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Posts posted by jazzgirl

  1. Took my mom to the ER today but thankfully they released her in a few hours after giving her an infusion of fluids. She was dehydrated. They gave her something for the nausea. Hopefully this is the end of something and not the start of another round.
    Glad you got your mom to the ER, couchie. It is always best to err on the side of caution and get someone there to be evaluated. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Wow. I clicked here to see if anything was new and find that my last post here was strangely prophetic. Exactly one week after writing the above I erred on the side of caution and took my mom to the ER on the slightest of suspicions that she may have had pneumonia. I was on guard as I had witnessed what I thought could be an aspiration incident 48 hours earlier. Mom did not have any of the traditional symptoms: no major coughing and no fever (just slightly noticeable shortness of breath). Some type of intuition told me to google "pneumonia symptoms in the elderly" and I found out that there may be none and after some vacillating decided that I needed to put my mind at rest and get her in for an evaluation. It was good I did; her oxygen level was 88 at the triage desk.

    It has been over a month. The elderly are at high risk to not survive pneumonia. I was extremely fortunate to get mom to the hospital when I did as the pulmonologist said she had a horrible case of pneumonia. This time both mom and I were lucky. Lucky to survive the pneumonia and lucky to survive the hospital. One morning when I visited her, I found the oxygen cannula in mom's nose, but not connected to any source! I also later found it connected but not turned on, or turned on at the wrong level. If anyone goes to a hospital or has a relative there, be observant!

  2. I've read the CV synopsis. My eyes are still rolling in my head.

    I've read KAndre's synopsis. I'm still cleaning mac & cheese off my monitor.

    Best. Synopsis. Ever.

    KAndre, have you considered a career in soap opera writing? I think you have a natural gift!

    The fact that some people still believe this soap opera is proof that they will believe whatever they want to believe.

  3. Wait... What?!! Is Clay Sperm gonna be offered on the online store or something? Frozen, or to be delivered live and in person? 'Cause I've got an untapped home equity line just sitting there unused ...

    Start cornering the turkey baster market!

    Here's hoping we hear a first hand recap, cause I'd like to know the truth. I read that one of the other M&Gers was the one to out her, not Clay. Then I heard that someone really admired how he handled it, so I'd just like to know.

    Couchie, I think all families are dysfunctional. It is just a question of the degree to which they are dysfunctional.

    Too bad we don't have M&G clack. *g* :cryingwlaughter: As note-taking was admonished, absent an ex cathedra report (are blogs ex cathedra?), I hope some legitimate reports of whatever happened at the M&G surface, so this episode doesn't become another "Clurban" (hee!) legend.

  4. I think if I do get that meet and greet, I'm just gonna ask him what kind of tree he'd be. Sans the Baba Wawa accent of course. *g* I'm thinking Giant Redwood.

    Had a second interview today... I still consider it a long shot but I guess the odds are better now then they were after the first interview.

    Congratulations on passing the first hurdle!

    Fans always seem to want to get to know Clay...but at times they cannot handle the reality of his humanity.

    Reality Bites!

    Interesting juxtaposition between:

    Have I mentioned that I think some fans should get a life and stay the hell out of Clays'?


    Basically -- do you live, sleep, eat and poop your job? If so, they want you. If not, forget it. Except -- that in my mind, NO ONE does that.

    You forgot about Clay fans. The "enthusiastic" ones who consider Clay their job.

  5. Here's my gut reaction to the clack flap today:


    Also, I don't think Clay wants to blog about his clack policy because to specifically discuss Spamalot, in writing, would give tacit approval to clack gathering otherwise. Just because Clay has a "look the other way" policy about clack and really doesn't mind it at his own shows, he certainly doesn't want to give it an explicit green light because of potential conflicts of interest with other musicians on stage, union restrictions, venue policies, etc. To my knowledge, he has never guaranteed the right to clack.

    Your gut and my gut agree.

    My thought during a fleeting visit to OFC this morning ...... I see spoiled people.

    I think you have a "Sixth Sense"!

    Jazzgirl You just can't unslut a slut.

    What about the reformed hooker with the heart of gold? We are all "Pretty Women" - hee!

    I just want to add that I will now will make my solemn vow to use the phrase "big-girl panties" as many times as possible each day, even though the word "panties" is not in common use in Aust.

    Just curious, what are panties called in Australia? Bloomers? Drawers?

    Anyone want to caption this picture???

    How about continuing the movie theme and calling it a "When Harry Met Sally" moment?

  6. What I definitely do not want is to see the entire system upset over Spamalot. But I agree with you on your other points you raised. Maybe we just go back to the innocent times when the Clayboard reports were all we got. Those used to be fun. I still remember how I felt getting the reports from IT. So I look forward to the reports if that's all we get.

