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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone; It must have really warmed up overnight, the snow is all gone, but still wet and dreary out. Hubby and I are going antiquing today...it will be nice to do some other shopping besides Christmas shopping. 1 Day until The BAF Golf Outing! 12 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. That's what I can't stand, the blatant manipulation and misleading the viewer. Kim
  3. No AI7 for me; can't tell you how much I hate that show...it has been a real struggle just watching AI Rewind...only for Clay. Guess I will stick to The Food Network. Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, Interesting discussion about Fanfic; never have ready any myself; ventured into the Reading Room at RHT once, started to read one story that was had some pretty graphic sex scenes with Clay and was squicked out and never returned. Using Clay in stories and putting him in situations sexual or otherwise, when really don't know him, just seems intrusive to me. Or maybe it is because I am not and never will be a smutter or maybe it was my strict Catholic upbringing. Not that I don't find Clay atttractive or sexy; cuz, I do. Actually I am a closet writer myself; although most of the writing I did was in High School, still have some very bad poetry hidden away in the house that not even hubby has seen and that I keep thinking I should get rid of before I am gone; I would be totally embarrassed if anyone saw it. I have always enjoyed keeping journals and love the process of writing, but I just don't have the discipline to actually compose a story. But I love to read, mostly non-fiction and my beloved Stephen King who has a new book coming out this month! And I love to do crossword puzzle and any other word games. Laughn I have always loved your Jennifer and Clay skits; they always rang somewhat true to me and were just plain funny! Getting up into the 50's here this week-end, but rainy. But at least the snow will be gone; we had my daughter's dog for the past week and all the patches of yellow snow were looking pretty bad! 2 Days until The Baf Golf Outing! 13 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Skits: Some I find funny, others not so much...it really is a crapshoot. I am not much of a blog reader; just don't have time and find some to be rather self-serving. Luckiest1 Sorry for all the troubles your boys are having, hope things look up soon. Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 14 Days! Two Weeks! Until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Someone over at CV said it was from the NAT Tour, but I really don't know. Kim
  8. What do you have to do to get heat in the library - roba bank or something? Nope, just call the repairman! (But you know Libary workers don't get paid all that well!) Kim
  9. Hi All, Love Clay's blog; short and to the point! I imagine this is a new experience for him especially since he is not the one calling the shots...probably a bit difficult for Mr. Control Freak! So I wonder how many fans are going to start hanging out at the Shubert Theater in hopes of getting a glimpse of Clay? No heat in the library this morning; was hoping they would send us home, but no such luck, finally got it working. Kim
  10. Good Morning All, 4 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 15 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Well, I am here! So it turns out it was my computer mouse after all; my Microsoft Laser Mouse 5000 that I paid $40 for about 3 months died, but the $6 Target Mouse is working just fine! Even If I could afford to bid on the dinner with Clay, I think I would pass, don't think I would be able to eat in front of him and I would probably drop something down the front of me, trip or spill my drink...I think being a fan from afar is best! Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, It was 1 degree when I left my house this morning. So cold my computer mouse froze; it was acting up last night and I changed the batteries (we have a laser mouse) and that worked for a while, but this morning nothing. I stopped on my way to work and bought a new one, I figure if the new one does not work it is something with the computer and if it does, than it was just the mouse...hoping it is just the mouse and not the whole dang computer. 5 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 16 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. I watched That's Entertainment II on TCM this afternoon! Kim
  14. Anyone else watching the Rose Parade? The University of Illinois is in the Rose Bowl this year and my nephew is in the U of I Marching Band, so he will be in the parade and on the field at half-time. Just showed the band on TV; I think maybe I saw him but not sure. This is the second time he is in the parade, his high school band was in the parade when he was a freshman. I believe a high school from Raleigh is also going to be in the parade. Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! 6 Days until the BAF Golf Outing! 17 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day and a prosperous and healthy New Year! Kim
  16. :fest09: :trink3: For The Unicef totals and for the Claynation, we rock! Kim
  17. Hubby works nights, so I imagine he will fall asleep early tonight and I will probably just watch TV, have the first season of Scrubs DVD that I got for Christmas, so I will probably watch that. ETA: Don't you just hate when you put all the Christmas decorations away and then hours later find something that you missed? Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 7 Days until The BAF Golf Outing! 18 Days until Clay is on Broadway! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Wizard of Oz? Well my screenname at the OFC is Ozfan4 so I guess you know where I stand on that movie...actually, I am collector of all things Oz...books, records, Christmas Ornaments...hubby and like to to go antiquing and that is usually what I hunt for. Casablanca...my favorite movie ever and I think I watched Gone With The Wind straight through once...like the book much better! Kim
  20. Add me to the "Loves Musicals" list...Singing in The Rain anyone? Kim
  21. I cannot imagine that Clay would ask for any changes to be made, nor that they would be inclined to make any for him, especially something as silly as a few foul words. Clay will be acting a part. He may not personally use profanity as a matter of habit, but the role that he'll be playing has nothing to do with him as a person, it's acting fergoodnesssake. You know, pretend? And he's 28 years old. I daresay a naughty word or two has escaped his lips over the years.....I don't think that he'll choke on them or anything. Um...he's 29...I think you forgot a birthday! Jamar
  22. I was following the discussion regarding Spamelot and whether Clay will say certain words or not; I think he will...I can't see Clay taking a role and then asking that changes be made. He is an adult and I do believe he has cussed a time or two in his life. Another pet peeve, fans who expect Clay to live up to their own moral code. Kim
  23. I believe that picture is from David Foster's Gala. I was one that was pretty distressed at how Faye was attacked after LTS came out; just seem rather unfair to me since the book was from Clay's perspective and I dare say that a child's rememberance of incidents in their life probably would not correspond with what the parents remember. As much as I loved the book, it was rather disjointed and without having Faye, Ray's or any other family member's input and considering the mistakes I made as a parent, I did not feel comfortable judging Faye. Clay was also influenced by his grandmothers, Aunt's, etc. so Faye was not solely responsible for his upbringing. I think she did an amazing job given the circumstances and I can certainly see why Clay loves and respects her as he does. I also wondered if some of the criticism Faye received was also due to jealousy on some fan's part because there relationship with their own children was not what they hoped it would be. Kim
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