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Everything posted by aikim

  1. I'm sorry your team lost..we have our home opener tomorrow...Chicago Cubs..yes I am a glutton punishment! But looking forward to the Baseball Season after such a long winter. I think we are all having Clay withdrawal...got to be any day now! Kim
  2. What he actually did as a Community Organizer: http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/225564/what-did-obama-do-community-organizer/byron-york?page=3
  3. Happy Thursday all...so glad the end of the week is near! Bottlecap I truly enjoyed the DVD..it was so much fun reliving that night! Thanks for the pictures too! Wish that man would blog or something! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. I could say the same thing about Obama..what qualified him for the highest office in the land..being a community organizer...a brief time as a senator? He had no experience that I could see.
  5. Bottlecap! I got mail today! Off to take a hot bath and then snuggle in to watch some clack..after the day I had..I need some Clay! P.S. I went to login and the first time it take my username or password..I was skeered..thought you guys kicked me out! Kim
  6. President's approval rating hits a new low: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theticket/president-obamas-approval-rating-hits-a-new-low
  7. Yummy cupcakes shortyjill! Yes we need some Clay news! But every day is one day closer to hearing whatever his new career venture will be! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. What I don't understand why is Obama being lauded for going into Libya to oust a dictator when George Bush has been vilified for doing the same thing in Iraq? Obama promised to have us out of Iraq in 18 months, instead he has gotten us into another war. I have no faith in any politicians right now whether they be Democrat or Republican because it all about money and "You scratch my back. I'' scratch yours"; catering to special interests and lining their pockets. I don't there are any politicians out there who truly care about the American people. The economy still sucks...I live in Illinois which is a Democratic state and our Democratic governor continues to raise taxes. I started full-time at my job last May and I was thrilled because I would be making more money...silly me...since then my salary has actually gone down because of the taxes and I am sick of it..but not much we can do about it because the Republicans in this state don't have much say so and it is only going to get worse. Rahm Emanual is now Mayor of Chicago...Mayor Daley's brother is now going to Washington..you don't think there were some back room deals going on there...Obama is from Chicago..nuff said. Illinois has the most corrupt politics in the union and Obama comes from that..excuse me if I have doubts about his motives, etc. I admire George Bush, I admire him even more after reading his book...he some of the most horrific events occur during his Presidency and handled them the best way he knew how and made decisions that he knew were going to be unpopular but made them anyway. He loves this country and did whatever he could to protect us and he did...since 911 until he left office he kept us from another terrorist attack. And yes I listen to Rush Limbaugh...do I always agree with hin..no..he can spin with the best of them..no different than anyone else in the press whether on the right or the left...its all about pushing an agenda and getting people to believe what you are selling and the Democrats are just as good at that as the Republicans. Obama winning again handily...I doubt that...his approval rating is going down..the election last November pretty much proved that the American people are not happy the direction the country is going in...although at this time I haven't seen anyone on the Republican side that has me remotely excited...it will be an interesting election. I can say this..I won't be voting for Obama. I am republican and damn proud of it and I get so sick of the republican bashing and hate in this country...yes there are some who are ultra-conservative and way over to the right religiously, but we are all not like that and hate that a broad brush is always applied to the republican party. I am just glad we live in a country where we can have these discussions openly...my favorite quote "I may not agree with what you say, but I defend your right to say it" (paraphrased)
  9. George Bush has been routinely criticized for his action in Iraq and none more than by our current President and yet he appears to be following the same path...so when will we... 1. See the press start compiling body counts. 2. See him be branded a War Criminal. 3. Be vilified in the press for going to war for oil. Curious..but those of you who voted for Barack Obama and were so vocal about how he was going to change the world..what do you think now? Kim
  10. Well, hubby kept himself busy yesterday working on the bathroom we are remodeling...hopefully I will come home from work today and the doors to the linen closet will be up. It is actually nice having him home...he doesn't mind doing laundry or washing dishes. Now if I could just get him to have dinner on the table when I walk in the door, LOL! Ooh..some clack to watch! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Awe Couchie Sounds like you had the week-end from hell..hope things get better! Happy Anniversary to the Ausdons; I have been married 29 years and still can't get my husband to understand that flowers are the perfect gift! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. Yay for Clay still being in NYC! Now those are the kind of tweets I like..all the pertinent information, hair, clothes, whether he is alone or not. Now all we need is a pic. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Don't have a clue..never have seen the show..but apparently there are musical interludes in the show and it is very popular..so good for Clay if he is going to be on. Kim
  14. Maybe something to look forward to: ETA: The show is "Drop Dead Diva" and the new season starts in June. Kim
  15. Well then, I am ahead of the game..he always makes his own lunch; he doesn't mind when I go out with the girls or go shopping..actually, I can't remember him ever asking what I bought. We are lucky...he has his things to do and I have mine. I am working full-time...only problem is that now I have to be quiet in the morning when I get ready for work..no flipping on the bathroom light and doing my thing because he will be sleeping. Definitely a whole new world opening up. Talked to Emily..Austin weighs 12 pounds now and she said he is trying to laugh..cannot wait to see him again. Kim
  16. Just did a crap load of shredding..been piling up for a while and finally decided to tackle it...I can see the top of my dresser now! Luckiest1 I understand about the boards..old convos are not my thing either. Looking forward to whatever Clay has up his sleeve! Kim
  17. I can totally understand being busy ldyj...our fiscal year ends May 1st and we are swamped plus we will be having one of the ladies off in our department the end of April for knee surgery..not looking forward to that! Hubby will be fine..plenty of projects around the house to keep him busy..he likes doing that stuff..I am lucky to have a handy man..saves money. Good thing I am working though..I think it would be worse if we were both around the house together..love him..but sometimes too much togetherness... I love the idea of a Viewing Party or a Trivia Contest! Kim
  18. So where has everybody been...real life must be keeping people busy. No plans this week-end so looking forward to have a couple of days off to just veg. Supposed to be cold anyway..where is Spring? More importantly, where is Clay..we really are due for a tweet or something! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  19. Today is my husband's last day of work; he is thrilled to be retiring after 30 years with Frito-Lay, but I have to admit I am a little nervous about our budget. We will be living on his pension and my salary...no SS since he is too young, but he is hoping to find a part-time job. So it is probably good that Clay will not be touring any time soon since I am not sure if I could afford to go..belt-tightening time now! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  20. That is cool shortyjill! I have a request..would someone be able to make me a DVD of Waukegan T&T tour..I would be happy to pay for shipping...can't make DVD's myself and would love to have the show. Kim
  21. Clay/Tyra...Per CV via GCA, the original poster was upset that her post was taken across the boards...um..what did she expect..you post news like that it is going to be shared. She said it was true but is now wishing she had not said anything. Tyra actually tweeted about it but did not mention Clay, but perhaps knowing he does not like twitter chose to leave him out. "takes off reporter hat" Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Keepingfaith We all approach our fandoms differently; some fans are comfortable promoting Clay in anyway possible, that is just not me. The best I can do is buy his CD's and go to a concert when he is in town. There should be room in the fandom for all types of fans. Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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