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Posts posted by annabear

  1. That was quite an adventure, Kareneh!

    I don't get what people don't get about people dreaming of a storybook romance for Clay. I haven't seen anyone here saying that they're throwing themselves off a cliff because they don't see that happening. Just expressing that they're a little saddened to see that it might not turn out that way afterall. Actually, the recurring theme here has been wishing him happiness - however one defines that, and, yes, ultimately it's up to Clay to define it for himself. I also think people have made it clear that they own their opinions. One feels this way, another feels that way. I don't see the sense in trying to tell others what their feelings should or shouldn't be. Our feelings are shaped by our experiences throughout our lives. We're all human and we all feel what we feel. Now I'm spouting the cliches!

    Or else maybe it was the butt-pinch of True Love

    *snort* :hysterical: Do we need more analysis? :whistling-1:


  2. There are glass half full's and glass half empty's. Guess what... the water is at the same level and both are right from their viewpoint. Frustration about each other's point of view just raises blood pressure... feelings belong to the person having them and only that person can change them. Can I type any more cliches in one paragraph??? :cryingwlaughter:

    Bingo, liney. And I see nothing wrong with cliches! :P

    SONG OF THE DAY: Where I Draw the Line

    I think I finally have to admit that this is my favorite song on the CD and I can't fully explain why. There's something about us it that hits me in the gut every time it comes up on the CD or my iPod. Love the sound, the music, the lyrics and of course, the voice.

    "Either you're gonna rescue me-eee

    or you're gonna be the death of me"

    I can't wait until we get to hear this one in concert... :Thud:

    Bwah, cha cha! :lol:

    Thanks for that Australian Idol link, claytonic - Wow!!

    Now how about some more pretty pictures? :F_05BL17blowkiss:





  3. Ok, for a little funny, I just clicked on a link that popped up in my email - something which I've never done until now - for concert tickets from a place called "Superstar Tickets . com". This is the blurb for Clay:

    Clay Aiken is an award-winning musician. He was found to be a popular American favorite when he auditioned and made it all the way to the final two people on American Idol, a television show where the fans vote for the winner. Although Clay Aiken was not the winner of that show, he still has a lot of fans that know how much of a good singer he really is. Clay Aiken tickets are some of the hottest selling tickets around. If you want good Clay Aiken tickets, you can find them in many places.

    Clay Aiken has made a lot of music since his days on American Idol. Clay Aiken has been said to sound a lot like Barry Manilow, which is a large compliment to Clay. What is often thought of as surprising is that Clay Aiken has fans that are all ages, which is said to be interesting in the music industry. Clay Aiken tickets sell to all ages, as well.

    Clay Aiken is here to stay. He has a voice that is well loved, and is also sure to be a popular favorite for all of his fans. Even celebrities like Kathy Griffin have proclaimed their love for Clay Aiken, which many of his fans have said have brought them closer to him. Getting great Clay Aiken tickets is the dream of many. With Clay Aiken tickets, you can get a great experience.

    Clay Aiken is known to play all over the world. He does enjoy playing for concerts that are in the US, though, as this is where most of his fans are. Clay Aiken is known to go on tour from time to time. His faithful fans are sure to follow Clay Aiken anywhere he plays, as is shown with the sales of Clay Aiken concert tickets.

    :cryingwlaughter: Not necessarily wrong, or right for that matter, but just... odd! Who on earth writes a promotional segway (tm Clay) like this?? :cryingwlaughter:

  4. Clay still has four spots on the AOL Top 11 Video Countdown today - Nos. 1, 2, 5 and 7 -- and all 12 songs on OMWH are in the Top 24 of Most Played Songs and Clay still has No. 1 and No. 2.

    Mediabase has him at #28 with a Spincrease of +8 and a weekly total of 125 spins and an audience impression of 0.345. I noticed that most of the spins heretofore have been overnights but spins are seeping into a.m. - midday - p.m. and evening -- little by little. Also, WRAL in Raleigh had been decreasing spins for over a week and today they show an increase of +3 so at least that's moving back in the right direction.

    I think it can! I think it can!! I think it can!!! :cheerleader:

    Very nice interview with Ruben & Zuri. Love. :wub:

  5. I think maybe I need to pull out my iPod and just drown in Clay for the rest of the afternoon.


    WINY? It's funny because I absolutely love the Clack of this one, but haven't listened much to the QVC bonus and actually forgot about it in the alphabetical line up - eep! I think I need to update my iPod this evening....

