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Everything posted by spikesmom

  1. You bet - I'd love to donate some stuff! I better go check out your blog and see what's up. I'll take a look through my stash of stuff and see what I think would pass muster... if I have any questions, I'll pm you if that's ok. I totally agree that you're a shoo-in to win!!! It's a great story and fun as all get out! Good luck!
  2. ldyj - so sorry to hear about your MIL.... :6: Hey, this could be me! At least when the old arthritis isn't acting up... I'm not as talented as some of the folks who have posted some great pics of their knitting, but I still like to do it... I've got a pretty fabulous collection of scarves... BWAH!! kids... I only have one (if I don't count the one I'm married to)... and since I probably won't win the money kind of lottery, I done good in the kid lottery... he's a good one and I'm pretty darn lucky and proud of him... the little battles we've had really weren't that bad in the big picture... after a point, I was too chicken to have another - figured I'd get Damien to make up for the first one.... so stopped while I was ahead (so to speak)... KAndre - to you too... the dentist isn't my favorite person in the word either, but it doesn't stress me out... sorry that it's so sucky for you.... wish I had some good advice, but I imagine you've heard it all already... good luck.... btw - I do love your stories... make me smile a.lot!
  3. I took this to be one of those stoopid comments by the Lycos author of the paragraph in a half assed attempt at humor. ETA: I do have to add that I really do appreciate reading everyone's take on different things... interesting all the different perspectives...
  4. BWAH!! Clearly the answer to this one is obvious... you can watch it as many ding dang times as you want and still be considered normal, reasonable and intelligent.... I refuse to accept that any other answer is possible... there simply can't be any other answer, could there? No, of course not. I didn't think so... really. No, really.
  5. The version I heard was this... I didn't hear it in connection with the other... but it doesn't surprise me that it's both...
  6. BWAH!!! What's most frightening to me is that he may have actually procreated.... Is there a Clive Junior or Juniorette wandering around on the planet? I suppose that was mean, hey? Only not. I should add that I don't believe in any great conspiracy theories, I just don't care for the man and I think it's time he retired somewhere... anywhere.
  7. BWAH!! Oh so true.... oh so true.... merrieeee - yeah! A great day I'd say!!! bottlecap - so easy to get spoiled, hey? Me too....
  8. Oh yeah, Vienna sausages with cocktail sauce (no idea why - I guess cuz it tasted good?) and potted meat... didn't have that real often but yes, we ate that too.... and smoked oysters, sardines in the can... as odd as some of it is, it was all comfort food... makes me miss my folks... in fact, as I recall, after they both had passed and my sister and I were cleaning out the cupboards (God, it was unbelievable what we found!), we did find some Vienna sausages... tossed those suckers since we had noooooooooooooooo idea what decade they were from.... We did this too but with regular white sticky rice... it was dinner many an evening... even now, I'll make up a cooker of sticky rice and do some over easy's (got my son hooked on that part!)... I'll have to check out the Spam again now that I see there's low fat, low salt, turkey, etc. merrieeee - glad your day got better when you got home... man, don't think I've ever heard of anyone losing that many people around them that close together (and I know they aren't your relatives, but how freaky....)... here's to better tomorrows!! liney23 - Happy Birthday! and thanks for all the pretties! A day of wealth here - new pics, new video clip, 5th Grader news... yippee!
  9. Haven't been there in several (ok a few more than several) years and 500 might be right - seems high to me, but then it's 3 levels... but it's tricky too... assuming it's the still the same, you'll find a Footlocker, a Lady Footlocker and a Kids Footlocker - one on each floor... there are repeat stores (or there used to be)... but it's still a cool place to go... you get your shopping fix for sure! Plus the amusement park in the middle... had some good restaurants too!
