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Posts posted by annabear

  1. The Grease reality show was for the public to choose the leads in the Broadway cast, not the touring company. There's now one on MTV where they're picking the next Elle Woods for Legally Blonde on Broadway, but it's not the public voting. There are 3 producer/casting type people making the decisions - so far anyway.

    still want to poke that fat tummy and make him squeal.


    He was such a CUTE litte guy! Can't you just hear the giggle?!

  2. What??? No pictures this morning??? :o Although I do miss him & would love to see him, I'm actually kinda glad. :wub:

    Well, I'm off in a few minutes for an MRI. Hopefully today I will find out exactly what is wrong with my knee. I'm getting very tired of limping around, not being able to walk correctly. Since the initial pain over three weeks ago, it really hasn't hurt that much, but I simply cannot straighten my left leg. Therefore, I'm not walking correctly and my back keeps going out!

    And I'm not planning on going in to work after my MRI this morning....I need another mental health day!

    ETA: from Cagney1950 at CV --

    "On My Way Here" is at 113 spins at +18 from last week and with .285 audience impressions. Still at #27 but it is closing in at #26 held by Reo Speedwagon song that is losing spins. Love seeing this nice increase this morning as I was away since Friday where the spins were 100 I believe.


    Good luck, ldyj! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I don't blame you a bit for taking a mental health day - now that I'm here at work, I'm kinda wishing I had taken one myself today... :wacko:

    I'll second your WOOHOO!!!!! for the chart news! I think it can! I think it can! :00000441:

    djs111, despite the preshow wailing and gnashing of teeth and cries of "It's not fair to Clay!" and all that, Taylor wasn't actually included in the "Grease" musical number on the Tonys last night. And if he was, it might have helped, 'cause the number kinda sucked and some of the singers sounded off-key. :imgtongue:

    Good. So it wasn't just me thinking that about that particular number. Other than that, I enjoyed the show last night. First time in quite a while that I've payed much attention to it.

    Ask me how glad I am that I'm not thirteen again. Go ahead. Ask me. :glare:

    Hee! I wouldn't go back and relive that time in my life for ANYTHING! Hope things settle down *soon* for you, muski. :friends:

  3. From dancermom2 at CV:

    From BFS at Spamalot...she is up in the Mezz...she said the Mess is only 1/4 full. Totally different feel to the show.

    At the time when the Lady of the Lake did her song in the Camelot scene where she has the armor on and sings she sings all the songs like The Lion Sleeps tonight she sang So Long Farewell from the Sound of Music..Auf wiedersehen good night... to you and you and you and pointed to the audience.

    Robert, the person who played Sir Robin is just part of the Ensemble now...it's different with him there instead of Clay. BFS didn't realize the differences like when Clay sang Spam...wonderful Spam were written just for Clay.

    I can add to the Jerome stories! :) The first time I encountered him was at my first concert - the Columbus IT. We'd upgraded to center floor seats at the last minute and I was on the end. I'd heard of Jerome, but had no clue what he looked like. At some point during the show, he ended up standing in the aisle next to me, although I didn't know it was him until later on! I just remember looking over - and UP - at this huge, serious looking dude and wondering who he was. Hee!

    The first time I met him was a few months later when I attended the BAF benefit (wow - 4 yrs. ago this past week!) in Dover, DE. Before Clay performed, Jerome was standing near the section where we were seated and we decided to say hello to him. This was around the time that there were rumors of him leaving Clay. He told us no, that wasn't true and then said, "Tell me - what have you guys heard?" So we told him what had been floating around the boards. He chuckled and said something about how it always amazed them how this stuff gets out there. He told us he had been working with Ruben recently because his guy was taking some time off, but that he was just filling in and he was now back with Clay and that we could feel free to spread that around the boards! Have since run into him several times and he's always been very nice, but I agree - do not want to get on the man's bad side!

    My mom just called & I mentioned the benefit to her - that was her first exposure to the power of the Aiken! She told me at first she thought we were all nuts, sitting around in the lobby before the show, with laptops open & Clack flowing! :cryingwlaughter: Then after the concert, she began to understand. :wub:

  4. Awwww.... from nycityclayfan. Posted at the OFC, but with persmission to travel - a message from Hannah:

    Yesterday I took my daughter with me to see Spamalot since we knew it was Hannah's last weekend (and next week David Hibbard and Jonathan Hadary leave). Anyway, we were waiting for some of my friends from work who were also attending and ran into Hannah on her way into Shubert Alley. We had met her earlier this Spring and she always stopped to talk to us. She was touched that we came to see one of her last performances and we told her she would be missed. We got to talking about her run on Broadway and her time here in New York and how much she missed Clay and his fans and the "energy" that we had as an audience.

