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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Good Morning Everyone, I guess I would be considered one of the "normal" fans; the only thing I do to support Clay is buy his CD's and go to concerts. I don't listen to radio so I don't see the point in calling a station and requesting Clay If I am not going to listen. I am reading posts from people who are going to the store everyday to buy more CD's or are downloading more copies of OMWH and I guess I really don't understand the logic here...it seems life artifically inflating his numbers and if there are limited CD's in the stores how are new fans going to hear the CD if we are buying them all up? For me, I bought the CD's I wanted...we can't do everything. Leno Tonight! 1 Day until Clay debuts on AOL Sessions! 4 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 7 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. Iseeme Look again, it is there! Rachael Ray and Kimmel are on the same day, May 16th. Climmel = Clay + Kimmel. Kim
  3. On the back cover of the bonus CD/DVD cover from QVC there are astericks besides Invisible, MOAM and I Will Carry You and if you look beneath the track listing it says: * From Sessions AOL recorded live November 2003 and December, 2004. There is no asterick next to When I Need You so anybody's guess as to when it was recorded. Kim
  4. Polly Positive here...have been since day 1 and always will be.... So, the other day I posted about The Real Me and how the song is not connecting with me...blah, blah, blah...so what song has been running through my head all morning...you guessed it. Clay is going to make me love this song whether I want to or not...darn him. Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, Happy Mother's Day! Pouring rain here but very good for my veggies that I planted yesterday. Went out to dinner last night, so I will probably have to cook something today; not sure what yet. 1 Day until Leno! 5 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 9 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, Fell asleep at 8:00 last night; getting up at 4:30 really did me in. Sorry about missing the listening party. Interesting about the CD, I always have a different song going through my head, this morning I woke up with Ashes and that is not really one of my favorites. 2 Days until Leno! 6 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 10 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Back from seminar, totally exhausted and then I find that Clay is busting out all over...clack, clack and more clack! Watched The Today Show...Clay looked fabu...great interview but a little too much AI and I loved that they showed him singing in the studio. Benihana Clay Off to watch Mr. Ambassador. Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, Yawn! Way too early to be up on a Friday morning, but I have to go to a seminar for work and have to be at the Library at 6:00. There are 7 of us going to t his seminar and we are taking a limosine up to it (about an hour north of us). So I will miss The Today Show, but look forward to downloading it when I get home. Loved Nightline! And If I remember correctly; the only reason Paul Simon okayed BOTW was because Clay was singing it. So Elton and Paul...thumbs up! 3 Days until Jay Leno! 7 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 11 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Well, guess I will jump in on the favorite/least favorite discussion and hope this won't be considered sacrilage, but The Real Me is actually my least favorite on the CD. I think it has a lot to do with the background of the song and maybe if I had heard it without knowing that it was written by a woman about her struggle with bulimia, I would like it. But when I hear him singing it (and especially since he uses his falsetto, which I am not that fond of), I hear a song that I think should be sung by a woman and not a man. I know that sounds really sexist and I wish I could get past my pre-conceived notions about the song, because it is a beautiful song. I don't skip it on the CD, I listen to it and am really trying to like it, but so far I am having a hard time. Takes a deep breath and hits reply... Kim
  10. I saw the Yahoo thing the other day and honestly I still don't know what that chick was getting at..read a few comments and backed the hell out...some people really need to get lives. Kim
  11. Didn't anyone notice that the sideburns were gone, sob! Looking at the pictures from GMA looks like he got his hair cut and shaved the sideburns. Other than that, I loved the performance, wish the interview wasn't so rushed though. for Nightline, I forgot about that! Kim
  12. Wouldn't know a Google Alert if it bit me in the butt; don't search Clay Aiken out on the web; everything I need to know about Clay I get from the boards or from his own mouth; wouldn't know half the crap that is out there if it wasn't brought to the boards. Not telling people they shouldn't post stuff, but most times I just scroll on by. I just am not going to waste my time on crap about Clay that I have no control over. Kim
  13. Want to throw a question out there and see what you all think...everyone is so focused on physical sales of the CD but what is more important...how many physical sales of the CD there are or how many people actually hear the CD, because I think there is a difference. There maybe a lot more people who will hear the CD via free downloads, illegal downloads, copies being burned, etc. then will actually buy it. To me it is more important that the CD is heard by whatever means, because I think in the long run that will help Clay. Anyone have any thoughts on this...just something that has been rolling around my head since last night. Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Loved that CBS interview; seeing his smile just brightened my day and I love what he said about AI! 1 Days until The Today Show! 4 Days until Leno! 8 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 11 Days until Craig Ferguson! :whoohoo: Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. His posts are still on the message board and there is a dedicated thread with his blog in The Man forum. I am beat, going to call it a night...see you all tomorrow. Kim
  16. Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES!!!!! I just told Ansa that I'm going to print out his blog and read it tonight before going to bed. Talk about sweet dreams. You know, I'm beginning to think that maybe Jaymes and Clay "tag teamed" today. Jaymes posted those numbers, knowing full well that they would probably set off a firestorm. And then...the opening. Clay swoops in for the kill with that post (and later blog). Of course, that's just a theory on my part....but I like it. A lot. Hmmmm...maybe Clay is dancing like a kitty cat right now. I like your theory too...I don't believe Jaymes would have posted those numbers without Clay's knowledge. Kim
  17. Wow, I could have written your whole post...welcome to the club! Kim
  18. Well, he pretty said what I have been saying for the past couple of years and got royally bitch-slapped for...I so love that man! And yeah, the people that really need to hear what he is saying. won't. Kim
  19. Not familiar with this site, but they gave Clay a good review: http://www.shipwreckislandstudios.com/albu.../ab08.htm#aiken Kim
  20. Frankly I am confused by all these different figures; HDD has one set, Jaymes another...are these figures just based on the stores or do they include downloads from Itunes, etc.? Can someone make some sense out of this, cuz I am very confuzzled. Kim
  21. Got my CD from Wal-Mart today! I have to admit I was a little down regarding the numbers, but reading all the different perspectives without all the drama really has helped. Clay's career...not worried; he is so much more than a pop star and I am thinking after Spamalot, good things are ahead for him. Off to watch the clips from GMA...had to go to work and missed everything! Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until The View! 2 Days until The Today Show! 5 Days until Leno! 9 Days until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 12 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. I cannot tell you how much I love this CD...hated to go to work today; libraries are not conducive to blasting Clay Aiken music and I only live 5 minutes from work...so that is about 2 songs worth...I may have to find a longer route to the Library! But, the kids are all gone tonight, hubby will be heading off to bed soon and then it is just me and Clay...course no blasting since hubby will be sleeping, but at least I can listen without headphones. Suprising that he says "As Long As Were Here" is about UNICEF, I think "Grace of God" would be a perfect UNICEF anthem. And Clay, big apology, I was not really sold on Everything I Don't Need on QVC, but now, love, love , love it. Cannot wait until the tour for this CD, it is going to be rockin'! Kim
  24. Only for Clay would I deal with Itunes, doubt I will be downloading anything more from there until Clay's next CD! Kim
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