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Everything posted by canuck2010

  1. Good Morning Guys! Kim - Michael gets a pass for the standards because that is what made him famous. He's expected to sing the old standards. In his defense, I have to say that I've seen MB in concert and he is a fabulous entertainer, holds the crowd in the palm of his hand much like Clay does, is lots of fun and brings the crowd to its' feet, dancing in the aisles. I think he gets better press than Clay, has never been fodder for comedians and is therefore accepted for what he does and what he does very well. I really enjoyed DA's review. I have to admit to being a bit disappointed at the end of the article when I realized who had written it but when I stepped back and thought about it - I thought WTH?? No one but "us" know she's a hardcore fan so "All is Well".
  2. Morning everyone!!! I've never shared before the one dream about Clay that made me shoot up in bed with heart papitations. I've had a few non-erotic dreams about him - very non-sensical - BUT, one night I VIVIDLY dreamt that I was "somewhere" and I suddenly turned sideways and Clay turned suddenly towards me and we were "face to face"! GAH!!! We looked at each other and he leaned in and kissed me. Oh.My.God. It was VERY nice. I woke up immediately and thought "Crap!!!! It was only a dream"! He's a good kisser.... I have nothing else to contribute..............
  3. WhooHoo!!!! Good for you!!! Have I mentioned I'm doing the Chicago three-fer??? bottlecap OH.........MY...........GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twirly girl is my favourite emoticon!!!! A pox on that flying pan flinging bully!!!!
  4. I didn't get invested by voting because I live in Canada and couldn't vote. I just got invested in that voice and I really never doubted that he would be a huge success. I still don't angst because I feel it is a talent that cannot be denied. I stay away from blogsites and downers and just enjoy my fandom to the core of my being. Having never, ever been so totally engrossed in another celebrities fame and fortune, this is such a new experience for me and I'm lovin every minute of it. I hate, with a vengeance, when he is dissed or not given what I feel are the accolades he deserves but I've reached a point in my fandom where I don't worry about him becoming the best loved entertainer of all time. I'm just content to believe that he will be successful enough to sing to me until I croak. This post brought to you by the letter "I".
  5. OMG!! That picture is so adorable!!! Clayzor I'm so sorry about your M&G pics. Dayum - that would have driven me to tears and a major cussing spree!!! And I'll add my thanks to Couchie - This place "rocks"!!!!
  6. Another Titanic loather here. Not for the same reason though. I thought it was sooooooooooo unrealistic - floundering around in the icy waters off of Canada for an hour or more - they'd have been dead in 5 minutes - bugged the shit crap out of me. Good music though! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee "Top of the page!!!!" or is that supposed to be a bad thing???
  7. Morning everyone! er - Afternoon everyone!! Wish blogger boy would get "at it" - I miss him and want to know "wassup"!! A few tidbits about what he's doing every moment of the day would be cool! Crying at movies?? Not too often - last time I remember was during "Anne of 1000 days" with Genevieve Bujold (sp?) - about 30 yrs ago! Mind you, I only like movies that make me laugh and I seldom go to movies so can't say I wouldn't cry if I watched some. I was a blubbering idiot when I was young but not so much anymore. Am I a bad fan because, though I love Clay Aiken with the heat of a thousand suns, I have yet to cry over anything he's sung. I'm usually too busy grinning from ear to ear. Busy with DS2 and g/f visiting from Hong Kong - they brought me a very cool present - it's a digital photo frame - I've never seen one before but I can load photos, videos and music and it has a cool screen - should have it figured out by Christmas!!! I love new techie stuff though. I wonder if they expect me to load family photos in it??? Must search some out, just in case!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. Normally, I'm not a fan of 'photoshopping' but in this case??? I LURVE this picture so much!! GAH!
  9. I have to say that, in all seriousness, that Kimmel appearance for ATDW, he was the "hawtest" I've ever seen him. Loved the jeans, loved the jacket, loved the shirt, loved the hair. Holy Crap!!! I think he has matured into one fine figure of a Man!! GAH! And this guy: Humma Humma! Saweeeeeeeeeeeeet! And I always want to be Angela!