  10. I grew up with Spam... sliced and fried, cut in chunks in salad, you name it, my mother found a way to feed it to us... and I liked it! Whenever it comes up at work, people look at me like I just got off a spaceship but I always liked it... didya know there's a Spam museum? Austin, MN on the way from Wisconsin to South Dakota.... keepingfaith - Happy Birthday! and you must submit that story... BWAH!!! Did anyone else singalong as they were reading it? Just me then? And dang merrieeee - I think you get the prize (not that you probably want it) for the day with the most crap flung near or at one person... And NYC? Spamalot? I'm there. I wanted to go when I was in NYC in May but no one else I went with was that crazy about seeing it... it is coming here next year late April so I can catch it then if this is just rumor... but I'd love to go back to New York!
  11. Oh sure.... now the truth comes out... you just want a shot at the face... all that angst is just a way to get at the face... See... she didn't bother me all that much... of course, it was probably my second martini that threw me over the "I don't give a shit" edge... In case you haven't been out and about yet... too.late. But I do love that there has been good discussion here (not that I add all that much to it...) and people do feel ok about posting their opinions even if they think they aren't popular...
  12. BWAH!!! love the story... but since I'm a sympathetic puker, I'd appreciate if this isn't reenacted at any of my concerts...
  13. Just so long as you're not holding your breath too.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: BWAH!! If he doesn't, I sure as hell do! Ooooo, two posts in a row, is that a punishable offense? Hey! How did that happen?! I don't think I hit edit... hmmmm... damn CRAFT....
  14. FromClaygary Just cuz... Oh, and muski? I love when you start thinkin'!! Whee!!!!! And I'll just add that I'm glad that edit counter is gone, gone, gone!!! There's some freedom with that, ya know?
  15. Dang! Eleven pages!! You'd think something happened today... Lots of good reading to catch up on... Hee. Me either. Do they still sell that? :27: I was going to post JennaZ's whole quote but I'll just WORD her... smart woman! I figure someone will know which one I mean... I read one other board - quickly - saw all the negativity - and it made me remember a friend I used to have - key is the "used to have" - who lived for negativity... honest to God, everything, and I mean everything, got a negative spin. She wore me out on a regular basis... and that drags you down too... I had to get rid of her before I turned into her (not that kind of get of rid of her - she lives on to make other lives miserable, just not mine)... I just think that is how some people are... they are down right negative all.the.time... whatever. I don't consider myself a Pollyanna when it comes to Clay but I try to find the positives as much as I can... do I think he can take a nasty picture (or two), sure... do I like his mandals, hell no... do I always understand him and like what he may do/say, no... but I try to let that stuff run off and look for the good stuff... for me, there's lots more good than bad... I find more joy in that... Glad to see that he was out and about last night - and from the ET and Insider clips, it sounds like he likes him some NYC... went there for the first time early this summer and I'm in love with it too... and from a discussion the other day (I think it was here - damn CRAFT), I saw Fantasia in The Color Purple and she rocked! I'm no Fantasia fan - in fact, we joked about scalping our tickets (we had bought our tickets before the announcement that she was going to be in it)... we were sooooooooooooo glad we didn't... it was really good and I highly recommend it (ok, I know most of you don't know me so not sure how much that recommendation counts... but really and truly - I was not a fan and I saw the light... ). I have no interesting holiday stories... other than dropping the cheesy potatoes on the floor last year and breaking my Longaberger baking dish (which caused me to say FUCK really loud on Christmas day!), I obviously lead the most boring life... so I'm no competition for anyone... but I'm loving the stories that you all have! And I have faith that Clay can make the stories work and if not, it's a small part of the whole enchilada... see how I brought this whole post back to food?
  16. I want to know!!!!!!! Gosh, I hope you're serious... I was sucked into that story and when it got to the end, I'm like "so, who is Brian?" doh. Took a couple of minutes and then the sledgehammer hit me... He probably did deserve to get stuffed in a locker but it was kind of funny in a sick sort of way.... So is this what my rheumatologist did - go paperless? I was just there earlier in the month and the nurse had his laptop and he was plugging all my stats into it... and then the prescription refill I got for my med was a computer printout... impressed the hell out of me... kind of scared me too... and then our server had a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig burp at work last week, first everything slowed down to a crawl and then we couldn't do crap for about 30 minutes when it went down... everything we do now needs the computer and no computer, no work..... let's say it was interesting... sylvie - lovely baby and congrats! ansa and couchie - thanks for the upgrade and all the purty new stuff... I can't check in during the day so I missed all the fun with the non-working stuff and colors... I get to see all the results when I get home... it's beeeeutiful!
