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Everything posted by jumpingjacks

  1. I am here...eating my words. My friend and I just purchased another set of tickets to see this while we are in NYC...so...now we see Clay on Friday night, Saturday night and "Young Frankenstein" on Sunday afternoon. What has he done to me?
  2. Matinees are such a quick turn around time. Even in community theater, it's amazing how quick it's time to be back at the theater....of course we have cast parties that last until oh-dark-thirty, too. I've watched it again...I'm pretty sure he says "Nice job, Clay"....could be wrong....
  3. I thought he said "Nice job, Clay" about his performance. Perhaps I need to go watch it again! Bwahaha!
  4. He looks SO HAPPY!!! http://stagenotesblog.broadway.com/2008/01...tion-claymates/
  5. Ok....the bus picture did me in. I've been trying very hard not to go too crazy at work but...that's it.... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
  6. From stripedshirts at CV: Check this out.....B'way's got a little something cute & special going on next month: The Broadway "Teddy" Bears Auction 11 is February 17 Sunday, February 17, 2008 at the B.B. King Blues Club & Grill (237 W. 42nd St) those ursine thespians of The Great White Way will come out of hibernation for the eleventh annual BROADWAY BEARS auction, in support of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. The fur will fly as lot by lot is presented by a parade of Broadway celebrities introducing 40 one-of-a-kind BROADWAY BEARS each dressed in original, handmade costumes representing some of the theater’s most legendary performers and/or performances will be put up for auction. This year’s cast of bears will include autographed bears representing current shows like The Little Mermaid, Xanadu, Spring Awakening, Young Frankenstein and Curtains as well classic shows like West Side Story, The Music Man, Gypsy, Cats, and Dreamgirls. "Missing out on this event will be something that you won’t want to bear! " Check out their 2008 poster:
  7. Of course the boards are imploding because of the Simon comment....just not this board. I dunno, if you haven't seen the show, just wait until you see Sir Dennis...he even flips his hair like a girl.
  8. It makes me over the moon, too, JJ. I hope it's so wonderful for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks....I know it will be. It would never have happened, though, if it weren't for Winter Break....sometimes it's great being a teacher! Fold....baggy pants fold. Dammit.
  9. I'm either over the moon in love with Clay or I'm getting sick....that picture of Spamalot Clay made me all misty. *sniff*...I can't wait until it's my turn to see him in this show!!!!
  10. Great article.... Is someone mocking it? I just saw it at CV and everyone there is head over heels....
  11. So wait.... Clay's Amish now? Runs away v.v. fast, making coconut horsie hoof noises. Diet Coke....all over the keybaord. Funniest thing I've read all day. :cryingwlaughter:
  12. Yep! I didn't really mean BAF, I was speaking more about training teachers to assist in classrooms so kids could be mainstreamed, just rambling, really, because it sounds like that is what jumpingjacks is doing. In our school district, all kids are mainstreamed to the extent possible. Our severe/profound kids have access to the same services within the school as any other child. They are not shoved into another building across town and hidden from view, as was the experience when I first moved to this district....24 years ago. My job is to advocate for the kids and parents. That means I do everything I can to keep them in the regular classroom with their peers. What is frustrating is teachers who refuse to follow a behavior plan that is created so that the kids can be successful in their neighborhood schools. I see it all.the.time. It seems we still have the perspective of "get them out" rather than "keep them in". It's a battle I'm fighting right now and it is truly exhausting. Luckily, I have the law on my side! Oh I have a friend that needs an advocate like you. I send cait to the English school system and they have been mainstreaming children for a long time because they don;t have a school exclusively for special needs kids. So in Caits school everyone is very cooperative and the TAs are very experienced in handling children like my daughter. However...in the French school system, the situation is different. They do have a special needs school that gets most of the funding allocated for special needs children...so my friend that has a DS child thats Cait's age is having a harder time getting what she needs from the system. At first they strongly discouraged mainstreaming...now the problem is the teachers and the TA's just don;t know how to handle the kid. On one hand they want to see him acting like other kids...on the other they treat him like a baby without much limits and consequence. Being an advocate comes easy...being an advocate and fighting your professional peers, not so much. It does put a person in a position of always being a bitch, for lack of a better term. However, the relationship with my kids and their parents is far more important than being seen as a bitch by my peers.
  13. Yep! I didn't really mean BAF, I was speaking more about training teachers to assist in classrooms so kids could be mainstreamed, just rambling, really, because it sounds like that is what jumpingjacks is doing. In our school district, all kids are mainstreamed to the extent possible. Our severe/profound kids have access to the same services within the school as any other child. They are not shoved into another building across town and hidden from view, as was the experience when I first moved to this district....24 years ago. My job is to advocate for the kids and parents. That means I do everything I can to keep them in the regular classroom with their peers. What is frustrating is teachers who refuse to follow a behavior plan that is created so that the kids can be successful in their neighborhood schools. I see it all.the.time. It seems we still have the perspective of "get them out" rather than "keep them in". It's a battle I'm fighting right now and it is truly exhausting. Luckily, I have the law on my side!
  14. Not the least bit impressed with the TMZ blurb. They are assholes and will continue to be assholes because that's what gets them attention. What does piss me off is that the whole Ripa and airplane thing are taking front and center which is what I think he wanted to avoid. Rather than talking about him being in Spamalot, they are regurgitating the same old shit. God, it gets old. I wouldn't have been nearly as diplomatic as he was....
  15. I know I would have been FAR less diplomatic in my responses. I would have told him to kiss my ass. It's about time people realize that Clay isn't a child and he isn't going to be steamrolled anymore. The jackass reporter thought he was playing a game....he was wrong...and he found out how wrong he was.
  16. JJ (((hugs))) I don't care if anyone else has a different take on this interview. It won't change me from my all out fangirlie mode at the moment. I freakin' loved how he handled himself here. That's just me. You know, it's just like the conversation earlier about RCA/Clive talk and all...and why some people can't let it go. I don't think it's because they don't have a life...I think that IS their life...hanging on to shit. I would bet you any amount, they are the same people who in real life carry a grudge against the neighbor because they blew leaves into their yard two falls ago. They are the same people who when the family gets together recount how Uncle Bill failed to repay the $10 he borrowed five years ago. If they want to go there, I don't care. I just never intend to follow. I don't even acknowledge the posts anymore...I used to interject my perspective but it's just not worth it. If they live their lives like they post on these boards, I pity their families and their friends. It must be miserable to live like that.
  17. Do NOT go out there....stay here where it's safe and warm. Holy shit....can the guy ever win? I get so sick of the negativity....I don't know what keeps me on the boards at all anymore. It drives me insane.
  18. I've been a SpEd teacher for 26 years...the last 15 have been with kids with behavioral disorders. I can't imagine ever doing anything else. It isn't the kids or the parents who are my worst nightmare...it's other teachers. By the way, I didn't believe any of the back channel bullshit nor am I an insider. I don't feel comfortable being grouped with that bunch of nutbars.
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