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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Clack alert...Clay is going to be interviewed tomorrow morning on Good Day Chicago...a Fox Station...it airs between 5 and 9 a.m. Thanks to Jazzgirl for this info! Guess I won't be sleeping in on my day off! Kim
  2. From what I have seen, it is just the same stuff....worrying about promotion or the lack there of, worrying about radio play...support from RCA and Clive...I think a lot of it was because of the picture of Clive and his class of 2008 in People Magazine and Clay was not included. Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 77 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 79-86 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Honestly? There are times when I get so jealous of the people that get to go multiple shows; always sit in the front row and get numerous "up close and personals" with Clay that I have to walk away from the boards because I can't stand reading their fangirly posts about their experiences. Sometimes. it is hard to put it in perspective and feel happy for them when you want so bad for it to be you just once. My kids are grown and we are financially better off than we have been in years, but still, a big splurge for me is going to two concerts in one year; provided they are in driving distance. My hubby doesn't mind me going and is pretty good about the whole Clay thing and I know how lucky I am in that regard. I truly don't begrudge the people who can afford to travel, etc.; but I think it is human nature to be jealous at times. Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, I have loved the green sweater since the first time I saw Clay wearing it at the Border's Book signing in Chicago and I love it even more on him now; it goes so good with his blond hair! 78 Days until The Closing Night in Spamalot! 80-87 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. There is stagedoor video from last night courtesy of Claymelia that is a must see...lots of close-ups of Clay's beautiful face (combine that with him uttering "You've got to give me something, honey" and the result is much thudding and drooling!). It is in the vault at CV! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 79 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 81-88 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone! 80 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 82-89 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great Valentine's Day! Kim
  9. Keepingfaith Glad to hear your daughter is safe; been there a few times myself! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 81 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 83-90 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. This is me...just the little bit of angsting I saw today had me rolling my eyes and sitting on my hands to keep them away from the keyboard, lest I say something that would get me in trouble. Pre-emptive worrying about something we have no control over just seems so pointless. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, 82 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 84-91 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. What a great article! So many things to love about it, but I especially love the quote from Hannah! Kim
  14. Ahhhh, thanks. So how does this tie into the album? Beats the heck out of me...that never really came up in the discussion...I think that was simply Playbiller's opinion. Kim
  15. Fan Police Discussion...Centered around The McVargas Girls (those fans who are fans of Sean and Jesse and have made it very loudly known at concerts). Apparently they were at the stage door Saturday night and some fans took exception to their behavior...there have been various versions of what occurred; either they were being very obnoxious and Clay was upset or they were just having fun and Clay went along with it...depends on who you choose to believe. The discussion then veered off into their concert behavior which some who have been in proximity of them found less than desirable. Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 83 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 87-94 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Have been hibernating on the couch all day rolled up in a blanket...0 degrees here, but the sun is out. Been a pretty lazy day, but I did make some raisin bread this morning...really made the house smell good and I am looking forward to hot chocolate and raisin toast for breakfast in the morning. Playbiller Feel better soon, sounds like a nasty bug. fromClaygary I am glad your wrist wasn't broken; take care of yourself. What a beautiful picture of Clay from Morganette; I love him in blond hair, I hope he keeps it for a while. What a gorgeous profile and I have always been partial to his neck! Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 84 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 86-93 Days until The New CD! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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