  17. I'd like to think that I have very few real regrets in my life but I'd sure love a do over or two back to the days that I know I was blinded by youth... I think my life could have been much fuller and more interesting... lost moments for sure... And muskifest... the most negative tag was more interesting to me as I don't know that I've ever seen that in any post of yours that I can remember... of course, I'm blinded by your lovely smut most times... and please don't stop... eta: and just like that... ta da.... I'm a body guard...
  18. amazed in nj and yes, I admit, I would love details too... I hope he had a really good time catching up with friends he hasn't seen in awhile...
  19. Yes, it made me sad that he had to do that... I couldn't believe the number of people I saw run out at Sterling Heights... I was embarrassed... I mean, there is NO way Quiana didn't see those people get up and run out... ETA: I know people say they only pay to see Clay, yada, yada, but I guess it's just showing good manners to wait until it's really intermission unless you're already starting to pee in your pants... and I guess because I really like to hear Quiana sing, it colors my opinion a little too... And HS reunion... yeah, I went to two of them - ten year and 25 years... ten wasn't too bad, most of the nerds I hung around with came to it so I had a really good time catching up with people I really liked in HS... 25 had fewer people and although I still enjoyed myself, I discovered that even 25 years later, the popular girl clique lived on! My girlfriend and I, two not popular girls, headed into the ladies room for the reason it's there (silly us) and there stood several of the popular girls and of course as soon as the door opened, they stopped talking/gossiping... gotta love it.
  20. ...sigh... I think I'm destined to always be a dog walker. Too bad because if my fantasies dreams ever came true and Clay were to hire me, Body Guard would be my job of choice. Imagine the possibilities. They're endless really. In my mind anyway. Can you think of a better job? The first thing that popped into my mind was "his masseuse" - shower assistant?
  21. This is one of my favorite chick flicks... I'm a sucker for love stories and happy endings and really yummy leading men... and that scene on the boat... kills me dead every time... and really, it kills me dead before they even get inside the boat... boxer briefs and that's all I'm gonna say about that! Caro - beautiful pics! I love the one with with mom and son... Did my Susan G. Komen walk this a.m. - thousands of people - it was literally a sea of people - I'll be interested to hear how many came out... really inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time... while we waited to start, I had to keep wiping my eyes... it was very emotional to see all those people coming out for such a good cause... and there were tons of men including at least one we saw with a survivor pink shirt which was an excellent reminder that breast cancer has no sexual preference... and it's a beautiful day - a little cool at first but the sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly! We do this every year (this was our 5th time) and we're already talking about next year! rcknrllmom - thanks for the good wishes! Happy Birthday to manderly and to those I've missed (I'm not very good at that - must work on being better...)! aikim - glad to hear you liked Cedarburg!
  22. Thanks! So I'm taking all my alter egos (I should have a cool one like Wonder Woman or something but nooooo, not me... doh) and heading to the sack... I'm up early for the Susan G. Komen walk tomorrow... it's going to be extra special as my sister's sister-in-law (who babysat my son when he was younger while I was working) is in the last stages of her treatment (she's a survivor!) and she's walking with us... Night all!
  23. No idea who jmh is... hard enough for me to keep track of myself.... But when I post on another board, which isn't that often, I post as mikesmom... and when in Florida, I introduced myself as mikesmom when I met people... when I started posting here, I decided since I joined eons ago as spikesmom, I'd just own that name and my silly paranoia and the coughinfamousauthorcough be damned... what can I say, I'm workin' on my self-esteem...
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