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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Blinkie Lights? Really have to wonder what some people are thinking? Kim
  2. I swear, this Packers/Giants game is going to be the death of me...what a nailbiter! Kim ETA: Well crap! (still love Brett, but what a crappy game!)
  3. From the CH QUOTE Intermission. Damn, this is all going so fast. Everyone is ON tonight, Clay especially. There's a brief bit when the Knights of the Round Table gallop along in their search for the Grail as signs for various seasons appear. This time, in Summer he sweats, in Winter he shivers. This is new tonight, I think. Maybe he got some notes from the director this afternoon. Spot and I think he's just adorable. There's a family of four in front of us: Mom, Dad, and two teenage sons. The mom wasn't completely thrilled with the fart jokes, but her menfolk are having a ball. So am I.
  4. I guess Brett wasn't aware of the no clack policy or didn't tell his friends! QUOTE(dksfriend @ Jan 20 2008, 04:25 PM) The audience last night was great, and even though there were lots of Clay fans present there were also lots of "regular" people too. This kind of humor really does seem to appeal to men - every guy around us was laughing uproariously. Brett was there last night with two friends. At one point security came over to talk to them because one of Brett's friends had taken a picture during the show!!! (So much for Clay fans being the only source of clack!)
  5. GBB posted @ CH QUOTE Talking with artquest, spotlightlover & ncgurrl on the phone outside the stage door. I'll pass some of what they said and they can fill in the details when they get back online. Spot wants to kill herself. Clay came over and was chatting with them and signing and she had his gorgeous face and messy hair just filling her viewscreen, so beautiful ... until he turned away and she realized she hadn't pushed "record." She made up for it with some ass shots. They asked if he was exhausted today and he said no, he got a good night's sleep last night. Smaller crowd for today's matinee, maybe 50-100 people. A girl called out from the crowd, "Clay, can I take a picture with you?" and Clay said, "Darlin' you're too far back in the crowd." The girl then squeeed, "Oh! He called me darlin'!" ncgurrl talked to a professional photographer who's been doing the stage door thing every show this weekend. He was part of the crush of photographers opening night who rushed the stage at the end. He saw the last 15 mins of the show and really liked it. He likes Clay because he comes out so fast from the stage door and chats with people and gives him lots of interesting shots. He said we should see some of his pics in magazines. Mike Nichols took notes as he watched the show today. I'm sure I forgot lots of details, but they'll fill in the blanks.
  6. from artquest (posting from Shubert Alley) at CH: QUOTE When the stage door opened briefly, we got a brief glimpse of Dianne Sawyer! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee. Someone said she came with her husband, sat in the last row, and loved the show!
  7. We have our first celebrity sighting at Spamalot...Roger Ebert was there yesterday. CV has started a thread in their Theater Forum to compile a list. What fun! Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is on The View! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. From Southern Belle at CV; RIP Waldo (sorry Bookwhore); Hey we're back from Clay's outstanding debut on Broadway. He exceeded all my expectations. Bowledover and I went to Friday night's show and then today's matinee. Was it ever difficult getting back on the bus to come back home instead of going again tonight. Yes, Waldo was definitely in fine form Friday night but either someone clued him in or he saw the pics because Waldo was conspicuously absent tonight. Well, it was great while it lasted. I'll post a recap tomorrow. I'm on such a high ...the shows were great...do what you have to do to get there. All the performers were terrific and I laughed so much. It is just the craziest, funniest, silliest thing but I'm wouldn't have missed it for the world. Hee, I was the one who the man in my row thought I was Clay's Mother because I knew all this stuff and he wanted to know if he could join the group. I checked the NY papers today and didn't see any critic reviews. I don't know what they will have to say but I know what I saw and heard last night and today and especially last night, it wasn't just us that gave him that standing ovation. They loved him. The man next to me said he had seen the same show very recently and he said there was no comparison between that show and last night's. He said the energy level was unbelievable with the performers doing superbly and being fed off the energy of the audience. He said it was nothing like that when he saw it previously.
