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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Wow! That was just beautiful. Love it when Clay sings with a partner who actually knows how to sing a duet with give and take and doesn't try and overpower him. Heather Headley and now Hannah, best duets ever. Kim
  2. Very interesting conversations...we have such intelligent women here; I very much enjoy reading everyday...logic and common sense without all the drama. I remember when I first heard Clay sing on AI, my first thought was that "here is someone who is a throw back to the old school of singing" and I have always thought that if he had come along at the tail end of the 60's, early 70's that he would be huge. Clay once said in an interview that if he had to pick a genre of music to sing, it would be 40's Big Band...In one of his blogs he described himself as a vocal stylist. I always sort have envisioned him as a latter day James Taylor. It seems to me since day one he has been telling us what kind of music he likes to sing; even ATDW, which I love, and though it may have been mandated, I don't doubt for one minute that Clay loved those songs and when he said they were the type of songs he loves to sing, I believe him. The problem is that many fans don't want to hear what he is saying; they are so focused on who they want Clay to be instead of accepting who he is. He is not ever going to be a rock star and I doubt very much that he will ever be a presence on top 40 radio; and this CD doesn't appear to be aimed at top 40. I don't get the complaints that it is being promoted to AC or Hot AC, because that in my opinion, is the best fit for Clay and I don't think it is a bad thing. Maybe I will be wrong and a song or two may make it to Top 40, I bet Clay would be thrilled if it happened, but he obviously is not counting on it. I am really hoping that OMWH here is successful and that it has legs and that many more people can be exposed to that beautiful voice. Beyond that, I am just here for the ride and waiting to see what is around the corner...I have no fears where Clay is concerned, because he has proven over and over again that he has the talent and the brains and the charisma to do whatever he wants to do in this business and in life. Being a Clay Aiken fan is the best! Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, Love waking up to fresh clack in the morning! 1 Day until Clay is on VH1 Countdown! 4 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 6 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 7 Days until Clay is on GMA! 8 Days until Clay is on The View! 11 Days until Clay is on Leno! 15 Days until The Climmel! 18 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. No tomatoes from me Muski, I feel the same way and had the same reaction to the audience. I was talking to a friend of mine after the show and we had the exact same conversation. The fandom is always bitching about how the media always portrays Clay's fans has older woman, but wake-up and look around you at the next concert, that is exactly what the fanbase is made up of. I would love to see younger fans in the audience; I know when he is on GMA, there will probably be the same people there that I have seen every single time he makes an appearance there. I try not to worry about it though, because I really do think that Clay is destined for greatness and will leave his mark on this world, maybe not as the next Elvis...but as a great entertainer and humanitarian. Kim
  5. I would almost best the reason for Clay not being on AI is Clay; how many times has he said in the past couple of years that he is over AI...has moved on. As much as he appreciates them for giving him his start, I don't think wants to be tied to them forever. Personally, I am very happy to not see the American Idol Runner-Up tag attached to his name. Not an AI fan, so it doesn't matter to me if he is on or not, DWTS also...I dislike the reality show genre so much that it is literally torture for me to have to sit through these shows to see Clay. I am so looking forward to next couple of weeks and all the Clay appearances; going to be a fun time. Kim
  6. For Clack of Hannah and Clay; can't wait to see it! Clay being number 1 is not a priority for me either; as long as he continues to sell, I will be happy. Off to update the calendar; just added The Early Show and AOL Sessions and now I have to take them off, oy! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Day until Clay is on Tyra/E.T.! (April 30) 2 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown (May 1) 5 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot (May 4) 7 Days until On My Way Here is Here! (May 6) 8 Days until Clay is on GMA (May 7) 9 Days until Clay is on The View (May 8) 10 Days until Clay is on The Early Show (May 9) 13 Days until Clay is on Leno (May12) 14 Days until AOL Sessions (May 13) 17 Days until The Climmel (May 16) 20 Days until Craig Ferguson (May 19) Everyone have a great day!