    Ah, a return to innocence. Born-again virgins who eschew any Spamalot-tinged clack. A virtual Spamalot chastity belt where a thousand words must take the place of one picture? Can brazen hussies :17f71c4d: return to a life of purity? :25:

    Regarding Spamalot, Clay said exactly what needed to be said and the only thing he could say.

  7. Took my mom to the ER today but thankfully they released her in a few hours after giving her an infusion of fluids. She was dehydrated. They gave her something for the nausea. Hopefully this is the end of something and not the start of another round.
    Glad you got your mom to the ER, couchie. It is always best to err on the side of caution and get someone there to be evaluated. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. Divayenta, your clackoperetta is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Chachatrusty, thanks for capturing and posting that.

    jmh... I'll second that!!! So, great DIVA. Any chance we could get the words. I couldn't understand everything and want to.

    I will third that! I would love the words; is the right term for that "the libretto"? I also remember you writing in your Christmas story that you are the granddaughter of an opera singer. I think you have grandma's genes! That was wonderfully funny! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I read one interview where Clay said in the first week, they always had one bad night. He said last night was it. What night was he talking about? I wonder what he considered a bad night

    I believe Clay was referring to South Bend, but I am puzzled because I don't remember anything remarkable about that show.

    I do think there is a tendency in the fandom for some to project their feelings on to Clay...Because fan A is feeling sad, depressed, etc. about something whether it be ATDW promotion, RCA, gnatty stuff...than Clay must be feeling that too.

    YES. I often think the same thing when I read various posts; that people are projecting their personal feelings upon Clay. I am sure I do the same (but it's not as easy to discern as when I see others do it!).

  9. Diva, just think of how many people read your story via the CH and this board, even perhaps worldwide lurkers, many, many more than would have just heard it in DC. You, your dad, and the sound of that bell are now occupying space in a lot of people's minds.

    IMO, and evidently in Clay's opinion, his intentions regarding this project exceeded his grasp. By repeating stories, he already has an idea how they work and how the audience responded to them, so he has a known product. I do agree that his first priority is putting on a good show and I don't think he thought through all the implications the selection process would have for those fans who weren't selected. It will be interesting how many stories in total he uses; my guess is quite a bit less than he originally planned.

  10. I think she's an untrustworthy person. How can you be proud of the fact that you can't keep a secret... geesh!

    I was waiting for someone to have that reaction. The only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead! Nothing is as tantalizing as the forbidden and this secret spread at close to the speed of light. I do wonder if Clay let this slip by design or if he had a rare instance of loose lips (at least since he became a public figure). IIRC, the guy was voted biggest gossip in high school. IMO, the info wasn't a monumental secret, but it will be interesting if any more M&G "secrets" are given, or if this puts the lid on them. From all the supposed "secrecy", I was rather disappointed to find out how "that's all there is?" about the real info.

  11. Do not miss Scarlett's Jazzy Medley from Kalamazoo!

    There is clack and there is PRIMO CLACK, and that is PRIMO! IMO, that is Frank and Ella caliber (I like oldies!)

    You can get it "rye cheer" (as my grandad would have said)! Or, more correctly, he would have said, "rye chee-ah."

    My dad used the same expression. Thank you for reminding me of it as I had forgotten!

  12. Is it my imagination or are the pictures from this tour some of the most consistently gorgeous from any tour?

    I would vote for "not my imagination".

    Feel free to let us know and post a link to it but I'm sure everyone here uses VIEW NEW POSTS.

    Subtle is your middle name.

    Keeping my fingers crossed we get some great clack of the AIW six beams of light. The description of that effect sounds incredible.

    I think Clay could do a fantastic network Christmas special now, if asked, much better than ACAC, which was good but, IMO, missed that special spark that Clay has in concert. If not network, maybe cable can come through with an offer. Clay has shown so much artistic growth in three years that should be captured. Still hoping for some upcoming TV, either Xmas or Spamalot related.

  13. Just a few comments:

    I'm home. I have car seat butt. I'll try to do a recap later.

    Oh, I like that! I've heard of "hat hair", but never "car seat butt".

    but I didn't care for the dresses either, except to say the ladies were striking in them - they're beautiful women - just too much dress for my taste. Major buzoms action though, so I guess they do have Clay's taste all over them :cryingwlaughter:

    Very astute observation about the "buzoms" part of the dress reflecting Clay's taste!

    My motto: Stand on principles and say what you think and feel -- and then move on. And if you change your mind next week, okay. If not, okay. No matter what ... okay.

