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Everything posted by aikim

  1. You are me...hee! My Clay shirts are packed away in pristine condition. I am just not the type of person to wear a t-shirt with anybody's face on it. Plus I don't feel comfortable wearing a Clay shirt around the house when my hubby's around...he is pretty tolerant of all this, but I don't want to push it. I am pretty low key about my fandom in real life; people at work know I am a fan, but I don't push him on anybody and don't talk about him unless they ask. I have played my CD's at work and people will stop and ask who is singing and I tell them. I really admire people who are so uninhibited and can wear all their Clay stuff without worrying about what people think...that is just not me. Kim
  2. Thanks! And yeah, there are some Friday's when things are going on in Clayland and I wish I could stay home; but hubby time is important and we really do have a good time when we go...we are there just to have fun as evidenced by our 17th place in the standings. Sounds like you all are having a wonderful time bottlecap; so wish I could have a made trip out to NYC, but just not doable. Hubby and I are actually on vacation next week and believe me I was so tempted to try and talk him into a trip to see Spamalot, but we really can't afford it and have so many things that need to get done around the house...and of course, now with the wedding coming up, we have to save every penny. But I am looking forward to seeing Clay on TV when the CD promotion starts and hoping that I can see him at the end of the year when he tours (keeping fingers crossed!) Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, I have been bowling for 25+ years and last night I got my first 200 game, actually a 203...had a spare or strike in every frame and I beat my husband! Probably never happen again, but I was excited...yeah, it doesn't take much! 16 Days until Clay is on QVC! 22 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 24 Days until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Safe travels to all heading to NYC, can't wait to read your recaps! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 17 Days until Clay is on QVC! 23 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 25 Days until On My Way Here is here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 18 Days until Clay is on QVC! 24 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 26 Days until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim Pics of Clay and Tyra from last night...love the captions! http://www.globephotos.com/dynevent-action...++DATE+04-09-08
  7. So, you think Angela is in town for some singing appearances with Clay! I totally cannot wait until he starts doing the talk show circuit. Kim
  8. We can all breathe a sigh of relief...I know there was some concern about Angela not being at the show, LOL! . Kim
  9. Your welcome! It seemed like right after I posted, everyone left...I thought I scared people off! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 19 Days until Clay is on QVC! 25 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 27 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Okay, I don't have a cellphone, but I called on my regular phone and Clay talked to meeeeeeeee! (so is this a toll call or do I need to start hiding the phone bill...LOL!) Kim
  12. Corabeth Posted at CH: Now every one can get text messages from Clay! Kim
  13. I really need to quit my job, it so interferes with my Clay time...seems like every day there is something new popping up! Wondering if he is going back to his natural hair color...looks redder to me. But I like it, although I wish he would just go with his natural waves and not straighten it. He looked like he was having a great time in those pictures; the shirt and tie...well, that is just so Clay...no phoniness there, what you see is what you get...probably wears that combo a lot because they match and he doesn't have to spend time matching a tie to a shirt! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 20 Days until Clay is on QVC! 26 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 28 Days until On My Way Here is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Once we figure out the definition of "edgy", could we work on "uptempo" cuz I swear my definition of uptempo never seems to fit with the majority of the fans. Kim
  16. Just popping in before I have to grab my address book and come up with a guest list for the wedding...Oy! (tm Sir Robin) I haven't been surprised at all by the reactions to the songs; the people I knew wouldn't like it didn't let me down...I probably could have written their posts. You would think after 5 years they would have realized that Clay is Clay and is never going to be or sound like who they want him to be. Some time there has to come a time of acceptance and maybe it is just time to cut bait instead of always waiting for that CD that may never come. Loved the webisode...Clay is just happy talking about this CD and I love that he has a studio family; can't wait to hear the song that the studio musician did back up on. I have had OMWH playing in the back of my mind all day...now off to listen to the real thing! Kim
  17. Good Morning All, Listened to the song once and then have been playing catch-up on the boards and the song is a definate earworm, cannot get it out of my head! It is beautiful; not a ballad and just so Clay! I can definately hear this being played on radio...if they can play James Blunt, they can play Clay! 27 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 29 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! Everyone have a good day! Kim
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