  10. Personally, I just think Clay is in LOVE with that "mic"!!! Gah!! He caresses that baby in the most sensual manner - kills.me.dead!!! I have to confess to being one of those who doesn't believe for one second that Clay is gay. It's always been very simple for me. He said he's not. I admit that I would be shocked if I found out differently, it wouldn't affect how I feel about him - it would be like one of my sons telling me the same thing. I'd be shocked because I didn't see it coming, I'd get over it and love him to death. That being said, I believe he has answered over and over and over again. This youtube is a good example of his answer to the question: http://youtube.com/watch?v=l1sr75n31WA Also, during his wonderful interview with "The Standard" when he was in Vancouver for the JNT05, he was very specific on what kind of a woman he wants. (And it ain't one of us, sadly)!! I think some fans buy into questioning his honesty about it because if you hear "them" say it enough, it becomes true. I think that's sad. Happy Birthday Merieeee :flowers: Hope you've had a wonderful day!
  11. Wait just a minute! You had a slam/bam/thankyoumaam with Clay? Yes, that would so be so much more exciting than a damned old question and answer session! *g* He's such a little stinker! Cute though. Took my breath away - and apparently my voice as I just grinned like an idiot. Hee!
  12. Hee!! Me too! Plus I won M&G for the JNT05 when it was slam/bam/thankyoumaam but soooooooo exciting!! I remember Kirk Gibson well. My son,who was only a young'un at the time and a HUGE Dodger fan was over the moon that day! I can still see that ball sailing ov.... I better stop now. Our whole family are fanatical Yankees fans. Do I have to turn in my membership card here now??
  13. Truly funny. Especially since Clay told a M&G that he didn't think RCA knew that the OFC even exists. You were approached with that story. I was approached with that story. Certainly seems like somebody was serious about getting some RCA bashing into the fan buzz. Awwww, it must have been so disappointing when it fizzled. What amazes me is that this is the first I've heard about it. I am slippin!!!! Thought I knew everything - I spend enough of my free time on this damn computer - no reason that I shouldn't know everything. :medium-smiley-070: What a fun day!!! I've accomplished absolutely ZERO!!! Great tennis, great golf and fun reads here! What a perfect way to spend Labour Day!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  14. lightmyfire I'm so sorry you feel that not re-joining OFC would be supporting Clay. I can't sign up fast enough. I may not like the MB for the most part but I just love, love, love his blogs and love being able to post occasional words of support to him. Plus, I want one of those cozy M&G's in the years to come. Gah! I can't imagine how much fun that would be. I also visit the "Tour" threads for helpful information. I found them great during SPHR for tips. I would prefer him to shut down most of the MB because it gives me a headache if I ever go there and I'd love it if they would add some kickass videos or maybe a "member's only" downloadable single. That would be so cool. I also get embarassingly giddy when the signup pack arrives in the mail.
  15. Excuse my stupidity, but how in the world was Clay taking Scarlett's camera "mocking" RCA?? I guess I'm thick. She sounds charming - not. eta: I guess getting another round of drinks was better than decking her - I don't know if I would have such restraint.
