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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Clay's going to be on Rachel Ray...talk about a gabfest! http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories....8794&EDATE=
  2. Now there's an exclusive at K-Mart??????? It is a poster; not another song. Kim
  3. Head over to Clay's Myspace and check out the revolving banner! Exclusive at K-Mart now and really pretty pictures! Kim
  4. Good Morning Everyone, Today's countdown is dedicated to Cotton: 5 Days until Clay is on QVC! (4/28) 7 Days until Clay is on Tyra (4/30) 8 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown (5/1) 11 Days until the Closing Night of Spamalot (5/4) 13 Days until On My Way Here is Here (5/6) 19 Days until Clay is on Leno (5/12) 22 Days until the Climmel! (5/15) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, Put my order in at I-tunes, first time I ever ordered something from there; so that is I-Tunes and Wal-Mart pre-orders done. I really must have been tired after all that shopping yesterday; fell asleep on the couch at 9:00 still dressed and slept there all night. Time to go get cleaned up! 6 Days until Clay is on QVC! 9 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown! 12 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 14 Days until On May Here is Here! 20 Days until Clay is on Leno! 23 Days until The Climmel! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Hello! Back from a long day of shopping but it was very successful! Emily must have tried on at least a dozen dresses and they all looked beautiful (when your a size 4 everything looks good!) and finally decided on the one...it is strapless with a flower motif across the bodice and down the side and it is sort of gathered to the side...hard to describe, but it was my favorite and I am so glad she picked it! Then we had to pick out, shoes, tiara, veil, slip, bra...that didn't take very long...she wasn't going to do a veil at first, but then changed her mind when she saw it with the dress. The best part is I also got my dress! I happened to wander over to the mother of the bride dresses and found two in my size, petite and the colors I was thinking of; silver and champagne. Tried them both on, they fit! I don't need to have any alterations! . So I picked the silver one and now all I have to do is get shoes. I am so relieved, I envisioned running around for 4 months trying to find a dress! We also picked out the bridesmaid dress, so Emily will go back in a couple of weeks with the girls for their approval and sizing. Whew! Time to get something to eat, I am starving! Kim
  7. I love posting the countdown, can't wait until I have more to add to it and I know there will be! Kim
  8. Re: donations...people can only give so much...sometimes it seems everytime you turn around there is a plea for money, whether it be UNICEF, BAF, Broadway Cares, etc. I think the Clay fans do a wonderful job supporting Clay and his charities but not all fans can afford to donate. Clay is very lucky that he does have fans who have the money to bid on auctions; I am always amazed at the amount of money that is raised and while I wish I could do more, financially, it is just not possible for me and probably a lot of other fans. I applaud the people who work so hard to ensure that Clay's charities are successful, but some times I am bit uncomfortable with the tactics that are used to soliticit funds (not talking about anybody here); there are some fans who use guilt as a motivator and that turns me off big time. Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, I am officially on vacation; looking forward to the week off; kind of bittersweet because I keep thinking it would have been a perfect week to head to NYC to see Clay. I am sure if I had whined enough I could have talked hubby into a quick trip, but being sensible and with the wedding coming up, I know it is not feasible right now. Speaking of the wedding, we are heading out today to look at wedding dresses; looking forward to spending time with my daughters, we don't get to do that very often. 7 Days until Clay is on QVC! 10 Days until Clay is on VH1 Countdown! 13 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 15 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 21 Days until Clay is on Leno! 24 Days until The Climmel! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Sitting here biting my nails ; hubby is on vacation this week and the last two days has made several trips to Home Depot to get supplies for projects he wants to get done...so far, I have landscaping blocks sitting in the front of the house; drywall in my hallway for the utility room and he just came back with a new backdoor that is sitting in my frontroom...anyone want to take bets on how much of this he actually gets done this week? Beautiful here in the Midwest, actually got some seeds planted in my garden today; carrots and onions. Still not listening! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, 8 Days until Clay is on QVC! 11 Days until Clay is on VH1 Top 20 Countdown! 14 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 16 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 22 Days until Clay is on Leno: 25 Days unti The Climmel Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I can hardly WAIT!! But I'm gunna! It sounds just awesome! I'm having a good time just listening to youse guys eeeeeeee! I am not listening either! Kim
  13. Why would Clay get an award for theater..is there an award for short timer? Soooo I slept while ya'll went to slovenia. LOL. Who would have thunk it. My favorite was Everything I Don't Need and I can't wait to hear the entire album. I really think I'll just download it at mindnight...put on my headphones and just listen all the way through. This is going to be fun. Iseeme it's ok if Josh Groban sells a lot of DVDs..it has nothing to do with CDs and it won't be in articles with CDs and won't be directly compared to Clay in any way. And look at it this way, maybe people will go into the store to pick up his DVD and say oh look, there's Clay's new album. ETA: Muskifest..too funny but I listened once as well and didn't download. Does anyone remember Moam? I remember the songs I liked most on the snippets weren't the ones that ended up being my favorite. No More Sad Song was my absolute favorite snippet... I played it over and over and over and then when the album came out I was like...that's it? bwah. There is an award for Best Debut in a Broadway Show, Fantasia won it for the Color Purple and the fandom is hoping Clay will win for Spamalot. Kim
  14. I keep singing "Turn around and seeeeee what love's done to me---eeeee!" EARWORM! HOOK! RADIO! :7: Okay what is SOR? I swear we need a dictionary for all the acronymns. Kim
  15. I think I must be the only one in the fandom who is not listening to the snippets, LOL! Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 9 Days until Clay is on QVC! 15 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 17 Days until On My Way Here is here! 23 Days until Clay is on Leno! 26 Days until The Climmel! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 10 Days until Clay is QVC! 16 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 18 Days until On My Way Here is Here! 28 Days until The Climmel! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Doesn't make sense to me either, taking it with a truckload of salt. I sent the amazon link to my three sisters...they know I am a fan, but I never push Clay on them or talk about him unless they ask...but I love OMYH and wanted to share it. Sister#3 just checked in (she is a Josh Groban fan)...her response "I liked it very much". Don't know if this will translate into a CD sale, but it is a start. Kim
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