door; the wind was just fierce and bookmarks and To and From tags were blowing all over the place. But it was a good day. I am just glad to be home, and warm...just relaxing before my marathon baking and cooking day tomorrow! Kim
  4. Cindilu2 and luckiest1 Glad you made it home safely. fromClaygary left about 3:30 to drive to O'Hare airport after wrapping with us today. We were all tired and it was so cold sitting by the door; the wind was just fierce and bookmarks and To and From tags were blowing all over the place. But it was a good day. I am just glad to be home, and warm...just relaxing before my marathon baking and cooking day tomorrow! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, Have to head out to wrap in a few hours, but thought I would give a quick re-cap of last night. Momof3boys and FromClaygary picked me up about 3:30 and we headed off to the venue; ended meeting Cindilu2, Luckiest1 and her daughter and friend and a couple of other gals from CB at The Lone Star for a quick bite to eat and to chat about Clay, what else? There were a lot of other NJU Clay fans there and during dinner we heard the unmistable sounds of Invisible and the waitress said they played it just for us. Funny moment, I was coming out of the bathroom and a couple of ladies stopped me as I went by their table and asked If I was there for Clay...apparently they saw our table full of ladies and assumed we were! They were right. On to the venue; FromClaygary was sitting in the celebrity circle so was allowed to park in the celebrity circle parking lot but it was blocked off, so I ran in the venue real quick to see what we should do and the girl said just move the construction horses and park...so Nancy and I got out and moved the horses and we got ourselves parked. Into the venue and ran into those still waiting for their M & G, apparently they were running late...there was also a girl there who missed a M & G at a previous show, not sure if it was Erie or Cleveland and was sent an e-mail to attend this show. So we wait, could see Mary walking in the lobby and then Jerome and then Faye. Finally Jerome comes to get the M & G'ers and then they let us in; just in time to, as I had to pee so bad! So I ran to the bathroom and then we all mingled in the lobby until we could get to our seats. Faye was taking pictures and Nancy went over to talk to her about being Mom's of boys and about Brett going to Mexico. Faye said it was a long process to get him clearance and that "Clayton finally got all the paperwork done a couple of days ago" and she was very glad he was going since he was in Iraq last Christmas and she did not want to miss another Christmas with him. Also, in the lobby I ran into a girl that I had worked with about 11 years ago and had not seen since, so we caught up...this was her first Clay show and she was over the moon. I wish I had been able to talk to her afterwards to see how she liked it. Onto the show...It was wonderful! I do think Clay was struggle a bit with his voice, but then where we were sitting, we were getting a bit of an echo. The readers were well received; although I have to admit I thought a couple of the stories were a bit too long. I love the Jazzy melody and he really got into the "I said" part. "Welcome To Our World" is my favorite song from the show so I watched him sing that through my binoculars, I just love to watch his face during that song. First time I heard Angie's song and I liked it. I was so happy to see the bangs off his face for the second half; did not really like them. "My Grown Up Christmas List"...You really had to be there to hear it; it was just lovely...we think Clay may have changed the arrangement during intermission because during his banter when he was introducing everyone... he did make a comment about changing things at the last moment and sometimes during intermission. Brett got a standing ovation that was just awesome...even Clay was clapping and smiling from stage and then made the comment about it being his show. Don't Save It All For Christmas Day and All Is Well...just great and he was so sexy when he walked for "All Is Well" sans coat and running his hand through his hair. Met up with the girls after the show and met Couch Tomato and ldyJocelyn and chatted again about Clay and show; it was a fun night and well worth the wait. I was so thrilled to meet some FCA'ers and put faces to names. You gals are a great bunch! Off to download some clack so I can relive the show! Kim
  6. Good Morning All, Very tired this morning but it was so worth it...he is such a beautiful man and it was so worth waiting three long weeks to see the show. MGUCL was just beautiful with the three of them singing and Welcome to Our World is my most favorite song of the tour! I was so happy to meet Couch Tomato, Cindilu2, ldyJocelyn and Luckiest1 and FromClaygary. You guys are great and I am so happy to be part of this board! 2 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 15 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 26 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Just wanted to let everyone know that FromClaygary made it into Chicago last night; she is staying with a friend of mine from CV, Momo3boys...haven't heard from them, but talked to Momo's hubby and they are out and about. Just waiting for someone to call me and let me know when I should be ready to go... Kim
  8. Voted in the poll! I am going to be in Row H, seat 104A if anyone would like to look me up! Time to get off my butt and get some stuff down around here! Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Tonight is the night! EEEEEEEEEEE! So excited I am finally going to see Clay! Foggy and rainy hear right now; everyone traveling drive safe! Hoping to meet many FCA'ers tonight too! 3 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 16 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 27 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Oh honey, when I was a Personal Manager, it was all about managing that PERSON of his! (ifyaknowwhati'mtalkingaboutandithinkyoudo) Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do! Kim
  11. Those are cute Playbiller; I love the little "Charlie Brown" tree. ETA: I just realized I am no longer a Body Guard, I am now a Personal Manager...does that mean I get to tell Clay how to manager his career (just kidding!, LOL!) Kim
