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Everything posted by aikim

  1. From CV: He told the M&G tonight that his UNICEF trip is to Mexico
  2. Just finished watching "My Grown Up Christmas List" from Wichita...simply sublime Kim
  3. Wow! Heavy discussion today. Raises hand...another member of the Postitive Police checking in...I was pretty shocked when that term was applied to me...I do tend to have a pretty optomistic approach to life and my fandom in general, but that doesn't mean that Clay has not said or done things I disagree with, but I just don't feel the need to post every thought on the board...much rather dish about things on the phone with a friend. I just prefer the common sense approach to all things Clay which is why I appreciate this board so much...very intelligent ladies, we have here. Group think...well, I think that was pretty obvious during the whole ATDW debacle when it seemed like if you didn't hate RCA or Clive don't even bother posting...that was a very hard time for me on the boards because I thought there was way too much over-reaction and I do think there was an agenda by certains boards to get everyone to think the same way. I really hate being manipulated, especially when it was so obvious. I figure Clay is a smart man, he knows what he is doing and he doesn't need me giving him career advice...I am just here for the fun, to enjoy him and support him. Okie doke, enough of that...everyone going to South Bend have a great time; wish I was going too,' Merrillville seems like a very long way off. If people can wait that long; I would be happy to pick up some merchandise. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, 24 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 27 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 40 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 51 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Bookwhore I hope you put your recap back, I was really looking forward to reading it. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kim
  6. Home from work...whipped up a Mac and Cheese casserole for dinner and just finished watching the clack from last night. I honestly cannot describe what I am feeling after watching him...this is definately a 360 from last year's show and in a good way. I don't know how to say it; but there is just something different about him...he looks gorgeous and sounds amazing, but there is just something about his aura or being that wasn't there last summer. Maybe because he so in his element, in Church, singing to his God...but at times it almost felt like intruding on private moments. Just watching the videos you can tell he put his heart and soul into this and I am beyond excited to see this in Merrillville...never had to wait for a last show before, so this is really going to be tough! Couchie My pin arrived today! Kim
  7. Good Morning All, Didn't expect a blog this morning; but I was happy to see it. He really did cut right to the heart of the matter, didn't he? The concert was not what I expected, but then, it is his vision, not mine and it appears that this show was meant to re-affirm the true meaning of Christmas which tends to get lost in the hustle and bustle of shopping, cooking and decorating. I love that Clay always does the unexpected and even if we don't get goofy Clay this tour, come Jan. 18, we will get 4 months of goofy, funny, dancing and singing Clay and tights to boot! 25 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 28 Days until The Skating Show Airs! 41 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 52 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Still trying to get my thoughts together on this show; wasn't what I expected at all and I am still not sure about the stories, but hearing it on a garbled cellstream versus actually being at the venue has to make a difference. He sounded in great voice and even though the pictures were blurry, looked great! I am anxious to see the clack of the show...I won't be going until Merrillville and there is no way I can wait three weeks to see this. Does seem to be much more of a formal show; but it was nice not to hear screaming through the show and "I Love You's". Looking forward to the rest of the tour and seeing how he tweaks it (or not). I bet he will be on the OFC sometime tonight to get feedback. Kim
  9. The concert hasn't started yet; just music playing for right now. Kim
  10. Lights went down and a Gentleman came out and offered a prayer before the concert. Kim
  11. Oops, You're right! Fixed my post! Just blame it on pre-concert excitement! Kim
  12. Hope you don't mind me correcting you Ansa, but the concert starts at 7:30 Central time; wouldn't want anyone to be late! Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, Tonights the night! It is going to be a very long day at work! Safe travels for all those leaving to head out to their concerts. Love all the sightings already...I don't know why, but I am so happy Clay has his fur babies with him this time, it really bothered me that he had to leave them behind over the summer tour. 26 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 29 Days until The Skating Show starts! 42 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 53 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a good day! Kim
  14. Well, she really didn't tell us that much...no song titles or anything. Guess I should learn how to spoiler or just not post any concert info ahead of time. Kim aikim, I think you misunderstood me. I realize there isn't any real concert info in the post/story. And I'm glad for that - that's all I am saying. I wouldn't respect Jesse very much if he revealed Clay's concert plans to a fan in a casual conversation. Nothing about you posting the info. Thanks for clarifying; sorry I took it personally. Kim
  15. Well, she really didn't tell us that much...no song titles or anything. Guess I should learn how to spoiler or just not post any concert info ahead of time. Kim
  16. From Stripedshirtsat CV: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have a bit of 'soft news' about the songs-in-the-works to share w/ you all that may help put a bit more excitement into your evening....if you are already excited enough. here's the story, & it's a long one: Over a month back, I met Jesse Vargas for the first time, face to face here in the city. He & Sean were doing a show called Paul Scott Goodman's Songs and Stories, near my neck of the woods. It was @ a small theatre off Broadway. I saw this advertised through the online Bway bulletins so I bought a tkt to see them. The show was in a tiny theatre w/ a space that made it more for a small living room-type of feel, so it was intimate. When Jesse & Sean took the stage w/ other band members, I didn't recognize them immediately because they were dressed so casually - the whole summer I've been used to seeing them dressed up for the symphonies that it was quite refreshing to see them in denims and tees. Jesse was the music director/conductor & Sean of course, was behind the drums. The show was fun, there were alot of inside jokes cracked & most of the material was heavily NY-based - about the life, times, and changes of being an