  8. Had to watch it again before I could get my thoughts together; DD#3 was here watching with me and it was kind of hard to concentrate; kept looking over to see her reactions and whether I was getting any eyerolls, etc. So she finally left with her boyfriend and I was able to watch. Everything I Don't Need: I really like it and would love to see him really let loose on it; he seemed a little restrained. Something About Us: Very 40's and Big Band; I could so hear Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra singing this song...even Harry Connick, Jr. I think my hubby will love this song as he really likes smooth jazz and this song is very much what he listens to. I Draw The Line: (still hearing I Walk The Line in my head, LOL). Going to have to listen to this one again, but another song, I would really like to see him let loose on. The Real Me: I like what I heard tonight better than the snippet during the Billy Bush Interview, wish I could have heard the whole song, but I liked what I heard. Overall, I thought the band was too loud and I heard some voice cracks, but it was good and I am really looking forward to hearing the whole CD and really turning it up loud! Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone! 2 Days until Tyra and E.T.! 3 Days until VH1 Countdown! 6 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 8 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 9 Days until Clay is on GMA! 10 Days until Clay is on The View! 14 Days until Clay is on Leno! 18 Days until The Climmel! 21 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. I think my virgin status will be compromised tomorrow as I plan on watching and listening to Clay on QVC, no way I would be able to not listen to Clay sing to me on TV...I know it will be a very fulfilling experience. Kim
  11. What a great idea! I'm looking forward to it. Still not listening to the snippets. Claygasm, we might be the only snippet virgins standing at the end. Haven't listened to the snippets at all except for the bit of The Real Me in the Billy Bush interview. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, 1 Days until Clay is on QVC! 3 Days until Clay is on Tyra/E.T.! 4 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown! 7 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 9 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 10 Days until Clay is on GMA! 11 Days until Clay is on The View! 15 Days until Clay is on Leno! 19 Days until The Climmel! 22 Days until Clay is on Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, 2 Days until Clay is on QVC! 4 Days until Clay is on Tyra/ET! 5 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown! 8 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 10 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 11 Days until Clay is on GMA! 12 Days until Clay is on The View! 16 Days until Clay is on Leno! 20 Days until The Climmel! 23 Days until Clay is on Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Have fun and safe travels to all those heading to Spamalot! Kim
  14. My honest opinion and I know some may disagree, but I think there are many in the fandom who subscribe to the "guilt by association" theory...If Clay has friends that are gay or associates with people that are gay, than therefore he must be gay...I definately get a sense of veiled homophobia in the fandom and I think those who are so vocal about Clay once and for all defining his sexuality is more about their own need for validation and less about convincing the press, etc. Kim
  15. Cindilu Great to see you back! Do you honestly think that Clay could have a song on his CD titled "The Real Me" and not have questions asked? I think it was very brave of him to not only include the song, but to put together a whole CD revolving around the last 5 years in his life. No matter how much he says he wants people to interpret the songs with regards to their own lives, he knows that people are going to speculate on his life and what the songs mean to him. Like I said, very brave of him to open himself up to speculation again and to allow himself to be so vulnerable. I admire him so much! Kim
  16. That was a great interview! You all must listen to it! I thought he was very respectful to Clay and really promoted the CD and Clay is just so darn adorable and I love his giggle! Kim
  17. ldyj I totally agree with you about ATDW; I never bought all the conspiracy theories that were being tossed around and believe that due to the circumstances of 2006; the promotion was limited so Clay could deal with the "gnatty" situations. I have not listened to the snippets but I am very excited by what I am reading on the boards, and I do believe that Clay finally got the CD he wanted. Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, 3 Days until Clay is on QVC! 5 Days until Clay is on Tyra! 6 Days until VH1 Couuntdown! 9 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 11 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 12 Days until Clay is on GMA! 13 Days until Clay is on The View! 17 Days until Clay is on Leno! 20 Days until The Climmel! 24 Days until Clay is on Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to FCA...I love doing the countdown and I love all of you! The auction is amazing! I think Broadway is going to miss Clay very much; funny we haven't heard about who will be replacing him. Kim
  20. Good Morning Everyone: Takes deep breath, flexes fingers, here we go! 4 Days until Clay is on QVC! 6 Days until Clay is on Tyra! 7 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown! 10 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 12 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 13 Days until Clay is on GMA! 14 Days until Clay is on The View! 18 Days until Clay is on Leno! 21 Days until The Climmel! 25 Days until Clay is on Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. And the calendar is all updated, I have been adding the dates as fast as I can...don't think I missed any, but If I did, someone let me know. Kim
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