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Everything posted by jumpingjacks

  1. I hate to say it but Clay coming out to sign autographs at the stage door makes him a sitting duck. ANYONE could be in that throng of people, including, but not limited to, the fricking nutbars who hang out at the Fraud Squad and JP's swamp. I don't think the other actors in the show have ever been seen in the tabloids or have their faces plastered all over the internet, tv or magazines. I think Clay is a target every time he goes out in public and that's so very, very sad to me. I'm sure it isn't one of the "perks" of his job. I wouldn't put it past any of the crazies to try to hurt him. I wouldn't put it past some of the OTT to try to grab or pull him into the crowd...let's face it, it's happened once already. I never saw the Kelly/Clay connection. I don't dislike Kelly but I sure as shit dislike the bullshit her "friends" spewed for years. If Kelly and Clay were such close friends, she should have told her buddies to shut the fuck up.
  2. Sometimes I think the reason there isn't more Clangela or Clyra is because it hits too close to home...I think it's hard to write "fiction" if you really think something is going on or if there is a connection there that isn't there with a made up female... Dunno...just my thoughts.
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  4. Seriously. But hasn't enough 'ink' been given them already? Whatevah. Sorry. Won't say another word.
  5. It's good to see that the Fake Baby Mama and her co-hort M&J could be first in line for autographs. Seems odd that you'd need your lover's autograph but, hey, that's just me. *insertYOOGEeyerollhere* Those chicks got guts...or...they truly are insane. The hair shake has had me tongue tied all day...wow.
  6. That's the controversy? Some person on stage said "Hi Clay"? Shoot me now.
  7. I think Quiana's deal is February 18th...for some reason that date is stuck in my brain.
  8. Do NOT read the comments at that site....when will people learn to not engage the idiots who post at these places? That picture is horrid...WTH?
  9. The last set of pictures are not my favorite...but...he's still cute. Gotta agree with muski, the third one will make great fodder for the asswipes of the world. Oh well, just another day in the Clay world.
  10. OK....THESE pictures are the real Clay, imho. The pictures they did for the OFC last time around were not the real Clay. He looks comfortable and his smile is real...his eyes are gorgeous and he doesn't look "pretty", he looks HANDSOME. I don't know who took these but God bless 'em whoever he/she was! WOW!!!
  11. The kid started the Clay Aiken thing before Simon. Before he went into the room he said he was the black Clay Aiken then he said it again in the room when they asked him. After that Simon made the comment about the over the top stuff. I still cringe every time I hear his name come out of the zero trios' mouths.
  12. Does anyone else think he looks like River Phoenix in this picture...especially from the movie "Running on Empty"?
  13. Bookwhore, I hear ya, honey..... But then WTF IS it? I keep thinking it is actually bunched up underroos along with pants that are damned high waisted and baggy. Lots of extra bunchage. I'm not saying the possibility doesn't exist that it's something else but I just can't imagine him not doing something to make sure surprises don't happen, ya know?
  14. Might want to check your OFC profile/acount....my expiration date was 1-24-08.
  15. Now I have a question and I'm serious. When somebody clicks on that link and sees that picture of Clay---I'm talking about somebody NOT us---do they see what I see? Or do they not even notice? I'm serious. Quite honestly, I wouldn't notice if someone didn't mention it....I forget to look at his crotch 'cause I'm so busy looking at his face. I'm a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad fan.
  16. Lordy, I'm not a thudder but THAT was thud-worthy. He looks GOOD.....he is so thin....maybe I should take up dancing! It's exactly a month before I get to see him the first time....I've never wished my life away but DAYUM.....I wanna see him NOW! ETA: I love those pictures, but, honestly...he looks like a 12 year old in a couple of them. I think he struggles with not wanting to look too young or too old. I like this look cause he seems completely comfortable with it...
  17. I'm glad you brought that up. The original reporter has made a point for 4 1/2 years now of befriending and having conversations with anyone who might have any link to Clay, and of gaining access to Clay or anyone remotely connected to him in any way possible. She loves to bring "scoops" to the boards (but loves to get close to Clay even more). I totally agree with you that these third hand reports are problematic, and indicate more prying than I am comfortable with, and I wish people on the boards would not reward her for it. ETA: Claygasm, I hear you, but I disagree. My reaction is based on my knowledge of this person, who is in my opinion a bit too stalkerish for my tastes, and I think prying into his life in this way is very squicky. It has nothing to do with the specific content of this particular report. Her (public) reports are innocuous, but the fact that she's making a point of gathering them isn't, IMO. I don't mind reports of things repeated in casual conversation with someone, by someone who doesn't make a habit of these casual conversations. It's the people who are always up into his business that bug me. The reception they get on the boards is nothing compared to the reception they get in private--but now we're getting into "insider" territory. I agree. Her reports always make me feel icky...like the info. was gotten with tricks or manipulations.
  18. Clay looks like he's 12 in that picture with Jerome. Is he just the cutest! I was surprised to see Jerome with him. Do you think he'll be there the whole 15 weeks?
  19. bwah Jumping Jacks. He gets you every time doesn't he. Aint that the truth. Sheesh. I'll have seen this show so many times, I could do the matinee for him if he needed a break!
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