artist struggling in this city. Thought provoking stuff. Very interesting to see Jesse & Sean in a non-Clay concert for a change. The audience consisted of mostly friends, family & colleagues of those musicians who were performing - I think I was the only Clay fan in the audience. When the show was over, Sean & Jesse left the stage & I didn't think I would see them come back, as people disbanded; but no sooner had I turned around, there was Jesse by the bar, chatting w/ some of the patrons. I really wanted to go & say hello, but couldn't work up the nerve as this was a B'way crowd, & everyone there seemed to know eachother -- & I felt like a stranger crashing their party. A nonClayfan friend of mine who came w/ me to the show, seeing that I was chickening out, went himself to Jesse, started talking to him; ;then yelled at me to come over. My friend was a smooth operator - easily brought me in & said to Jesse, "my friend's been wanting to say hello to you". Jesse looked at me, said hi, then asked how I knew of him. I explained that I was a Clayfan of course, & that I found out he was doing this show from online. I came to show some support to him & Sean for their work outside of Clay, & he was flattered. My friend who works in the business, steered the conversation, & politely offered Jesse a drink, which Jesse turned down; he had to leave soon. So I thought, oh well....this is a real quick intro & he's gotta jet, so there goes any talk about what he's working on for Clay. But imagine my surprise when Jesse came over to talk to me some more. My friend left us alone & went to mingle. It was so cool to talk to Jesse one on one first of all, & 2ndly, he sure did look cute that night - tight jeans, tight muscle shirt & a vest, hair combed back. I'll post some pics later. I told him he looked great - I didn't recognize him & Sean dressed down as I was so used to seeing them in shirts & slacks, & he laughed. Jesse asked if I saw Sean, but Sean had already taken off. It would've been great to formally meet Sean, but maybe next time. But here are some really cool bits from my conversation w/ Jesse that I've saved, & I will post as much as I can remember. I was w/ him for 10 minutes, & Jesse sure shared alot: Jesse has been kept busy since the SRHP tour by Clay. He has 6 songs he has to orchestrate by the end of November for Clay. Angela, Quiana are both getting a song, & Clay is adding 2 songs. Jesse could not tell me off the top of his head what those songs are, but did say (after a bit of thinking) that these are new material that wasn't in the Xmas tours before, mostly standards. Plus, there will be medleys. Clay sure do love them medleys. There will be 2 buses. The dogs are coming on tour - so the group will be split btwn the 2 buses. Jesse asked me which past summer shows I went to see, & when I told him, he said, "oh, you saw some rough shows". "Rough shows???" I repeated & Jesse explained how it was a letdown working with the orchestras at Cary & Newark when there were wierd notes going off during the songs & how tough it was to try to maintain composure when the crew just wasn't getting the music right. I was surprised to hear this being that I didn't really see nor hear anything wrong - but then again, what do I know? I was so transfixed on Clay & the momentum, as I'm sure most of you all at these concerts were. Though I did remember w/ amusement how Clay artfully described the Cary symphony (when he was in Asheville) how that concert 'amazed' him Jesse said the summer tour was alot of fun. He learned alot from having worked on that & felt he's grown alot since; he is really looking forward to the Xmas tour. I said to Jesse "you don't have to wear a tux anymore, do you, for these concerts?", to which he replied, "no more, THANK GOD" We talked about the upcoming Neil Sedaka Tribute. Jesse is a Neil Sedaka fan. So that explains him attending the concert back in Oct. when Clay was there; I'm guessing he & Clay met up to work on both the tour & Holiday on Ice immediately after the concert which is why they didn't stay for the rest of the concert. too much work, too little time. I tried not to pump Jesse for too much information, but I think you all reading can understand how hard it was not to salivate over the details. But what he was able & willing to share, given at the spur of the moment meeting w/ him, was a gift enough to me & I will forever thank him for that. Now, this conversation took place in October. Enough time has passed where any edits could have been made to the songs or the no. of buses, etc. - but based on my conversation w/ Jesse, the format of this concert sounds similar to what we've been seeing so far, but Jesse did say Clay is interested in shaking it up because they're tired of doing the same thing every year. I did not want to post my meeting w/ Jesse at the time because I wasn't sure if I wanted to spill all beans about what's planned for the tour just yet, being that there were 2 other shows up ahead - the Sedaka tribute & the ice show, so I put it off; plus I didn't think I had enough 'hard' information about the tour to turn this into a huge headline post. But now that we're about a short day away from the start of this Xmas in the Heartland tour, & I'm just to tingled about what's to come, I think my story is well baked enough (as well as harmless) to share. So there you have it.....some 'soft scoop' if you will, plus a little bit of an insider's interview on Jesse Vargas. Thank you, Jesse.
  17. We have a sighting! QUOTE(Marilyn @ Nov 25 2007, 04:16 PM) Talking to KSChristian4Clay and she iand Puddinsjoy are in Wichita. She was just at the church and someone dropped off Clay, Jerome and Mary. Clay was wearing jeans, a primary color striped shirt and his bucket hat. Meesa said he looked really skinny.
  18. It's snowing here on the south side of Chicago...don't expect much accumulation, but it looks pretty coming down! Kim
  19. Safe Travels Jamar and Bookwhore and all who are heading out to concerts! Have a great time! The Calendar is updated...let me know if you find any mistakes. Kim
  20. Since I already do the countdown, I would be happy to update the calendar with Clay events. Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, Lots to do today; Christmas shopping and then cookies to bake and freeze. Safe travels to everyone heading out to concerts! 1 more day until The Christmas Tour Starts! 27 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 30 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 43 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 54 Days until Clay is on Broadway! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Good Morning All, Puddin I bet you will be a great hostess! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I am so excited for all of you going to the first show and just a little jealous...I bet it will be glorious to hear him singing in church! 2 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 28 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 31 Days until The Skating Show Airs! 44 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 55 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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