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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Clay's hair...always an intriguing topic of conversation; I always had the feeling that Clay didn't really like the bangs and that is why he got rid of them...probably not very user friendly for him when he didn't have a stylist at his disposal. I like the blond hair...I don't like it when he goes too dark...but maybe light brown with gold highlights. I just wish he would have kept the sideburns...I love the sideburns. Kim
  2. Hi All, Just taking a break from the book sale to have a bite of lunch and thought I would check in. Haven't had time to re-watch Kimmel, but will do when I get home...probably will have a different perspective when I am not so tired. The flock of seagulls hair style is too much; but I love that about Clay; he just does his thing and never worries about what people think...I think this fandom would be a lot happier if some could follow his lead. Kim
  3. Really need to get to bed, but wanted to check in....hated the whole bust segment, thought it was really stupid and embarrassing...actually, I thought all the bits at the beginning were pretty stupid, so maybe it fit right in. As someone said, I think Clay looked better singing due to the lighting and yeah, the green sweater was not my favorite and the hair was a little too blond for me...but he was still Clay, funny and personable. I bet he is really glad the promotion is over and he can go home. I know a lot of fans are bemoaning the fact that we won't be seeing him for awhile, but I think that is a good thing...maybe it is time for all of us, fans and Clay to get back to some kind of normalcy and then in a few months start it all up again. Book sale this week-end; so I will be gone most of the week-end, which may be a good thing considering the mood of the boards. Kim
  4. I have always gone on the theory that there is a heck a lot more that we don't know than what we do and unless you are sitting in on meetings with RCA or Team Clay we have no idea what they are doing or not doing to promote this CD and frankly I have had my fill of fan experts who seem to think they know better than Clay or Team Clay how to run his career. It is his career...he is a very smart man and I believe that he knows exactly what he needs to do to be successful in it without the fans telling him what he should and shouldn't be doing. And yes, I do think there are some fans who embrace blaming Clive/RCA because they can't blame Clay or do not want to think that he has made some bad decisions and I am not saying he hasn't...he probably has. But I think after 5 years, he is probably getting real tired of standing on that pedestal. Clay did some interviews in the past couple of weeks and I read some posts where fans felt like the interviewer had to misquote him or has an agenda because the interview didn't sound like Clay...it made me laugh because that always comes up whenever Clay says things that fans don't want to believe he would say or because it doesn't jive with their version of Clay as this sweet, southern boy...again take him off the damn pedestal and see him for who he is...a human being with faults and foibles like the rest of us. There is that one line in The Real Me and forgive me for not knowing it exactly, but it says something to the effect of "how much do I have to give before I am empty" and I always think of the fans at that line...seems he gives and gives and it is just never enough for some fans. Sorry for the rant...needed to get it off my chest. Kim
  5. I hear you...I don't even want to be around next week when the numbers come in. I am a fan, I don't work for Clay or TC; I have done what I can for this CD and that is all I can do...this is a fandom, not a job. It is up to Clay and his team to promote this CD and I think they will...I am not giving up on this CD or Clay. He will have a career way beyond being a "pop/rock star"...he is just too talented not to. Kim
  6. Sad to see about the Ferguson cancellation; of course the doom and gloomers are out in full force, predicting the end of Clay's career and the RCA hate is rearing its ugly head again. Of course it always the same people; they are so predictable...just may need to sit on my hands for awhile. Can't wait to see Kimmel tonight; bet it is going to be a hoot and half! Kim
  7. I doubt very much that Clay will be on AI; I bet as soon as he finishes taping Ferguson he is on a plane to NC...and personally, I don't want him anywhere near that debacle and even if he is on, I probably won't watch...just wait for a download. I can't abide that show. The RR backstage question thing was cute and I love watching him run his hand through his hair. Kim
