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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Is it just me or does the whole "who will next UNICEF Ambassador be" come across as sort of crass...too reality show like? Just seems out of place to me. Why promote it...just announce at the end of the show.


    Not just you.

    his shirt doesn't look quite so pink today!!

    Nope - it's actually quite patriotic!

    And yes, perspective this definitely does give. I will try to remember this every time I gripe about having to do laundry - at least I have water, electricity, clothes to wash and a place to wash them.

    That little boy that they talked about towards the beginning, who was abandoned because his mother was HIV positive and was afraid he would be too... there just are no words. :cry4:

  2. Untie.jpg


    This reminds me of a Clay dream I had toward the end of his Spam run in which he said he didn't know what would be next, and that he might finally have time to study meteorology, something he always wanted to do.


    well we did see him do the weather that time...not too bad :hysterical:

    OMG!!! They've been doing these odd commercials on one of our local stations for a few weeks now where they're trying to build hype about some new mystery weather man coming "soon" to that station... :o :lmaosmiley-1:

    As for Clay touring to the same 3000 people, or 2000 people, or even 1000 people dot dot dot it's fine with me as long as I'm one of them. Was it KAndre who painted the picture of Clay playing a small club? I'm so there.

    Oh YES!

  3. ETA: ITA about the blog, couchie. Blogging a "Hi, how're y'all doin' -- hope you're enjoyin' the vacation too" would be pounced upon so furiously. *covers eyes because I couldn't bear to look at the carnage* [small voice] though I personally wouldn't mind one like that if that's all he has to say [/sv]

    17.gif [small voice] especially the sv part [/sv]

    Post ho'ing to expand on justclay12's movie suggestion. What sort of film role would I like to see Clay perform?

    I hear that Spielberg is interested in a West Side Story revival. My pipe dream would be for him as Tony because that was only character I wasn't completely happy with in the movie -- loved all the others. It would be very timely too because of the way demographics are changing all over -- I was in Ohio a few weeks ago and there was a growing Latin community -- and it would be so cool to give it a modern-day makeover like an "In The Heights" meets "Rent" type of thing.

    (just a pipe dream, nothing more)

    eta - besides he already knows how to do the coconut version of America!

    Picturing WSS done with the characters dressed as knights of the round table.... :hysterical:

  4. So Scarlett, do you and PerusingOne have ANY damn plans yet for CA or will you play it all by ear. Definitely those in the area..we should get together at least one day!

    They're "guidelines"...

    I'm flying in on the night of the 17th (w/ Perusing One) and leaving early on the morning of the 22nd. The others are flying iin a day after us, I think. If annabear is arriving on the 21st, it would be great to meet up with her when she arrives. Otherwise, how about sometime on Sunday the 20th? I think we'll be in Half Moon Bay on either Friday or Saturday or both -- depending on hotel availability -- in case you prefer to meet up over there.

    Plans? Guidelines? What are those? :cryingwlaughter: I'm going to play the clueless guard when it comes to this might/might not happen trip because I truly am clueless in this case... IIU I actually am going to be attending the training that week, I'll be flying in on Sun. the 20th. That's about all of the planning I can do at this point, but once I really do know something, I'll let y'all know!

    :bday: muski!!!


  5. Well, as I posted on main, I had my interview for the 2nd job this morning. I think it went well. But what the hell do I know? I always think interviews go well and yet I'm still interviewing... <_< They're supposed to make their decision "soon" - I just hope they're using Webster's definition and not Aiken's!

    Since I was able to read the accidental email, I know who my competition is internally. I think our skill sets would overlap, her having more experience for one side of the job and me for the other. I don't know what, if any experience she has with non-profit work, so that *might* be a little advantage I have over her. Then there are the external candidates... :shrug:

    I wasn't really sure I'd want this position, but after talking with them today, it does sound like it would be a great role to take on. It used to be part time, but with the growth of the department they've made it full time and it sounds like it could be a good opportunity.

    I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high. I just have to leave it in God's hands. If it's not meant to be, then there's still something for me to learn where I am, no matter how much I may think I don't really want to learn it... I guess... :unsure:

  6. Hee ldyj... where ever did you get

    ? :whistling-1:

    Thanks Perma! :flirtysmile3::Thud:

    Just got back from my interview for the 2nd job. I think it went well. But what the hell do I know? I always think interviews go well and yet I'm still interviewing... <_< They're supposed to make their decision "soon" - I certainly hope they're using Webster's definition and not Aiken's!

    Hope you can finally get some relief from your back troubles, Gibby, now that they know what's wrong. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  7. That's all I've got this morning. Feeling rather crabby. Need coffee. For all intents & purposes, tomorrow is "Friday". Yay!

    Not just any old Friday but the start of a three day weekend..One where I'll be ALL ALONE and unlike King Arthur...am ecstatic about the very thought.

    :whoo: Party at couchie's!! :me0:

    Seriously though, good for you. :thbighug-1:

  8. I am really far behind but I wanted to mention another chick flick, a kinda chick flick that has guys and girls, and a chick click with pretty much all guys. Love, love, love all of these movies.

    Persuasian, BBC version with Amanda Root. Just superb, very satisfying.

    Oh YES! (tm Sir Robin)

    That's all I've got this morning. Feeling rather crabby. Need coffee. For all intents & purposes, tomorrow is "Friday". Yay!

  9. what is it that people don't understand about fireworks at 2 AM not being appreciated by everyone??

    Substitute music so loud it shakes the walls & rattles the windows for fireworks at 2 AM and I think your PITA neighbors could be related to my PITA neighbors, luckiest & Claygary. <_<

    Really, I guess it's that they just don't give a crap.

    Yep, unfortunately.

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