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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Prior to AI and Clay, I really hadn't listened to much music...I spent the 80's and 90's having babies and raising kids and never turned on the radio and by the time of the millenium, hip hop and rap seemed to take over the airways and I turned to talk radio. So yeah, I am not the hippest person in the world and even today I still would rather listen to Clay and then oldies (60's and 70's). That said, I know what I like and Ruben just didn't impress me and I do remember at the time thinking that the constant comparisons to Luther were a bit over the top and it did bother me that he never got criticized when it was deserved. The night he ended up in the final two I was not surprised because it did appear to me that he was resting his laurels, i.e. the judges obvious pimping and not really stepping up to the plate and improving. It was pretty obvious as the competition went on that Clay was bringing it every night; growing and maturing in his presentation. I will admit that I am pretty biased towards Clay and probably not real objective when it comes to Ruben. I appreciate that others see his talent and enjoy it. A couple of things about Trenyce...she did have a good voice, but it always bothered me that she wore those wigs all the time...I always got the feeling that I was never seeing the real Trenyce but an impersonation...she sang a Whitney song, she became Whitney. And her habit of tapping her nails against the microphone drove me nuts. Kim
  2. Guess we are going to have to agree to disagree (seems to be a pattern lately, LOL) Jamar; I never saw the comparisons to Luther and Ruben always sounded one-dimensional to me...very monotone at times. Like I said, I thought he was pretty bad in last nights episode, off key and he always had pretty bad breath control. You know, there is a lot they can do in a studio to make someone sound like what they want. Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 14 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! Two Weeks! 40 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 43 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 56 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 67 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Just finished watching AI Rewind. These shows have been interesting for me to watch since I did not see them the first go around; I did not start watching until the Wildcard Show. As usual, Clay was Cute with a capital C, but just not enough of him. One of the things that has struck me about the auditions is how many of the contestants are trying so hard to be what they think the judges want instead of themselves; oversinging; overselling themselves...then Clay comes in and he is so natural...just here I am, this is me, take it or leave it. He just stands there and sings; no pretension, no "I am the greatest thing ever and you would be out of your mind not to pick me" attitude. Just Clay being Clay. He stands out immediately because of that and If I had been watching then, I would have picked him out right away and he definately is the kind of guy I would have gone for in high school. Honest reactions tonight...I thought Ruben was awful and never would have picked him for the American Idol after tonights show...off key a lot and bad breath control. Obviously they picked him because of the similiarity to Luther Vondross and I know that they played that up during the show which I thought was rather goulish considering Luther was so ill...it almost like they were waiting for Luther to pass on so they could crown Ruben the new Luthor. Corey is just skeevy and his singing was terrible, obviously he was only there because they thought he could bring in the teen girl vote. Honestly, watching the show, I really wondered how some of those people got put through and it is obvious that for many of them it was looks over talent. The manipulation is so obvious now. I am looking forward to next week, not really a fan of any of the girls...I actually liked Kim Caldwell on the Wildcard Show, but I actually think she peaked on that show and didn't live up to her potential the rest of the way through. The concept of AI was a good one and I think this could have been a really good show if they actually made it a talent contest...but instead they went the game show route...sad really, because I think they could have made a real impact on the music industry if they had gone for talent instead of formulaic pop star stereotypes. Kim
  5. So how many people do you think will not follow directions and resubmit their stories anyway and we get another pissy blog from teacher Clay? I'm thinking by Tuesday, LOL! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 15 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 41 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 44 Days until The Skating Special Airs! 57 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 68 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Just to clarify, I know that Clay had a lot of friends in high school; I was actually referring to the fact that a lot of the girls he knew did not want to date him, just be his friend and I find, giving his charisma, that to be rather interesting. Kim
  8. I still want to know what the heck was wrong with those girls in high school that they couldn't see in Clay what we see. Think there are a lot of them kicking themselves right now? Kim
  9. I've heard the snippet of the melody Clay wrote; was Superstar the final performance or are we going to get lucky and get another song? Interesting about the rooms..Quiana in the No room? Just shows you how very stupid they were. Kim
  10. Thanks! I kind of felt bad for Jordan...he sort of dropped out at the end...like this guy's got it, why bother...but he sounded good too and I am sorry he didn't get further. Watching these clips, I wonder the other contestants thought...especially during UM...the young African American behind Clay...something like "Oh Crap, I have to follow this guy!" Kim
  11. Could someone clarify something for me...Jordan Segundo whom Clay sang superstar with...was he a fellow contestant? ( I never watched any of these shows, so I am a bit out of the loop) Kim
  12. Question about the Hollywood Auditions...was this the first time Paula heard Clay sing? I know she wasn't at the Atlanta Audition. Kim
  13. Well my hubby is in hog heaven; he got an early Christmas gift this week from his loving wife...a combination Radio/Record/CD Player-Burner/Cassette Player...he has been wanting one for a long time so he can play his many Albums that he has collected and burn them to CD. He really is a like a kid with a new toy. The man scours flea markets and antique shops for Albums and 45's...they are everywhere in my house..but since he doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs, I can live with it, LOL! Actually, I am always interested to see what he comes home with because the covers on these albums really are a work of art...it is kind of a shame that we have gotten so technological...that really has become a lost art. So now we will be driving the kids nuts listening to all our music from the "olden days" (as they refer to the 60's and 70's). Okay back to Clay, just wanted to share! Kim
  14. Loved the clips...Superstar...yes he is! No wonder they did not want him to sing those songs on the show...can you imagine the meetings with the producers and judges! Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone, 16 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 42 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 45 Days until The Skating Show Airs! 58 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 69 Days until Clay is on Broadway! The Meet and Greet Buttons are up at the OFC, Good Luck! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. The picture of Clay and Sasha and the jeans is now on the front page of the OFC! Kim
  17. liney :F_05BL17blowkiss: Unfortunately, it is hard for me not to let things get to me; I inherited my mother's Italian temper and sometimes it gets the best of me and its hard for me not to say anything when I think I have been wronged. Just going to chill out for a while and see how things go. Kim
  18. She has just clarified that it was a joke...very bad taste in a joke in my opinion . Kim
  19. OTT'ness? I was just over at the OFC in the Skating thread and someone posted a picture of Sasha skating...she is doing a spin on one foot; with the other leg in the air...typical skating pose and Clay is seen in the background. The poster actually blurred out Sasha's lower area because she felt it was dirty that Clay was able to see that area while he was singing...it was a beautiful picture and the editing made it look Clay was pervert for watching while he was singing. I could not believe it when I saw it and what really made my jaw drop was that a mod saw no reason to remove it. A new low in the fandom in my opinion and I hope Clay doesn't hear of it. Kim
  20. Very nice jeans! http://www.people.com/people/gallery/0,,20159324_6,00.html Kim
  21. Good Morning All, Thanks everyone for all the kind words. Keepingfaith I totally agree with your post...power really can be a bad thing in the wrong hands. Thanks so much for your kind words about my post...it is a moment that I will always cherish and maybe someday I will actually get to meet Clay and tell him how much that meant to me as a fan. 17 Days until The Christmas Tour Starts! 43 Days until Christmas in Merrillville! 46 Days until The Skating Show Airs! 59 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 70 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! And congrats to Quiana, I know she will be wonderful in that show! Kim
  22. Have you been getting yourself in trouble again, Kim? *HUGS* Yeah, forgot there are certain posters you don't contradict. Kim
  23. One of these days I am going to learn that not all boards are the same and that things that can be said on one board are not always welcome on another. Rhody I like the book idea too (not on the stage), kazoos, not so much. I think the best gift for him would be to look out and see a full room. Kim
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