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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Hi all, Just back from Wrapping; was not as busy as we thought, but a good evening nevertheless; we actually made more money from people stopping to ask about the Foundation and then making a donation. So we didn't wrap much, but talked up the Foundation quite a bit. And a story just for Muski; an older gentleman was walking by and said he bought a telescope for his wife and would we like to wrap it...we said sure, not knowing if he was serious or not (turns out not), but then he stopped to chat and told us he was going to buy a BB gun to shoot all the dang squirrels that were invading his garden and attic. Not a very Merry Christmas story, but he was quite a character and gave us a chuckle! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone! 3 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 29 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 32 Days until The Skating Show Airs! 45 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 56 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. I make a soup similiar to that (It's actually Rachael Ray's recipe) and it is my absolute favorite. No tomatoes in it but I may have to try that. Back from my MIL's; after two days of rain, the sun came out so it was a very nice drive down. We had a nice visit with the family, ate way too much and to add to the day, hubby let me listen to Clay on the way home (usually when he is the car, it is a no Clay zone); now everyone is crashing. Hubby had to go to work at midnight and tomorrow I start Wrapping for Inclusion. I am really looking forward to it! Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, After finally catching up, I have decided that sleep is not an option for the next few months, you miss so much! Loved the interview and one of my favorite things about Clay is his not so political correctness. Poor guy does seem a bit overwhelmed, but I hope he can enjoy today and not spend the whole day in his office. I am not reading anything, but I was planning on wearing black anyway...I really am looking forward to how this all pans out. Heading to my MIL in about 3 hours...no snow here, but it is overcast and dreary outside. 4 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 30 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 33 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 46 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 57 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo: HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! Kim
  5. Christmas Crescent Cookies 1/2 pound butter 2 cups flour 2 cups chopped pecans 7 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 tablespoon water 1/2 teaspoon salt Cream butter and add sugar, vanilla and water. Sift flour and salt together and stir into mixture. Add pecans and miz thoroughly. Using portions the size of a small walnut; roll into crescent shaped cookies. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 20 minutes at 325 degrees. While still warm, roll in powder sugar.
  6. Sugar Cookies 2 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Shortening 2 Eggs 1 Cup Milk 2 Teaspoons Cream of Tarter 2 Teaspoons Baking Soda 2 Teaspoons Vanilla 7 Cups Flour Cream sugar and shortening; add eggs, milk and vanilla. Combine flour, soda and cream of tarter and add to sugar mixture. This makes a very stiff dough. Chill dough before rolling out. Roll thin, cut into various shapes and bake at 375 until just brown around the edges. Frost and decorate when cooled.
  7. Evening All, Cold, rainy, chance of snow...yep, November in Chicago...just yuck! Heading down to my MIL's tomorrow for dinner...two hour drive, eat dinner, visit for awhile and then a 2 hour drive back so hubby can go to sleep and then get up at Midnight to go to work...always a long, tiring day but it is good to see the family. Bottlecap Love the recipes! I am a make it from scratch girl myself; but I am not too proud to use box mixes and it wouldn't be Thanksgiving if the cranberry sauce didn't have lines on it! ldj Thanks for starting the Recipe Forum, I'll dig up those recipes and post them! Kim
  8. Page 1 and 2nd poster...not bad! Off to work, see you all later! Kim ETA, okay 3rd poster, Luckiest1 beat me!
  9. Good Morning Everyone, 5 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 31 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 34 Days until The Christmas Special Airs! 47 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 58 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. ooooh! aikim smutted! Just kidding, babe but dang! I want Clay to do some impromptu riffing on/with/to/for/under/in/over me.... It figures you would find the smut in that post! Kim
  11. Schmoopie post ahead...bear with me...this is not the norm for me. Listened to the interview and just got the total warm fuzzies thinking about Clay, Quiana, Angela and Jesse rehearsing in Clay's living room; maybe with the dogs harmonizing a bit...maybe doing some impromptu riffing...just seems so right. And speaking of right; how appropriate that Clay will be with his kids (and some adults) on Christmas...while we are all opening Christmas gifts, or having dinner or even watching him on TV...he maybe comforting a baby or singing to a group of children. And then he will come home to the lights of Broadway and start a new chapter in his life...it is almost whiplash inducing; but it is also so Clay...and I am so happy that he is able to satisfy all parts of his soul and do what truly makes him happy. I too, am looking forward to Merrillville; it will be memorable night and bittersweet, knowing that it will be a while before some of us actually see him again. He is a keeper all right. Kim
  12. Welcome back Wandacleo! Great news about the possible plans for the Gala! I'm reading it as giving people the option of a two-fer; coming to the Gala and seeing Clay in Spamalot if they choose. I don't think the Foundation is buying tickets for fans to see Clay in Spamelot. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 6 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 32 Days Until Christmas in Merrillville! 35 Days until The Skating Show Airs! 48 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 59 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. I found honey crisp apples at our Jewel; they really were huge, so I only bought a couple, but I really liked them! Kim
  15. I've been up since 4:30 and butt is really dragging; babysitting my daughter's dog and she apparently thinks the wee hours of the morning are a great time to play....only not! ldj You are not alone, the only radio I listen to is talk radio; I would love to see Clay on TV...I really do think that is the medium where he will make his mark...I think to real appreciate all that Clay has to offer, you need to see him and while radio will certainly get his voice out there; the public needs to see the whole package (no I was not smutting, lol!) Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 7 Days...1 Week! Until The Christmas Tour Starts! 33 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 36 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 49 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 60 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. and the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round... The AMA's were voted on by the fans this year...not sure if that will make you feel any better or not. Kim
  18. I think chapter by chapter would work best; but whatever is decided is okay with me. Kim
  19. The bad auditions are probably the biggest reason I don't like AI; I just don't find public humilation entertaining and I find them pretty uncomfortable. The judges seem to enjoy them much too much and that just turns me off. So, I won't be watching next week's show. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone, 8 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 34 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 37 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 50 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 61 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. This is my Grandma's recipe for sugar cookies. It makes a lot, but the recipe can be cut in half. Sugar Cookies 2 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Shortening 2 Eggs 1 Cup Milk 2 Teaspoons Cream of Tarter 2 Teaspoons Baking Soda 2 Teaspoons Vanilla 7 Cups Flour Cream sugar and shortening; add eggs, milk and vanilla. Combine flour, soda and cream of tarter and add to sugar mixture. This makes a very stiff dough. Chill dough before rolling out. Roll thin, cut into various shapes and bake at 375 until just brown around the edges. Frost and decorate when cooled.
  22. Oh they are, I usually have to make a couple of batches during the Holidays. They are a bit fragile so be gentle when doing the powder sugar...I usually just sift the sugar over instead of rolling. Kim
  23. Recipe, please!! Thanks! Okay here you go! Christmas Crescent Cookies 1/2 pound butter 2 cups flour 2 cups chopped pecans 7 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 tablespoon water 1/2 teaspoon salt Cream butter and add sugar, vanilla and water. Sift flour and salt together and stir into mixture. Add pecans and miz thoroughly. Using portions the size of a small walnut; roll into crescent shaped cookies. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 20 minutes at 325 degrees. While still warm, roll in powder sugar.
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