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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Just a reminder, Holiday on Ice is going to be repeated this morning on the Style Network at 9:00 a.m. CST, 10:00 a.m. EST Unfortunately, I do not get this network; darn Direct TV! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 8 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 19 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. I've always lived in small towns; less than 50,000 people. I actually worked in downtown Chicago for 6 years and realized that I am definately not a big city person. My husband's family grew up in the country and when the kids were small, we would take them to visit his sister who lived on a farm at the time...they loved it! Hubby has been talking when he retires of moving down to Southern Illinois where his family is...still thinking about that one. There are small towns and there are small towns and I am not sure If I am ready to really go country. Kim
  4. Cindilu Great banner! One of the big topics of conversation over the past few years is how RCA, Clive, etc. are always putting Clay in a box and I have to always laugh at that, because the fans are the biggest "box stuffers" of all. Some want him only to sing rock songs; some love ballads; some don't want him to do anything but sing....no TV, no Broadway. Somehow the concept of just letting Clay have the career that he wants and allowing him to acheive those goals in the matter he sees fit doesn't seem to compute with some. Oh and back to the "nails on the chalkboard" list...I would like to add "Up Tempo"...still have no idea what people mean by that. Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 9 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 20 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. I think the kids are attracted to more than just the UNICEF shirt; I think the man wearing it probably has something to do with their reaction! Kim
  7. Welcome back ldyj, it was so nice meeting you! I just went to watch The Holiday Ice Special and my tape ran out and I missed the last half hour. But what I saw was fabulous. Flap flak? I honestly don't know how people focus on the stuff...I never notice details like that and even with the rear shots of him, I couldn't tell there was anything wrong, except his mic pack was obvious in the back. It seems to me take out some of the enjoyment of watching Clay if you have to nit-pick everything and I am all about just enjoying. Kim
  8. The back flap issue was brought up during the Wildcard Show; when he walked off stage you can see that he didn't clip the thread; of course everyone thought it was so adorable then. Kim
  9. Just wanted to add my welcome to all our new friends...some of the names I recognize and some I am looking forward to getting to know. You will really like it here. Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 10 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 21 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. I'll add my little pet peeve to one of yours: ORGANIC narrative... I forgot about that one! Kim
  12. Loved the ET clip! So maybe we could start a list of buzz words that are nails on the chalkboard...mine would be: Narrative Musical Direction Kim
  13. I'm guessing this from Jeopardy...love it! I would so love to see Clay on Celebrity Jeopardy...you just know he would kick butt and be funny at the same time! Kim
  14. Hi All, I just love coming home and catching up here; nodding along, laughing and just lovin' Clay...that's what it is all about. Favorite Recorded Song: I know How The River Feels...wish he would re-record it now...probably kill me dead! Favorite Live Performance...Lincoln Center Solitaire Favorite Tour...Definately JBT Kim
  15. Good Morning All, I must be the only one in Claynation that has not seen the skating special in its entirety; was only able to catch the first half hour on Christmas and have not had time to watch the whole thing, hoping to be able to tonight. Loving all the press Clay is getting on his trip to Mexico and I so love seeing him with the kids! 11 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! : 22 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Sometimes that meanness does not extend only to Clay but they can turn on another fan on a dime for something meaningless. here is an example of negativity. the new album that is coming out someday that has stuff I have not heard yet sucks. <-- is that a good example? Yes that would be a good example; pre-judging and making assumptions about things Clay has done or will do is a sore point for me. Kim
  17. Laughn I will admit that I am pretty thin-skinned when it comes to negative comments about Clay and for me, it comes from my own childhood...I was bullied much in the same way Clay was; so I do tend to regress back to that time when I see some of the comments directed at Clay regarding his hair, clothes, etc. Some posters do come across as bullying to me and no different than the kids Clay had to deal with in the schoolyard..bullies who can dish out, but can't take it and immediately run to the admins when someone calls them on their crap. I fully understand this is my problem and I try to be as objective as I can, but it isn't always easy. I have to remind myself that Clay is a grown man and probably doesn't take all this stuff as seriously as I do, but I still feel bad for him. I do think there is a lot of hypocrisy in the fandom; pissing and moaning over bad reviews from the critics, comments by late night hosts, DJ's, etc., when the fans can be just as brutal. Kim JJ Wonderful news! Praying and keeping everything crossed that it is a match!
  18. Hi All, Thought this day would never end! Interesting conversations...agree with most everything that has been said. This tour was really interesting for me since the only show I was going to was the last one and I have to say it was difficult reading the not so wonderful fan reviews for three weeks before I even saw it...it did start to get me down...and I know I could have just not read the boards, but that is not really an option, so I scrolled a lot and walked away when it got to be too much. My rule of thumb has always been...If I wouldn't say it to his face, I won't say it on the boards, especially not on the OFC. Kim
  19. Good Morning All, I really hate having to go to work the day after Christmas; but I only have to work two days this week and then five days off...so I can manage. 12 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 23 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Picture of Clay with the kids: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories....7745&EDATE= Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, Merry Christmas! We are doing Christmas breakfast today; my oldest daughter Emily and her boyfriend will be here at 9:30...still have to clean up the kitchen from yesterday before I start cooking again! Loved his blog! Glad to here they all got down there safely even with the missed luggage! Can't wait to see the Skating Special; so happy to see Clay is getting lots of face time. I will have to tape it as we are going to my sister's this afternoon...have not celebrated with the family the last couple of years, so of course the year I would love to just stay home and watch the Special, she decides to have a get together. It will be nice seeing everyone. 13 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 24 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Just got a note from my friend Momof3boys; FromClaygary's flight was cancelled last night and as of 4:00 a.m. she was still in O'Hare Airport...I hope she is on her way home now; the weather here is fine, but it may have to do with the weather she will be landing in. Hope we hear from her soon! Kim
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