  8. Good Morning Everyone, Busy day for me so I am not sure If I will be able to catch Rachael Ray; grocery shopping this morning, then over to the library to set up for our book sale this week-end and then home to get ready for our Bowling Banquet tonight. I will be home before Kimmel; we usually just eat, visit, collect our prize money and head home. They have a DJ and music but we are not dancers ( I am lucky if I get one slow dance from hubby) and he will be tired from working. So I will probably be home around 11:00. 3 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Okay, finally got home from work and was able to actually look at the pictures in detail instead of stealing looks on the side when I was supposed to be working... He is looking very good and it just that Clay Aiken having lunch and talking on his I-phone is newsworthy and had the photogs going nuts. Yeah, career is so over.....not! Totally made my day! I loved that article in Speak Out...especially loved his response to the Krippa question! for a perfomance on Kimmel...can't wait. Off to download the Clay/Ray promo! Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, Went back to bed and slept for a couple of hours, probably going to be dragging by this afternoon though. 1 Day until The Climmel/Rachael Ray! 4 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. So, I fell asleep on the couch tonight at 8:00 and now I am wide awake. Catching up on the boards and see most of the talk is about Fantasia. Really interesting to see all the different viewpoints regarding her performance tonight; especially the Tina Turner comparison. Read a bunch of posts where people were saying they thought she failed miserably at channeling Tina and will never be her and then came here and see the opposite. Have to say, I have never gotten Fantasia's appeal and did not watch tonight, so can't comment on that; but it just goes to show how diverse musical tastes are; and if it weren't for that diversity, the music arena would be a pretty boring place. Kim
  12. Just watched the GDLA clip; it was very good, but I do get tired of the AI talk...and yeah, I know, it will probably follow him for eternity. Kim
  13. This is how I've been listening to it, too, and it's fun not to know what's coming next! Does anyone else have the problem of having to sit in the car until the song finishes.....I get some strange looks in the underground parking garage. LOL. I think today I'll add ATDW into the OMWH mix. I miss it. And it makes my blood boil when I surf other boards and see it being put down, as usual. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Wheeeeeeeee, how cute was that? Love his giggle! Ooops, I was supposed to be working, wasn't I? *smacks self* And I loved when the guy said its been 5 years since you won Idol and Clay corrected him! Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Watched the video a second time and really liked it; I think it is fascinating to see what goes into recording a song and Clay looked great. The whole idea is to get a song heard and I think that was accomplished. I think a lot of times the song gets lost in those storyline videos and frankly, a lot of them never seem to have much to do with the song itself. laljeterfan I agree, the armchair quarterbacking and second guessing gets very tiresome indeed...apparently Clay's blog went way over some heads or maybe they are deliberately being obtuse. 2 Days until Kimmel/Rachael Ray! 5 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Loved the video; but yeah whoever did the splicing; not a good job; but Clay looked Gorgeous and I still love the green sweater, but the jacket is fine...shoulders...yum! Kim
  16. http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/Clay-Aik...8Tf8Qtq.1U1wSUv Clay's video of OMWH...lots of new yummy footage...go watch! Kim
  17. So finally numbers are in...not bad...looking at the top 3 and the difference in their totals, Clay did very well. Of course, as predictable as the fandom is some are still forcasting the end of his career; I swear you could set your watch by some of these people. Will be interesting to see Soundscan tomorrow. Clay and Tina...I could get behind that; much better than the Clay/Kelly redux tour that some were touting yesterday. Whether true or not, it does bug me that once again Clay is trumped by his fans...and as someone posted, I am sure the venue harrassment has already started. Regarding the Leno audience, I think it is a good thing if there were less regular fans there; fans are always complaining about Clay not reaching new people, but how the heck can he if we monopolize every show he is on and then of course the fans become the story. I was very happy last night that Leno did not mention the fans. Off to find something to eat for dinner. Kim
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Another tired fan checking in...Don't know how I am going to be able to stay up for Kimmel and Ferguson, it was all I could do to say up until 10:30 last night...really had to force myself. Clay was great last night and looked wonderful, loved the outfit! AOL Sessions today! 3 Days until Climmel/Rachael Ray! 6 Days until Craig Ferguson! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Except according to some it is the top 5 with 200,000 plus sales, so even if OMWH is in the top 5, it doesn't matter...I love how people can take any kind of positive and turn it into a negative. Top 5 is top 5! Kim
  20. One word...perennials. I only buy annuals when I need to fill in spots, otherwise, its perennials all the way. Kim
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