  12. Hoping we can all meet you at UNO's; our driver is the girl who was the interpreter for the the fans from Japan last summer and she is bringing one of the girls with her. I think it is so cool that this girl came all the way from Japan for the Christmas show! I know she wants to experience everything about the fandom; so I think this would be fun for her. E-mail has been sent, so just waiting to hear back. Kim
  13. Hi All, Back from a long day of wrapping, but a profitable one. I absolutely love the way Clay looks now, hair...sideburns...he is just too beautiful! Can't wait to see him tomorrow in Merrillville! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Sideburns....that is all 1 Day until Christmas in Merrillville! 4 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 17 Days until The BAf Golf Outing! 28 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Christel I am so glad you enjoyed the show; can't wait to see this Saturday night in Merrillville...wish you were going to be there...hopefully we will get to meet someday! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kim
  16. Just taking a quick peek and this RCA...Totally a dead horse issue to me...I imagine 10 years from now Clay could own the whole shebang and bigger than Elvis and some will be talking about ATDW and what went wrong...I've totally moved on. Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, Clay looked wonderful last night...He needs to wear his hair like that always...and sideburns! Love the sideburns! 2 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 5 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 18 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 29 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 6 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 19 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 30 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Safe travels to all those heading to Minnesota! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, Love the new banner, thanks Cindilu2! Welcome Underthespell, nice to have you here! 4 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 7 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 20 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 31 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Nope. Sorry. Mondays are our dates to explore the Kama Sutra. So how many Mondays will that take...will you be done by May so he can work on the CD? Kim Well, considering I'll be writing a new chapter after each one gets....accomplished ....that CD might be quite delayed. (but please don't tell anybody that....it'll be our sooperseekrit :thumbup: ) My lips are sealed! Kim
  21. Nope. Sorry. Mondays are our dates to explore the Kama Sutra. So how many Mondays will that take...will you be done by May so he can work on the CD? Kim
  22. Found the article...heads are already starting to explode re: the CD news. QUOTE Clay Aiken on Spamalot, stage fright and sequels Posted by Lorrie Lynch Can you think of any better revenge on that high school musical director who cut you from the cast than to end up in a hit Broadway show? I can't. And that's just what has happened for Clay Aiken — the Broadway part, not the revenge, necessarily. He got cut from the musical when in high school in Raleigh, N.C. and next month he'll make his Broadway debut. I just got off the phone with Clay, who was so full of energy and good conversation, he was better than a cup of coffee to jump start my afternoon. He was happy to answer questions from Blog readers, though there was not time to do them all. Thanks for sending them, everyone. You are informed followers indeed. The American Idol alum, who is in Cleveland today, confessed that he was talking to me while he was still in his pajamas; he was waiting backstage to do the sound check before the show there tonight. He'll go to Minneapolis for three days, then Omaha and Chicago before he leaves with UNICEF to work in Mexico for the holidays. He says he won't even have time to think about Spamalot until Jan. 2 and he has not ever seen the movie, Sylvie. In fact, he only saw the show a year ago. "The first time I saw it, I thought, 'This is stupid.' It was lost on me." But about six months later, on a second viewing, he saw that it is "irreverant, silly, silly, silly and it's all it's supposed to be. I laughed so hard. It's the funniest show in New York." He IS a little worried about the dancing, or as he put it, "God help us with the dancing part." He'll have just about two weeks to learn it before his debut on Jan. 18. And he's curious about what it will be like to do eight shows a week all in the same place. Spamalot, he says, "is the closest to a 9 to 5 job I've ever had in my life." And, Lissa, it sounds like he'll work on the new album primarily after the show is wrapped up in May. Clay does not experience stage fright but he did remember for me that the last time he had it was the first week he was on American Idol. As for what other musical or play he might like to do someday, there seems to be no question - Huck Finn in Big River. He recalls seeing that musical in Raleigh when he was very young and realizing "Oh wow. These people are making a living singing. It seemed more attainable." The cool part of that story is, the young actor playing Huck that day that Clay saw it, was Martin Moran. And it is Moran, currently playing Sir Robin in Spamalot, who Clay will replace. I asked about writing a sequel to his book Learning to Sing, and at first he laughed about it being called Learn to Shut Up. But Clay says he doesn't see a sequel. He says the first book felt right because he had so many experiences to share that might benefit someone else. Though he's grown much and "there would be a lot to get in" he doesn't see how it would benefit anyone else. I did get to ask how he relaxes, wondering if he had a hobby or sport. But Clay says the best way for him to relax is to be alone. He likes staying on the tour bus when everyone else is gone, or just going to the mall by himself. He says he recharges best by himself. No doubt he is going to love New York.
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