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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Happy Birthday to Wanda and Keldenker Yep, I have daughters too...apparently they are just too exhausted when they get home to walk to their bedrooms and must drop everything by the front door and on the kitchen table and the couch...everywhere but where the stuff should go! Well, an 8 minute drive took 30 today with the snow. My wonderful hubby came to the library at 3:00...put wiper blades on for me., brushed off the car and warmed it up and stayed until I got out at 4:00, so all I had to do was get in the car and drive home. I left before him as he had to clean his car off and warm it up and I am such a slowpoke that he still got home at the same time I did...I figured he would be 15 minutes behind me or so. He is such a sweetie...he often does this because he knows I hate driving in the snow and It is nice knowing he is behind me if I have any problems. Tomorrow, unfortunately, I will be on my own...should be fun...it is supposed to snow all night...hoping maybe they will close the library tomorrow! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 19 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 41 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Annabear So happy to hear the good news about your Mom! Kim
  4. I hate Mondays and I hate winter. Rain that turned to ice over night...just spent the last half hour trying to chip the ice off the car so I can go to work. Had the defroster going, but that takes forever, the windshield wipers are frozen and my scraper is useless. Right now I have a 3 x3 square I can look out of on the front window, but can't drive like that. Decided to come in and thaw out for a little and then go back and try. Poor Clay, he singing pretty Christmas songs to me and I am sitting in the car swearing like a truck driver. I really hate winter. Kim
  5. Good Morning Everyone, 20 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 42 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. Good Morning Everyone, 21 Days (3 weeks!) until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 43 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Well, I was all prepared to write a long ass post about The E True Hollywood Story, but Keepingfaith pretty much did it for me. So I'll just say, I liked it and probably would watch it again. It was very complimentary to Clay and I think non-fans would be very impressed. Kim
  8. Finally have a minute to check in...WFI this morning and then I had a Memorial Service this afternoon; those are always tough during the Holidays. So now I am in my comfy robe waiting for the repeat of THS; I have seen so many different opinions, some liked it, some did not...so I need to see for myself to judge. Claymatron I may have to fight you for Clay's neck...perhaps we can each take a side? Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone, WFI this morning...looking forward to it and catching up with another Clay fan I haven't seen in a while. 22 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 44 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Hinky...just another word for "icky" Kim
  11. Me, too, akim! Now excuse me while I go try to shave off these most recent 8.25 inches which oddly just grew onto my nose while I was typing. :thbighug-1: Even thought I am not one into smutting; I know some enjoy it and I really do know how to use the scroll bar if it gets a little too hinky for me...everyone's fandom is different and that is what makes this thing such a rollercoaster...would be pretty boring otherwise. (and do you know how much I love that I can actually say that here without getting edited all over the place...big smooch to all the mods!) Kim
  12. Ldyj Thanks for the link; I tried for a half hour and none of the suggestions worked...so I did it the old-fashioned way...just re-bookmarked everything. I don't think anything that is going on now with Reed and Clay regarding shipping, etc...is any different than what has been going on in the fandom since day one with every female that has come in contact with Clay. So we have a lot of romantics in the fandom that are enjoying the notion of Clay and Reed being a couple; I think it is a strong possibility and I don't see any harm in it as long as it is kept in perspective. There are always going to be OTT fans who cross boundries but I think Clay can handle it and probably has already informed Reed of who they are. I don't consider it an invasion of Clay's privacy when pictures are on a public site; when he has been seen in public with someone. Personally, I have always felt that posting pictures of Clay's crotch...especially early in the fandom when they were accompanied by arrows and measurements, etc....that to me has been more of an invasion of Clay's privacy than speculation on his love life. I do think there are some fans who may be comfortable with the idea of him being gay but are very uncomfortable with the actual reality of being gay and therefore, are trying to stifle any conversation or speculation on Clay, Reed and their relationship. As always, if the shoe doesn't fit, please don't take offense. Kim
  13. Good Morning Everyone, Luckiest1 Sounds like you had a great time...thanks for the report! I miss Clay! Quick question...I logged on this morning and discovered all my bookmarks in firefox are gone! Anyone have any ideas on how I can restore them? Is it even possible? I thought about system restore but I was hoping there was another way. Thanks. 23 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 45 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. I posted the lyrics to "Happiness Is" from "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"...just seemed to fit. Kim
  15. I feel a little sad today despite counting my many blessings this morning. It happens every December now but this time last year I was feeling so full of excitement about going to two Christmas concerts in Minneapolis that there was no space for sadness. I miss seeing him, I really do. If your sky is clear tonight...look up. The moon will be almost as big and bright as it will be tomorrow. :thbighug-1: Just peeked outside, nice full moon brightening up the sky! Kim
  16. Well, I am having serious withdrawal symptoms...have not seen Clay live since last Christmas and if he does not tour until summer; it will be almost two years! I am really missing not having a Clay concert this year...it has become a tradition. I know some are tired of the Christmas shows, but I love the Christmas season and I love listening to Clay sing Christmas songs. Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, Have a great time Luckiest1! Can't wait to hear all about it! Have a safe flight. 24 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 46 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. About the only time I read the tabloids is when I am standing in line at the grocery store and I give the headlines a quick glance all the while rolling my eyes. I am always amazed at how much time and energy is spent by the fandom obsessing over the tabloids and what they are saying about Clay...and I do think it gets obsessive. Compared to other celebrities he hasn't really been in the tabloids that much and unless you are getting google alerts and see every bit of internet garbage out there, I think most people aren't even aware of what is going on with Clay. Most of the stuff I know is from the boards, not the tabloids. And what is being said about Clay now is not negative...so he may be dating...whoop-de-doo! Is it an invasion of his privacy? In today's world and especially if one is a celebrity, there is no such thing as complete privacy. I do think Clay leads a very private life as compared to other celebrities but unless he decides to stay in Raleigh behind his security gates...he is going to be photographed and written about. Clay is living his life and is happy and relaxed...he is not hiding anything...whatever his relationship with Reed, he is comfortable being in public with him...he obviously didn't have a problem with Reed posting pictures on his Myspace. It is all good imo. Unfortunately, I think there are fans who have firmly set up camp on the banks of a rather famous river in Egypt and don't want to hear or see anything that would imply Clay is dating or ...gasp...may have a love life. All the usual disclaimers about not talking about anyone here, etc. Kim
  19. Good Morning Everyone, 25 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 47 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. Goes off to see if there is any Reynolds Wrap in the kitchen..... Kim
  21. Just throw more on the Reed/Clay discussion; it was opined on another board that perhaps Clay purposely leaked the information about Reed...pictures, etc. to one up The "E" True Hollywood Story that is airing this week-end. I mean if everyone is talking about Reed and Clay, they sure as heck aren't going to care about JP, etc....maybe Clay is given us his version of The True Hollywood Story. So what do you think...possible or do I need to get myself fitted for a tin foil hat? Kim
  22. I really love you guys! Merrieee No google alerts for me, I brought that over from CV! If Clay's happy, I am happy...Reed sounds like a great guy...so he has green eyes too! Did you hear the other breaking news...it was on Yahoo's home page....Oprah revealed her weight...200. Boggles the mind what passes for Journalism nowadays. Off to the dentist in a few...have I mentioned I hate going to the dentist? Kim
  23. The Reed/Clay story has been picked up by The Star...that didn't take long!
  24. Good Morning Everyone, 26 Days until The Closing Night of Spamalot! 48 Days until Golfing For Inclusion! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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