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Everything posted by aikim

  1. We have had guinea pigs, rats, hamsters and gerbils at various times in our house. Guinea pigs are very sweet, but they do need a lot of care and need to be cleaned up after quite often. Ours was quite sociable. They also need to be able to run around. My kids were always handling the critters and I don't remember any of them not liking to be held. But again, a lot of cage cleaning and if you don't do it regularly, it can get smelly. Right now we are down to a cat and dog, but my daughter is going to Vet Tech school and is planning on adopting a rat they have in their kennel. She said he is very sweet and is she is the only one he allow to hold him. Told her she needs to confine him to her room...I am not a big fan of rodents myself; but they have no problem letting them crawl all over them...I am sure the cat will enjoy having a new "playmate"...she loved visiting with our other rats. Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 14 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 26 Days until The First Day of Spring! 45 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Well, to keep the "G" alliteration, you could call him "Guy", or if he's French "Gee" *g*. Actually, I'm thinking of naming him Gnocchi (nyō'kē, nyŏk'ē)... it's an Italian potato dumpling. Insomnia-inspired naming! I'm Italian, it's a "g" name even though the g is silent, and it has a bit of an Asian sound to the pronunciation, which is fitting since he's a Chinese Crested Powderpuff. I like it! Never really liked gnocchi or maybe I just haven't had a good dish of it...I am half-Italian, btw. Your new puppy is adorable and I think that would be a cute name! Kim
  4. Care to explain this sentiment...because I truly do not get why this is bad news? I am the type of person who does not like change; I get comfortable and it could take a crowbar to get me out of my comfort zone...but sometimes you have to leave that comfort zone in order to grow and reach your potential. Clay was never going to reach his potential with RCA. Clay is a smart man and I don't believe he just left RCA on a whim without a plan in place...I bet he has been making plans for a while and with David and Jaymes in his corner, it can only be good. His personal life has settled down and is in a good place, so now it is time to concentrate on his career...I don't know whether that will entail recording, TV, Broadway...a combination of all three...but I am pretty excited to find out. I have always, always felt that Clay is bound for bigger things than being a "pop star" and that with his talent there will always be a place for him in the entertainment business. Kim
  5. Yeah...but you might want to put it where it would be easily retrievable just in case! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, It is snowing...yuck! So ready for winter to be over. Missed the celebration last night...still nursing a cold and I went to bed early. I think it is a good thing that Clay is no longer with RCA...I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds...the man never ceases to surprise me...best thing about being a fan, you just never know! 15 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 27 Days until The First Day of Spring! 46 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Maybe a diversionary tactic? I don't know, but I can see this going south really fast...hope I am wrong. Clayzcoffin It wasn't a typo...that is what it is called over there...A Forum to talk about the Man...Clay Aiken...but I am glad I made you laugh! Kim
  8. Clay has started a thread at the OFC in the Man Forum...he is going to ask us questions from time to time...why do I have a feeling this will turn into a thread where the fans will be asking him questions! Kim
  9. I don't think that gerbil wheel will ever stop spinning; 10 years from now Clay could be the biggest thing in the entertainment industry;head of RCA, Governor of NC and there will still be fans bemoaning ATDW; wondering where the "lost CD" is and if we will ever hear it and complaining about the lack of promotion for OMWH! :blinkies_114: :21: Kim
  10. Good Morning Everyone, 16 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 28 Days until The First Day of Spring! 47 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Whether or not Clay is still with RCA has also been discussed on the boards with all the reasons why he is isn't...so it wouldn't be a stretch for these bloggers to just get their information from us and use it for their supposition. Nothing official, just a lot of heresay and who really is going to care? Kim
  12. Have to agree ldyj...it really is a non-issue. Either Clay is with RCA or he is not and eventually we will find out which it is...but I really don't think it is that big of deal. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone: 17 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 29 Days until The First Day of Spring! 48 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. Hi all, Made to my meeting without a problem; didn't get lost or anything...was actually there a half hour early...but I would much rather be early than late. Interesting about Jacob, I was thinking about him and no matter what happened between him and Clay, he has not bad-mouthed him...I never thought much of Jacob one way or the other...I thought he was an okay singer, but he did compliment Clay's voice well and I there has definitely been a void without him. I really do think Clay needs a male back up singer. Starting to snow now, yuck! Kim
  15. Good Morning Everyone, I thought I was doing so good not getting any kind of bug at all this winter but it appears my luck has run out and I now have a cold. I would stay home but I have a meeting at our library system today which is about 45 minutes away and it is raining...I so do not want to have to go out today. I have never driven there myself either, so I am a little nervous about that...hoping I don't get lost. Okay, done whining, on to the good stuff: 18 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 30 Days until The First Day of Spring! 49 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 19 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 31 Days until The First Day of Spring! 50 Days until Judge Aiken is holding court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Have a great birthday, Luckiest1 Kim
  17. Is there any way you can cap it, please?!!! *why didn't I buy a TV this weekend?!!! ... better yet, why didn't I win that TV instead of PerusingOne!* Ooops, yes I did. Thank you luckiest1 both for your kind words and for the soup instructions!!! Bella, I'm planning on it! (The Creativ(?) Festival in Toronto) *crosses fingers that my work doesn't take me out of the country before then* It'll be great to just wander around the display area with you and FromClaygary. Oh, and btw, are you going to teach me any new games or do you want me to bring some of the ones the eHP has? Hee, couchie! Appreciate your doing your best to keep silent! *clears throat at certain others -- LOL! just kidding. laughter adds color!* Unfortunately, I don't have that ability...we're in the stone age out here...just a VCR/DVD player. Hee! They did find the house! Kim
  18. I'm watching The Big Bang Theory...the premise of this episode is that the guys are trying to track down the house of America's Next Top Model...they have it narrowed down to a three-mile area in the Hollywood Hills or Durham, N.C.! :lmaosmiley-1: Kim
  19. ....AND it was the top earner. :04: Sowwy, it's my competitive side. ETA: Just had to bring this quote over from CV, because it CMSU... However....gotta say....not in favor of cruising Reed's private myspace...but I think he might be doing some cruising of OUR spaces! Good for him, if so! It was on the public side of his Myspace, so I don't have a problem with that...now if somehow a fan got on his private myspace and was posting info...that would be a different story. I did get a chuckle out of that quote though and I did have the same thought re: Reed cruising! Okay, I did actually get off my butt and cleaned my bedroom and bath...since the cat pretty much lives in those two rooms and my husband is allergic to the cat, I really needed to vacuum and dust and get rid of all the cat hair. Looking good now...just need to water the plants. I even put some Christmas stuff away that has been sitting around for a couple of months! Kim
  20. I have the day off today; it is an elective holiday for our Library. I should be cleaning, but I am being lazy and sitting around doing crossword puzzles...guess I should get off my butt and do something. Kim
  21. Clay's Sir Robin Broadway Bear went for $16,000! Quite impressive! Kim
  22. Good Morning Everyone, 20 Days until Daylight Savings Time! 32 Days until The First Day of Spring! 51 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. Do you know how tired I am of hearing the phrase "He's not the person I thought he was"...he is exactly the same person only difference is that we now know he is gay. If he isn't who some thought he was than that is on them...they were fans of an illusion and not a reality and it isn't fair to blame Clay for that. Kim
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