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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Interview with the Vampire is a great book..I have read other Anne Rice books and really enjoyed them. I too like more meat to my books; I tend to read more non-fiction than fiction but if I am going to read about vampires, the more realistic the better. There is a reason Stephen King is my favorite author! Back to Interview..greatest travesty was having Tom Cruise star in the movie..worst casting ever...I hate when they cast movies based on name recognition rather than finding someone who actually fits the character. Kim
  2. 69 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. 70 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Very nice Ldyj! I think I finally got the countdown right; for some reason I thought the Gala was on the 21st..it is actually the 22nd: 72 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  5. 72 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. 73 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. (I just realized I have been screwing up on the countdown; although no one has noticed so either you all don't know how to count either or no is paying attention!, LOL) 74 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating and a special Birthday Wish to Parker! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. 66 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Re-reading that tweet..looks like three different events...ToysRUs, the ferris wheel and meeting Clay..so perhaps he was not shopping; in that case I hope he was taking in a few meetings. 67 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. Looks like Daddy is buying Parker a birthday gift, but I hope he has business too..I imagine they have a ToysRus in Raleigh, LOL Kim
  11. 67 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. 68 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. They have moved the video chat to the media section at the OFC..click on media and then videos. You can now pause it and re-start it and they have enhanced the video so it sounds a lot better. You can also leave a comment underneath the video. Kim
  14. 69 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. The video is up at the OFC..it is in the chat room..when you log in, click on the fanclub tab and then chat in the drop down menu. Click on the arrow on the video screen to start it..looks like it is on continuous loop so you may not start at the beginning. Kim
  16. I am looking forward to re-watching the chat; I was taking notes the whole time as I had to call a friend and fill her in..looking at my notebook, I can barely read my handwriting..my cursive handwriting, LOL! It was fun talking on the phone and trying to decipher it. Reading around filled in some of the spots that didn't make sense to me! As I was watching and listening it was very obvious that he was avoiding all career questions..to be honest, I thought we all of us there we would get a tidbit of some sort; I had thought he would not go back to work until 2012 and now that seems possible. I still think Broadway is in his future since he stressed a few times that he is a live performer. I thought it all went very well and I am very glad the site didn't crash and people were able to get it in. I did not expect so many people..I figured 200-300..it was nice seeing names that I have not seen for a while. 80 Days until The Gala! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Loved the chat! He answered my question! I asked about AI5, what happened with his mic. If you remember, he came out started to sing and then stopped. He said that Michael freaked him out so much, he forgot what he was doing, LOL! I hope everyone can go back and watch it when it is put up. Kim
  18. Which one are you using? They advise using either Google Chrome, Safari or Mozilla and make sure your java is updated. If using IE, make sure you have the updated version. I use Google Chrome and never have a problem. Kim
  19. Log in..up at the top you will see a tab that says "Fanclub", click on that and in the drop down menu, click on chat. Kim
  20. CHAT CHECKLIST 1. Stop all fluids two hours before chat. 2. Make potty stop before chat starts..no leaving in the middle! 3. In case numbers 1 and 2 fail; dig out the Depends! 4. Log into OFC 5. Click on Chat 6. Make sure speakers are on! 7. Arrange thudmats around computer chair 8. disconnect; turn off all phones! 9. Threaten bodily harm to any and all family members if they disturb you in any way. 10. Hit the Play button at the appointed time (arrow in box where it says "offline:) 11. Hit the Play Button 12. Hit the Play Button (just want to make sure you all remember that!) 13. Commence sighing, thudding, drooling; licking screen............... (oh , good morning and have a great day and a wonderful chat experience!) Kim
  21. I now know why we have kids when we are young...having a 6 month old for last 24 hours has worn me out! He was actually good all day yesterday, but this boy does not like to nap! One half hour nap in a 14 hour period is not going to do it! But even so he is a very happy baby, last night at 8:30 he is in his bouncy chair smiling at Nana...Nana meanwhile was trying to keep her eyes open. Finally at 9:00 he went to sleep. That lasted all of 45 minutes. He woke up screaming..he is teething and nothing was going to satisfy him. So he screamed and I walked for an hour around the house with him (meantime, Papa is snoring away..how do men do that?). About 11:00 he had another bottle and that knocked him out, but he would not sleep in the crib. kept waking up everytime I tried to lay him down..so I gave up and put him in bed with me. I think it was 1:00 a,m. before he actually fell into a deep sleep. Of course, I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and there he is laying next to me all smiley and happy like last night never happened. He is napping now..think Nana should go take one too! Kim
  22. 1 Day until The Video Chat! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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