    I'm entirely in favor of people who have their one square inch of principle that they are standing on and will defend it to their last breath. It makes for lively conversation!

    ...it's so much tougher to accept responsibility, look for something in the mess to learn from and then set your course with determination not to repeat mistakes.

    The reason many people succeed is because they have so much experience with the opposite outcome! Learn and move forward.

    I think the first Clay concerts of any tour create some angst, most of it blows over in a few days.

  14. Puddinsjoy... thank you for the sneak peak of Clay in Wichita... and for this wonderful saying:
    When we walk to the edge of all the light we have, and take a step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe one of two things will happen - there will be something solid for us to stand upon, or we will be taught to fly." ~ Anonymous
    I LOVE this! I'm at this kind of crossroads right now and this just fits so well.

    Thanks liney23 - the saying meant a lot to me when I was at a career crossroads about 1 1/2 years ago - it continues to mean a lot to me today - reminds me that sometimes you need to listen to your heart instead of your head. I'm really glad I did.

    Interesting, I immediately thought the saying referred to the afterlife. We'll just have to ask anonymous what he or she meant *g*.

  15. <snip>.... and 2 bars of Hershey's all natural Extra Dark Chocolate with Macadamia Nuts and Cranberries, one of which I'm sending to jazzgirl. Any takers for the other one?

    Great minds think alike on that one! Unseen forces of the universe must be operating. "Houston, we have a connection" and I don't even live there. One of my "Black Friday" purchases was the Hershey Extra Dark Assortment which includes mini dark chocolate bars with cranberries, blueberries and almonds dispersed throughout the chocolate. Yum! I had the serving size of 4 mini bars yesterday and I've already had 4 today and I'm trying very hard to not go past my limit. I also discovered that Ghirardelli dark chocolate is quite good too. In fact, dark chocolate is so good, it made me think of the phrase "a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou" (from The Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam), which caused me to google it and I found this very funny and snarky revisionist poem (the poem needs an iPod update for the Sony Walkman):

    The Rubaiyat Revisited

    A guy by the name of Khayyam

    Was very much like I am,

    He wanted to defy 'em all.

    His design for a life was to be

    As bright as a shining ruby

    And nothing quite connubial.

    Just a jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou.

    But today we need much more than that somehow.

    I'd like to hold you,

    To have you,

    Under some bough...

    Some diet Pepsi,

    A loaf of protein bread

    And thou.

    I'd like to kiss you,

    To love you

    Under some tree...

    A two way pager,

    A phone that's cellular

    And thee.

    Oh, what we need to drive away fears,

    To make us safer and saner!

    Did Methuselah really live nine hundred years

    Without one damned personal trainer?

    Oh, to caress you,

    Embrace you

    Under some bough...

    A new palm pilot,

    A heart rate monitor

    And thou.


    I'd like to hold you,

    To have you

    Under some bough...

    A frozen pizza,

    A one touch Microwave

    And thou.

    I'd like to kiss you,

    To love you

    Under some tree...

    A Sony walkman,

    A digital camera

    And thee.

    What could we modern fellows enjoy

    Without our yogurt and yoga?

    How could Paris carry off Helen of Troy

    With no viagra stashed in his toga?

    Oh, to caress you,

    Embrace you

    Under some bough...

    Some marijuana,

    A box of Nicorettes

    And thou...

    A loaf of protein bread,

    A phone that's cellular,

    A heart rate monitor,

    A one touch Microwave,

    A digital camera,

    A box of Nicorettes,

    Our psychoanalysts

    And thou.

    Diva, I loved your story. Your father was a survivor and how touching how that sound reminded him of his childhood.

  16. The album I did the last time was an album of love songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s. This will be new music, new songs that will become signature songs. Am I the only one who interpreted this as meaning that this new music will be in a style similar to the songs on ATDW? I don't mean all schmaltzy ballads, but rather in feel and style.

    Interesting. No, I didn't latch on to the concept of similar feel and style to ATDW songs. What I latched onto was signature songs, but it's possible that could mean feel and style. The meaning I infer is "classics", just as in the ATDW songs were classics, that Clay is striving to have his own songs that aren't disposable, bubblegum pop. I like the confident way he said "signature" and am keeping my fingers crossed that he gets what he wants.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to all and happy birthday to Cotton (who seems unusually excited about a freezer)! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I thought I was reading a new revised version of the "I Hate to Cook" cookbook here today. I'm a minimalist cook myself, so you all are my kind of people.

    And yeah. "Hope to get out in the first half of the year" most likely means fall.


    So when he says first "half" of a year, is that like 3/4ths?

    I would say that you are both gifted interpreters of "Clayspeak"!

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