  16. I could do without "snot" ever being repeated in the banter. Otherwise, I'm easy! I hatess that word!!!
  17. You are "in my head" missy!!! I understand where all of you are coming from and I find myself nodding in agreement and shaking my head in disagreement as I read along but clayzy, you've come closest to how I feel. Clay Freakin Aiken is my "not-so secret" passion. My intense need to find out more about him, to be able to talk and laugh and swoon over him with like-minded people brought me to Message Boards. Never in my life would I have ever imagined logging onto and then, heaven forbid, posting on a MB. It had to be more powerful than anything that had entered my conciousness to bring me "here". I find Clay infinitely intriguing and mad-talented and he fills my heart with gladness. I've now become addicted to the MB's though I also scroll past known "Clay fixers and downer/critical posts". Just a "waste of MAH Time". I wouldn't celebrate Clay going CCM or making a CCM CD but I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Just easy that way. His voice reaches down into my soul or heart or just somewhere deep and I can't get enough of it. No one, ever, ever, ever has affected me in this way and I shudder at the thought that he will ever stop making CD's or touring. Life would be so dull. The fans who I wish would go far, far away are those who have to post comments and email every single person who writes a slightly non-raving revue or article - I think it gives the writer a truly skewed view of his fans and it makes me very uncomfortable. I also think it majorly encourages other people to write crap about him just to get the hits and the backlash. Just.not.good. I also think fans who visit gnat websites contribute to making them into celebrities. So sad. I feel that the ones who constantly post criticisms usually do it to bait others since they usually do it and then sit back and watch the hysteria ensue. Pitiful. I'm just having the best damn time with this fandom and can't believe it's been four years and to me, it's stronger than ever!! I love that guy!
  18. I will not type "we were not incompetent" I will not type "we were not incompetent"I will not type "we were not incompetent" I will not type "we were not incompetent"I will not type "we were not incompetent"I will not type "we were not incompetent"I will not type "we were not incompetent" I will not type "we were not incompetent"......... though we weren't...... So, what's truckin?????
  19. Yeah - there's still a place for travel agents but they don't eat well anymore. *g* We owned a large travel agency for 30 years and the airlines and the internet put us on a new career path! I still remember the day Delta airlines sent us a fax saying that they were no longer paying commissions to travel agents. My DH faxed it back with "FUCK YOU!!!" scribbled across the top!!! He felt better! Scarlett What an awesome post!!! Wordy McWord to all of it and those "Clelvis" pictures are some of my favourite!! GAH!!! He was so sexy doing that Elvis medley!! Loved, loved, loved it!!! swoon I bought a ton of ATDW's and gave them out as gifts. I didn't do it to push up his #'s because I bought them in Canada. I did it because I love his voice, I love the album and I wanted to share it with my friends. I think every one of them appreciated it. Or pretended to! *g* I'll do with the next album too and for as long as Clay makes music! Am I weird that I still listen to it every single day????? I really do love it. And I love him! He ALWAYS makes me smile! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. keepingfaith I think you're "right on"!!! I also sat up and took notice when Clay blogged about having things "in the works" or somesuch and some of them being "exciting". I can't wait until he lets us know what those things are. I have no worries about his career. He's just too damn good and I think the people who matter, know it!
  21. Conspiracy theories?? Sure not into wastin Ma time! wondering and hating. I'm amazed that Clay's concerts dont' sell out every.single.time but that's because I can't understand why everyone doesn't know how freakin fabulous he is! I think it's awesome that he's become such a TV ratings grabber though. Building relationships for his next album promotion is very smart IMHO. I bet Tyra is just chomping at the bit to have him back on and he said in a M&G that he won't be on again until the new CD comes out. I want him to be an international success sooooooooo badly!! I think Asia would go nuts for him and, selfishly, it would give me a great excuse to visit my son in Hong Kong and the ability to drag him with me to see what's captivated his mother's heart. For now, he's just amazingly perplexed!! I do have his g/f turned onto Clay though or at least she's pretending to be to suck up to the possible future MIL! Hee! I sometimes wonder if I want Superstardom for Clay because he deserves it or because I would then feel validated when many of my snootier friends would have to agree with me that he's awesome. I think, actually, that the second reason has a lot to do with it. In any evert, I think becoming Mr. Christmas was brilliant and has kept him out front and on the TV every December, which is very cool. Even those who don't call themselves fans will usually give him props for his Christmas music. I defy anyone to listen to "Mary Did You Know" and not be blown away! Hope everyone is having a great day!!! How could anyone not Love this guy!!!
  22. That is soooooooooo cute!!! I loved it when she got stuck on "o" and the first comment gives a bunch of suggestions!! Very cool!
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