    Going back to WOTW - I do love it, but don't have anything to say about it that hasn't already been said. I think I was already moving on to WIDTL being next in my alphabet... *g*

  6. Big {{{{{hugs}}}}} for everyone dealing with job stress of one kind or another. Not having one sucks - been there, done that. Being in one with an unhealthy atmosphere sucks too. Currently there, doing that.

    I have my 2nd interview tomorrow afternoon for the other job I applied for outside of my current project role. Found out that contrary to what I was led to believe, there are actually several external candidates and another internal candidate being interviewed as well. So much for the supposed hiring freeze we were told about after they let people go in May. This little tidbit came to me thanks to one of the interviewing managers who somehow included me on an email to one of the recruiters last Friday. She retracted it quickly, but my out of office auto-reply was quicker and therfore saved her little faux-pas in my sent folder...

  7. Someone upthread mentioned chick flicks and "Pride&Prejudice". I haven't seen the movie but has anyone else seen the BBC version starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth?

    I highly recommend it! :sleezy:

    LOVE it! So much so that I bought the special edtion DVD set. It's great to put in the player sometimes on the weekend when I'm quilting, bear making, scrapbooking or attempting to knit!

    I went to the playbill store and found some things from Spamalot are now at reduced prices.


    Thanks, Play! I had been to the Spam website looking for a couple of things that I didn't purchase while in NYC - either time D101! - and they were actually out of stock on a lot of items. Must have moved the inventory over to the Playbill site.

    Scary weather! That sounds like the front that moved through here Sat. night, taking lots of trees with it. So glad you didn't get the tornadoes.

    Hamlet in a nutshell...

    whine whine whine

    everybody dies

    the end

    I was enjoying my Monday morning coffee until I read this and it came through my nose....

    My mother is coming to visit on Thursday so I have to have it clean so she won't bitch at me about having a dirty house!

    You are me. I cleaned everything last weekend since my mom was coming down this past weekend. Good luck!

    Monday. blech. Bah, humbug. :yahoo:

    (I thought that maybe the visual of happiness might negate the negative of the words...I'll let you know later if it works.)

    Please do check in & let us know, muski. Although I think I already know the answer.... <_<

    At least it's a short week. <- - Always look on the bright side of life... :whistling-1: Another who's missing Spam. A lot. That Clay guy, too. A lot.

    ETA: *Waves* to Betty897X at the bottom of the screen, maker of lots of LOVELY wallpapers!

  8. Still not caught up, even with brief pop in's throughout the weekend! Finished today with a mini cooking marathon so that I now have lots of tasty & healthy options in my freezer for dinner and all kinds of fresh fruits & veggies washed & ready to take for lunch this week. I will get back to eating healthier even if kills me!

    :bday: Fear!

    Hope you've had a wonderful day! It was so nice meeting you - and so many other FCA'ers - in NYC at the Spam finale!

    Quilts!! Everybody's are so beautiful!! I have a quilted wall hanging that I made a couple years ago in the (old) colors of TBAF and incorporated quotes from Clay about inlcusion & children that I printed on fabric. I don't think I have a pic of it... Love picture quilts & have done some for family - another form of scrapbooking, which I also love to do!

    Here's an ongoing project - a quilt I'm making for myself, which means it will never get done! :cryingwlaughter: It's a Log Cabin, but with "geese" added and then put together to form an argyle pattern:


    Scarlett....there are quilts where you use simple squares or rectangles. Once you learn how to use the rotary cutter and sew with 1/4" seam.....you can make one pretty quickly.... depending on how much time you have. Joining a guild is a good place to start as they usually have workshops - or someone could recommend a good beginning quilting instructor - learn the basics well!

    Yes & I've got quite a few of those patterns! They're great to have on hand to whip up quick, handmade gifts.

    I realize I should have said something more like, "someday I hope to make those" instead of being so bold. Sorry about that Iseeme. Your quilts are very beautiful but I had no idea how much talent, time, effort and experience went into them. I guess it was like a non-knitter pointing to a Fair Isle sweater and saying, "I want that for my next project!" *ashamed* :wub:

    <snip> I guess they could recommend a good instructor but I'm suddenly thinking, maybe I should stick to knitting, spinning and dyeing.

