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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Another reason is that this song will be available for purchase; but even if we all download it on our computers, we will still be buying the CD. Kim
  2. I believe is because it would be quite excellent for the actual website to get hits, thus indicating that there is an interest. I agree, it should not be vaulted for a while. If one person rips it, and then everyone else just downloads it from a vault, it would look like the song was not popular. This is how the business is run. If Clay only gets a few hits because fans are downloading ripped stuff, there is no reason to not just move on to the next artist, since the internet is all about the clicks. Plus I am sure RCA and radio PD's would notice, too. Thanks for explaining this so I don't have to. But, would the amount of people that would be downloading it from Clay fan sites, really make that much of a difference. We really are not that big of a group. And I am sure there would be a lot who would download it and still go to the site to listen. I think this type of thing really is for the would be fans and hopefully more of them would be giving this hits, than us. Kim
  3. Just a heads up...CV will not be vaulting OMWH (AOL First Listen) from tomorrow and will not be allowing requests for MP3's or download links. Kim
  4. It was just posted that Clay will not be doing the afternoon matinee...no reason given. Kim
  5. Emily just called... We have a date...October 4th. They will be calling halls tomorrow and hope to have one booked by Wednesday. The colors are going to be plum and silver. Around 200 people...I need to put a guest list together. We will be going dress shopping in about two weeks. Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 28 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 30 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Oh man!!! you are in for a busy summer! One of my daughters graduated in May 04 and decided to get married in September 04. I have never had such a busy summer! (well, unless you consider the summer of 02 when another daughter got married in October!! After the "date" is set, which really boils down to finding an available place to have the wedding, then the fun begins! I reinforce my offer for assistance!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I really have no room to talk, by hubby and I got engaged 6 weeks after we met and were married a year to the day of our first date and Emily was born 15 months after that. My older sister was married in May of 1982 and I was married in Sept. of that year, so now I know why my Mom was such a basket case! Kim
  8. How old is your daughter? I got engaged on April 1st, yes April Fools Day, and we got married on Nov 15. I thought that was a tight time frame. Is your daughter making this a small wedding? ETA: I've really enjoyed reading everyone's views this morning. She will be 25 in December...actually she said she would have just been happy flying down to Jamaica and getting married, but he wants a big wedding, so I am thinking big. I told her she better getting moving on it...book the reception hall and church right now. I know she has been ready to settle down for a while, so I am not really surprised she is moving so fast, but it is a lot to digest at one time! Kim
  9. The ring is gorgeous..white gold; one very large square cut diamond and diamonds around the band...makes mine look puny in comparison, LOL! So no date yet, but probably mid-October; she said they will try and get the date firmed up by next week so the planning can begin...and...Lord, help me...she figures that if they get married in October, January is a good time to start thinking about getting pregnant! I am so not ready for this! Kim
  10. Um...I think you mean me unless atinal has a wedding coming up too...congrats if so! Emily just called, she is on her way over to show me the ring! Kim
  11. Hee! I think the "bride's momma" may need some duct tape for her mouth and a valium before the whole thing is over! Was talking to her last night and all of sudden I heard my mother's voice coming out of my mouth giving her unsolicitated advice on her wedding. I snapped my mouth shut so fast I think my jaws snapped. I so remember when I was planning my wedding and nuts my mother drove me and I do not want to be her. She actually laughed and said "Mom, you know no matter what you tell me, I am going to do what I want anyway". On to heavier stuff... I personally cringe everytime I see the word "haters" because I think it has become a buzz word for anyone who says anything that could remotely be construed as a diss. There are true haters like the swamp trash and then there are just people; who for them, Clay is not their cuppa...and that is okay. People are allowed to not like Clay and sending e-mails and getting into a war of words with people is not going to change that. This is what drives me nuts...the constant need to defend Clay for every little thing...it has given Clay fans a bad reputation and I don't think saying that on a fan board is "fan policing". I think behaviors that are affecting Clay and his career should be addressed, respectfully, but addressed. Not personal attacks, but the behavior. And sure the people who most need to get the message won't hear it, but maybe some will. Kim
  12. Good Morning Everyone, 29 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 31 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! Good news! She said yes! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. "waves hand madly" Here I am! Guess I need to make my countdowns a little flashier! Kim
  14. Regarding OMWH...I have seen some concern here and elsewhere about it being a ballad and I am really wondering how some are coming to that conclusion when the only snippet we have heard from Clay is during the WRAL-TV interviews. Are people basing their opinion on the Ryan Tedder version and if so, how do you know that Clay will be singing it in the exact same way? Kim
  15. Press Release!! http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories....+2008,+12:30+PM
  16. Good Morning Everyone, jazzgirl Good to see you posting! And thank you! Cha Cha I may take you up on that offer! 30 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 32 Days until "On My Way Here" is Here! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. The clip from American Idol Extra is in the vault at CV and should be at CU soon! Don't miss this...Clay looked good, lots of clips from Spamalot; showed the CD and Clay told Simon to kiss his f..f.oot regarding Simon's Broadway comment! Kim
  18. I absolutely hate dress shopping and now I have to lose about 40 pounds before the Fall! Kim
  19. Yeah, I am pretty much bouncing off the walls right now...and my hubby works nights, so he is sleeping so I can't even tell him. Kim
  20. Okay, I missed Clay on TV but for a very good reason....I just got a call from my oldest daughter's (Emily) boyfriend asking us permission to marry her! He was so nervous! He was so cute though telling me how wonderful she is and how much he loves her! OMG...he is picking up the ring tomorrow but is not sure when he is going to give it to her! OMG2...they are thinking Sept/Oct. for the wedding! I think I need a drink and I don't drink! Kim
  21. Heads up! I was just flipping through the channels and the American Idol Extra show with the Clay interview is on now...I have Direct TV...channel is 250. This is in the Chicago area. Kim
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