  10. via the CB: QUOTE From xoaustin at the Clackhouse...... Well I was in the front row of the mezzanine too for the matinee, and this show was just freaking AWESOME! The first time Clay appears, it's from a window, and he nails his lines, bringing on the laughter. Don't want to say too much, except you need to mortgage your house, sell your kids, sleep in the subway, whatever. But get to Spamalot!! The mezzanine exits right to the shubert stage door, and I was oh so lucky. Once Clay exited the theatre, he realized that he didn't have a sharpie! I took one with me, and he looked at the mob, searching.... And then he took 4 steps over and took my sharpie! It is a blue one. He made eye contact with MEEEE!! Then he went back to the beginning of the "line" (hee, he's kind of in a semicircle railing) and signed an autograph, then Jerome or somebody gave him a black sharpie. He walked back and handed me my sharpie, omg. Then he went back to the beginning and started signing. It was a minute or two before he made it back to where I was, and he took my souvenir program and the poster (same pic as the banner, they sell these in front of the theatre) and signed!!!! I was eeeeing and squeeeing, and he handed it back and moved to the next person. I watched him go along until he had signed the whole front row of the circle, maybe 60 or so? And then he waved and reentered the Shubert. Thirty seconds or so later, he came out just briefly with a gorgeous blonde woman, and was only there for seconds before he said thanks and went back in. I saw ChaChaTrusty, and as we talked I glanced down and realized...... He signed BOTH the program AND the poster! Two autographs!!!!!! I just gave him the program for backing. OMG. OMFG!!!! Saw Toni and a few others who were eeeing over their pics, and there are some good ones coming. My little heart is still pumping with the adrenaline- I didn't even notice the cold. I'll try to remember more and post more later! This post brought to you by **!!!** I freaking LOVE Clay Aiken. The NJU are SOOO right- he was so in his element, and in character, and perfect for the role! And what he does with the piano... now THAT is something I'd love to get a picture of.
  11. QUOTE From invisible926 at the Clackhouse.........re the Matinee..... Just got off the phone with toni7babe. She said the place was packed!!! Lots of teens and men. He brought down the house with his big number. The Invisible bit was a riot. Audience was very enthusiastic - almost as loud as last night. She said he was spot on! She said the stage door was MOBBED - young girls on their boyfriends' shoulders. Many NJU and young people. He signed lots of autographs. Wearing sweater with brown multi stripes. Hair not as messy as last night. There are pictures of the stage door after the show at CV....he looks good! Kim
  12. Heads up...Clay is in USA Week-end...The Sunday Supplement. Who's News by Lorrie Lynch...inside cover of the supplement. They used the Jenna Bush party picture and a quote from him about Spamalot: "I'm a little bit apprehensive about it" says Aiken, 29 (regarding doing 8 shows a week), but he's looking forward to not traveling like he does on tour "It may actually end up being a little break for me" Kim
  13. Good Morning! I am beyond thrilled for Clay...I wasn't home last night, so I was a little nervous about reading the fan reviews, but it was better than I had ever hoped! Sounds like an amazing evening and I imagine Faye, Brett and Granny must be bursting with pride! Mike Nochols and Eric Idle must be over the moon at his reception and performance. I so wish I could see this, but I am just thrilled to be able to share it with all of you through recaps, pictures, etc. And he blogged, what a sweetie! 3 Days until Clay is on The View! Kim
  14. Highlight what you want to bold and then click on the B. Just me or anyone else feel like throwing up...just had some soup, that's about all I think I can eat. Kim
  15. Its a good thing I have bowling tonight...as much as I want to be here, I will be so nervous waiting for news...I can take my nervous energy out on the bowling pins! Kim
  16. Anyone else bouncing around in there computer chair; unable to get anything done...can't stop smiling and a lump in your throat at the same time? Clay is number 3 on Yahoo Searches today! Kim
  17. I know, I can't get it out of my head, but it is so appropriate! Kim How cool is this? QUOTE(caperkeeper @ Jan 18 2008, 06:52 AM) Got a call from Claysfayevorite and IBG this morning - they are waiting at GMA and guess what? As they are standing there they see Clay's Face on all the City Buses! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! eta: They are trying to send me a picture!
  18. Overture! Curtain! Lights! This is it! The night of nights! No more rehearsing and nursing a part, He knows every part by heart! Overture! Curtain! Lights! This is it! He'll hit the heights! And, Oh what heights He'll hit! On with the show, this is it! Tonight what heights He'll hit! On with the show, this is it! (4 Days until Clay is on The View!) Kim
  19. He sounds nervous and excited! Hope the fans respect his wishes! And woohoo for a whole new OFC! I knew there was a reason for the hold on renewals and new members! Going to be a fun ride tomorrow! Kim
  20. I just saw screencaps over at CV...um...you left out the part about the scantily clad woman and what was Clay doing to her? Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, I love waking up to fresh clack in the morning! The ET video was great! Clay must have really lost weight if he can fit into the IT shirt, he was pretty skinny back then. 1 Day until Clay is on Broadway! 5 Days until Clay is on The View! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. What? Cindlu hasn't made a new banner with Sir Robin Yet? LOL! Loving the pictures of him as Sir Robin! And work is totally over-rated, I am never going to be able to keep up! Kim
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