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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is on Broadway! 6 Days until Clay is on The View! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Couchie Hugs and prayers for you and your Mom! Jazzgirl Great to see you posting, hope things are going well! Off to imagine a summer tour with our toned, buffed, dancing, piano playing BF! Kim
  3. I was just going to bring that over...loving all the publicity Clay is getting and a CD in May! Kim
  4. He is talking about auditioning in Atlanta and sleeping on the street for two days and how everyone was walking around singing and he wasn't going to show his cards and sing for anyone. And he giggles at the end. Kim
  5. AP Interview with Clay about AI...He looks so Yummy! Left hand side of the page, scroll down for the video. http://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebritie...et_of_clay.html
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until Clay is on Broadway! 7 Days until Clay is on The View! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Do you know if you have to resubscribe? TIA for any info. I don't think they are taking subscriptions right now...they usually only take subscriptions right before a tour. If you are already signed up you should be okay. Kim
  8. I would never classify anyone's opinion as dumb, but everyone reacts differently to situations and I find there are some posters who always seem to have an emotional reaction to anything Clay, positive or negative and sometimes those reactions don't make a lot of sense to me because that is where the conspiracy theories, etc. come from. I tend to look at things from a more logical, common sense angle (at least I hope I do); never have been the real fangirly type, so that kind of reaction is a little foreign to me. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, Add me to the "Love Brett Favre, Love the Packers" list...Can't wait until Sunday! 4 Days until Clay is on Broadway! 8 Days until Clay is on The View! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Just saw Clay on AI Rewind...gosh, watching that show and then looking at pictures from GFI and I cannot believe it is the same person! Love it when he was talking about his "shtick" on the show! Kim
  11. Kim - would they let you take a picture of it???? (that's what I would do!) :F_05BL17blowkiss: Actually, my husband suggested we bring the camera and do just that, but I was so confident that I would be able to get it, that I said no...guess we will have to make another trip back...It would be nice to show the rest of the family. Kim
  12. Some of you may remember that last Sunday, hubby and I were at an Antique Store and saw a picture of my Grandfather on the wall; it was a group shot of the baseball team from his high school, around 1914. Well, we went back today to take another look and it is definately him; unfortunately, the picture is not for sale because it is one of a group of pictures that were blown up and hung on the walls as part of the store decoration. So I guess, I will just have to visit him now and then! Good excuse to go antique shopping! Kim
  13. I always post my honest opinion; never have been one to sugar coat things or say something just because it is the politically correct thing to say...not always welcome on message boards. I may hold back at times and not post every reaction to a Clay performance, etc.; because I also believe in the credo "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything". Sometimes that takes me out of a conversation and I have to back off when I feel the direction is moving towards over criticial and not just voicing an opinion. Kim
  14. There was always music in my house when we were growing up; my mom always had the stereo going so us kids got used to listening to what my parents listened to and that was usually big band music, musicals and vocalists like Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Barbra Streisand, etc. and classical musical. Whatever my Mom was in the mood to listen too and sometimes that included Christmas Music in the summer. So that was the kind of music I have always been drawn too...even when I discovered the radio and started listening to the local radio stations; I was more into easy listening than hard rock. And then the 80's came and I got married and started having babies and pretty much stopped listening to music altogether except for kids stuff. By the time the kids were older; hip-hop and rap seemed to be the big thing and since it was hard to find an oldies station to listen to, I gravitated to talk radio. Then Clay came along and suddenly, I had music in my life again because he is a throwback to what I was listening to when I was growing up. I like listening to songs that I can sing along to (and in the car, that means with all the windows rolled up) and understand the words and have some emotion. And I guess it can come across as rather narrow-minded but once I find something I like, I kind of stick to it...I am not one to venture too far away from my comfort zone. So given my background, when I hear singing like Fantasia or Quiana's song in Dreamgirls and sometimes even Angie at times, to me it sounds like scream singing. I wasn't trying to be offensve or put it down, it is just not my taste. And I really do think our tastes in all things are pretty much bases on our backgrounds and what we grew up with. Kim
  15. If I remember correctly, Angie's CD; and I think it was an EP, was actually sold during the JBT...I remember when Clay took his orange shirt off and had a t-shirt on with Angie's picture and promoted the CD in the lobby. Haven't heard anything else after that. Kim
  16. Here you are, Quiana's And I AM Telling You I'm Not Going http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sti4OMaWneI Thanks for posting the link...as I said last night, just hearing the MP3 did not do much for me, but after watching the video and seeing the song in context, very impressive. Not having seen Dreamgirls or any other performances of this song...I have to say she did a very good job. Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 5 Days until Clay is on Broadway! 9 Days until Clay is on The View! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Thanks everyone! I actually prefer her version of Listen or I should said, Clay and hers. Kim
  19. from Christinaaikenduh at the CB QUOTE riversend22 just called me during intermission . its clay,mary,angela, angelas son, jamie, and sean. clay is very relaxed and was tying angelas sons tie while I was on the phone with her.
  20. Okay, I just listened to Quiana's song...now I see you are all talking about video, I just downloaded the MP3...and after all the rave reviews, I was really expecting to be blown away and honestly, I didn't like it. I have never seen Dreamgirls or heard this song and while I love Quiana's voice, this just didn't do it for me. I never have been a fan of scream singing or maybe I need to see the video, but honestly, did not get gut-wrenching, chills or any of the other adjectives that had been used. Really hate feeling this way because I really wanted to like it. Kim ETA: So glad Clay is there to see Quiana...bet he is just beaming!
  21. I wasn't excusing any of Clay's comments; just to me he came across as tired and cranky and like I said, I think the editing also gave that impression. I am glad he cut the reporter off at the knees; stupid questions that had no reason to be in that interview. Kim
  22. It all comes downt to editing, and obviously, this piece was edited to show Clay in a certain light. We have no idea if the quotes about Spamelot, etc. are exactly what he said or were edited for the article and my bet is that they were edited. The article is very choppy and not edited very well. I don't think Clay should be blamed for the way the writer chose to edit the piece. Kim
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