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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Seems to me the only time Clay was in L.A. last summer was when he was touring; so I don't see how he would have had time to date and I don't know how he could drive someone across country when on tour. Kim
  2. Bookwhore No problem, lots of people don't agree with me...but it is weird, because I generally agree with most everyone here on a quite a few points...maybe it is just the way I present my views. I was surprised that no one mentioned Mary in the bathroom either and why did she need to be there; he couldn't change his shirt by himself or did Clay get an "urge" (why do I think that is going to be a new buzz word in the fandom, LOL!) Kim
  3. I don't either...just the same fans who for some reason think they are helping Clay by defending him to the haters...I will never understand it. Kim
  4. So why is Clay being compared to him...I don't get it? Kim
  5. I must be truly naive...but who is Ron Paul? I never really dated much before my husband...I met him when I was 25 and we have been together for almost 26 years, so I don't find it odd at all that Clay may not be dating or has decided to put off a relationship for a while, if in fact that is true. I think it would be very difficult for any woman he dated given the rabidity of some Clay fans and I am sure as soon as he announced any relationship, there would be some heading to the nearest ledge. Was he snarking? Who knows? Unless you were sitting there during the interview and could here the tone of his voice and the expression on his face, it is all speculation and I don't profess to know Clay Aiken...I know my image of him or who I think he is, but I don't really know him...so I can't say what he would or wouldn't say in any given situation. Kim
  6. I love Clay's comments to fans also, but I also think there is always a bit of truth to what he says and I could imagine him being a bit embarrased by that fan. Kim
  7. I did not see any obvious agenda in the article; but I think sensitivities to Clay and his image are such that it is possible to see things that are not intended...objectivity is not always possible when it comes to Clay. Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, I read the article last night right before I went to bed and my first reaction was that it was; as some have said "Odd". Then I read it again this morning and came away with a totally different opinion. It wasn't as bad as I originally thought, actually quite interesting and what I took away from it is that the author was having a hard time defining Clay. He is definately an enigma...he has so many layers to him and I think the author was frustrated at not being able to dig through those layers to find the real Clay and I think Clay enjoys sitting back and watching...I don't think he will ever be totally open with any reporter; especially about his private life and I think he was as honest as he could be. Most of what she wrote about was absolutely correct and things the fans having been saying all along...he does put himself down alot, he does use the words dork, nerd, etc. alot, he does us "We" when talking about himself. It has become a shtick for him and I do think he uses it like he did with the ear thing and Simon...say it before anyone else does. Annoying at times, yes...but when we have an image of ourselves, I think it is really hard to get away from that and see what others see and I think he always sees himself as Clayton and not "Clay Aiken". The references to his effiminate qualities...Clay himself has said he has those and he does...doesn't mean he is gay, but he does have them...so no big deal for me. In the end, I think the author was impressed with him...she had a notion about him during the interview that he may not be able to survive the big city (and I suppose that could be taken as condescending, but that is the image he portrays) and then she saw him on Broadway and realized the depth of his talent and that he really is going to be okay. Bottom line, I think she found out that there is more to Clay Aiken than meets the eye and I think she saw through his defense mechanisms and came away realizing what a complex and intelligent man Clay is. So, I don't think it was a bad article at all. Kim
  9. I guess I can't see holding Clay to something he said in a M & G months ago...personally, I never take anything from a M & G without a huge bucket of salt...too many filters. He could have been referring to Spamalot as the something in development or something else. Clay has always been one to keep things pretty close to the vest, so for him to mention May as a release date for the next CD, I would have to think that it is a good possiblity and I don't see why he couldn't tour in July/August. Spamalot's affect on CD sales...I think it will have an effect...maybe not a huge effect like some think, but I think it will have some effect. Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 98 Days until the Closing Day of Spamalot! 100-107 Days until The New CD (depending on release date...still keeping fingers and toes crossed!) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. I tend to believe that if someone says they didn't know about the seat and bought the tickets that came up that they are telling the truth; however, if you want to believe they lied, and that makes you feel better about someone having what you don't have, go for it! Woah, that is a little harsh! It has nothing to do with some having something I don't have...I have pretty much come to terms with the fact that I won't be going to the show and even if I was, I wouldn't want that seat anyway...I have no desire to be on stage...the thought scares me to death actually! Maybe it was a coincidence, I don't know and I don't know the girl, just seems weird to me. But we do know how some in the fandom will do anything to get close to Clay, so yeah, I do tend to be a bit skeptical. Kim
  12. Regarding seat A101...wouldn't the box office know the significance of that seat...just find it hard to believe that they would give that seat to the same person 8 times in a row...sorry for the skepticism, but since everyone watched the Spamalot clips with DHP, I find it hard to believe that those with that seat didn't know they would be going up on stage and I think it quite plausible that someone would ask for it. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 99 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 101 or 108 Days until The New CD (depending on the release day; assuming it is still in May...keeping fingers and toes crossed! ) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 96 Days until May and a new CD! (still keeping fingers crossed!) Everyone have a great day and stay warm! Kim
  15. Claygasm My thoughts and prayers are with you; been there myself and I know what a difficult time this is. Loved the interview and yay! now I can countdown to May and the CD (still keeping fingers crossed!) Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, So weird not having anything to countdown to; guess I could start counting down to spring or May for the CD release or Arbor Day, LOL! Looking forward to Mike and Juliet today; have to take another shot at setting the VCR and hoping I get it right today. Thank God for downloads if I don't. Off to get my kitchen straightened up and ready for work! Kim
  17. Takes me forever to catch up when I get home from work, but I am loving all the articles, pictures, recaps and did I say pictures I got my Playbill in the mail yesterday; wish I could have gotten it from actually going to the show, but I guess I will have to live vicariously through all of you. (yeah, feeling a little sorry for myself right now) Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until Clay is on Mike and Juliet! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. My was too, but I think they updated...it now says 1/29/08. Kim
  20. Home from work and finally was able to watch The View...he was too cute! Love his British Accent...good job. I knew the hair would be the topic of conversation today...I love the blond hair and hope he keeps it for a while. Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is on Mike and Juliet! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Yay! For Clay on Mike and Juliet...love having things to add to the countdown! Got my copy of Stephen King's new book today, so I will be busy reading this evening! Kim
  23. It is very obvious that Clay enjoys Ethel and I am sure she is a very nice lady; but as someone who has gone to many shows where Ethel was in attendance; her need to call attention to herself and make sure everyone knows she is there does get old after awhile. Kim
  24. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until Clay is on The View! Kim
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