    She also asked me to post on whichever fan board that I post on and thank you, the fans, for voting for her for the Broadway.com award for Best Female Replacement! It really touched her that we voted for her and she was touched that we went out of our way to make sure she won. She also wanted to thank the fans for all of our suppport for her during her run in Spamalot and making her feel so welcomed and loved and she said she will miss us all and she wanted to send all her love to you, the fans, for that support.

    We giggled for a few minutes about her "relationship" with Clay and we talked about the possibility of him coming to see her last performance. She said she didn't know for sure if he was, but also said "but you know how much he loves me" and chances are even if he doesn't come, he'll either call or get in touch with her somehow to let her know he's thinking of her. She was so sweet and supportive of him and told me how much she missed him both onstage and off and hoped he was enjoying his time off.

    We gave her a little going away gift and she thanked us again, asked us where we were sitting and told us to make sure to stay till the end as she would make sure to wave to us and went inside to get ready for the show.

    As the cast sang Bright Side of Life we were standing and dancing and enjoying ourselves when we noticed Hannah putting her hands up to shade her eyes from the lights. She was looking for us so we waved frantically to her. She saw us, smiled a huge smile and waved back and winked at us before the curtain came down.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who will miss Hannah! Safe journey home, Hannah, and much luck in your career.

    This post may travel.

  5. I hope we get some reports from Hannah's last performance in Spam today. I know if I lived in the NYC area, I'd be there for sure to give her a rousing send off. She's something special! I wonder if Clay might be there as well. You never know.

    17.gif<- - *In the emoticon thread to be added*


    I just got promoted from dog walker to body guard. This is BIG, folks!!!!

    Next thing you know, I'll have an avi!!

    And now you do! :14:

    Hoping the flooding has let up in your hometown, ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    A big OUCH!!! & gentle hug for MamaCouchie! Glad it wasn't more serious.

    Also glad your laptop zap wasn't more serious, canfly - yikes!

    Sending energized vibes to those dealing with the power outages. We've been lucky, even with the storms lately. Hope the clean up & repairs are going well, Play.

    I understand the concern about the fires, Iseeme! We used to live in southern CA and still have family out there. We've been wondering where the fires are in relation to one of my bros, who has a nursery up north.

    I'm staying inside today. Ran errands after fund raiser fair yesterday afternoon and ended up driving through a town where the cicadas were out in full force and really freaked me out! They were swarming, flying around like they were drunk/suicidal and deafeningly LOUD! I really need to get my car washed now. Yuck!!!

    Time to :chores009: in between :chores003: then back into the craft :6: :12: room!

  6. Morning! 2.gif

    I've been watching some of the rememberances of Tim Russert around the channels this morning. Quite touching. One of very few I actually enjoyed listening to when it comes to political talk. He was such a class act - well respected by colleagues, loving to and loved by family & friends. He will be sorely missed and the election this year will sadly be missing his heart & soul. Prayers and condolences to his family.

    Claygasm, I can't think if anything to say to make you feel better , so I'll just :thbighug-1: .

    So maybe NYC and either Hannah's last Spamalot performance so he can see his friends or the Tonys on Sunday? I hope so. I'd love to see a new set of red carpet pictures.


    CG, I'll just :word:bottlecap... :thbighug-1:

    Thanks for posting the montages this week, luckiest & goldarn! I'll be downloading this weekend while I'm digging through my craft room, getting stuff ready for the SSS sale later this year! But for now I'm off to help out with a fund raiser, which should be fun :D, but means that I won't make it up to Columbus today to meet Scarlett at Knitter's Connection :(.

    Everyone have a good Saturday and remember - Smile! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


  7. Compiling some of the suggestions so far. :)

    The man has done so many songs that you never know when he will just pop into your mind as you go about your day.

    A combination effort... *g*

    FCA - An anarco-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync nomadic omnivores.

    CiSNOs from FCA who tulibu dibu douchou Clay!

    it aint my life, just my passion!

    Clay Aiken: Promoting Friskiness Since 2003.

    Daddy now or later or never, Clay is a gift and I'd love to unwrap it.

    He can turn my world on with his smile!
  8. I wanted to see the new teeth closer to the old teeth, so I did this comparison.


    Where does the middle picture come from??

    I think he and his dental facilitator :) did a great job of making the new teeth look a lot like the old ones, don't you??

    I'm pretty sure the center pic is from GMA, cha cha. And yes, I like the new teeth. Although I have to admit to getting a little sentimental for his old, little chiclet teeth!

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