    Aww, {{Scarlett}}, I hear you. I'm feeling this way about knitting right now! I took a class, but I think I need to knit on a regular basis with someone who actually knows what the heck they're doing so that I can figure out how to fix the many mistakes I repeatedly make! :blush: For now, I've put my yarn & needles aside to focus on some bears for the SSS sale in the fall. I'm also working on another Sir Robin (white tux this time!) bear. :)

    ETA: Hee, bottle! :lol: Asheville... good times... *happy sigh*

    ETA2: Rotary cutters, Scarlett, are a quick & easy way to cut your fabric strips, squares, etc. "Betweens" are the needles used for hand quilting.

  9. Quickly checking in after a nice day of shopping, topped off with a whopper of a storm that had us taking all kinds of detours (which was ok 'cause we had OMWH to keep us company :) ) to get home because of all the trees down everywhere - including 1/2 a big maple tree at the corner of the front yard of my apartment! :o Luckily it fell into the roadway and not towards the building.

    Favorite phrases or words from the CUTE singer guy?

    - Absolutely LOVE the growly "I" in LNM - "Take me in, take me home - Ah (GAH!) can't stand to be alone"

    - "Perfectly perfect love" from SAU

    - "inta this" SL

    I'm sure I could give at least 101 more examples, but I'm hungry! Now running off for a late dinner....

    Oh! :welcome: to all the newbies & de-lurkers! :welcome: This is a great board to just enjoy being a Clay fan! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  10. Not quite dead caught up yet, but quickly skimming and posting, then running off again. Took a 1/2 day off yesterday and all day today. Now mom is down at my place for the weekend & we're running around, celebrating her 68th birthday! :cake:

    SAU? Loved the old fashioned, soft jazzy sound and hoplessly romantic, cliched lyrics with The Voice from the first time I heard it. Then the AOL Sessions version came along and I really, really, really LOVED it. Listening to it on my iPod with my new, noise canceling ear buds making it sound like Clay is right here, softly singing in my ear?! :Thud:

    Forgot to add... while I think anything can be discussed...dont' really understand why every single Clay diss is brought to the boards and discussed ad naseum. Who gives a shit what Craig Ferguson has to say or some blogger with two readers before Clay Nation and the haters descended up on it. I think often times the perception of just how bad it is out there is skewed because we have to see every single thing. It's like there is heartbreak on the board every single day because of what some idiot said. No wonder the joy is sucked out of this thing that should be fun.

    Word, word, WORD. And I'm glad you weren't involved in that horrible accident, other than sitting in the tie up for a while! :bighug:

    You forgot the part where “critical thinking” equals saying critical things. That one always bugged me. I’m a scientist – I don’t think “critical thinking” means what you think it means (tm Inigo Montoya). Heh.

    OMG. A variation on one of my favorite "Princess Bride" quotes! I wrote an entire blog entry on that quote. It's not inconceivable to say I think I love you, Heidi. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I'll be back Sunday evening. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :bye6:

  11. Oh my word! Thank goodness you've got a sense of humor, eh couchie?

    This is as ridiculous as it sounds.

    ARAIS - I see LOTS o'possibilities for future use on a Clay Aiken message board... :whistling-1:

    As I mentioned on main, my job got a little more interesting yesterday. My current boss stopped by to talk to me just before he left last night and said:

    "Your application for the other job came through today. I had to run interference with someone who heard about this and started questioning your commitment to the project."


    This is exactly the kind of thing I was concerned about in the first place and thought I had avoided by speaking with him about it before starting the process, but moreover I wanted to know who it was and how they heard about this because I've told NO ONE but him... Of course I didn't get a straight answer. <_< This was when he dropped the little bomb about possibly traveling out to SF for training towards the end of July, in between crapola about - again - my commitment to the project, my career direction, yada yada yada. I mainly feel that he was trying to BS me into wanting to stay in this job by dangling a rather large "I'll make sure you're more engaged in the process." carrot.

    I asked about the company's/project's commitment to me by way of utilizing my skills rather than paying me to sit here and twiddle my thumbs. We've discussed this before, but I don't think I've ever been quite so blunt. Guess I'll see if that makes any impact. :shrug:

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