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Posts posted by annabear

  1. Ok, we have a bit of a problem. Some are on Google only and some are on Yahoo only. Do you think people will mind if we just talk on the thread?

    It would be great to get input from everyone and this way everybody gets to join in.

    How about if we just start talking -- it's Clay-related anyway... until folks run out of sandwiches?

    I say we talk until the green red whatever color ink starts flowing! :cryingwlaughter:

  2. Gmail rocks. Just sayin'.

    *picture "Yeah that!" emoticon here someday* :P

    :bday: Claygasm!





    If y'all survived the pics..... anybody ever play around on FreeRice? It's a fun little online vocabulary game that actually does something pretty cool:

    For each word you get right, we donate 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.

    By the way - my word of the day? Geophagy. Know what it means?


    clay eating

    With that thought in mind, good night! :Iluvclaysbutt:

  3. Love the killer rabbit!!! I admit to buying the puppet at Spamalot... told my sister that I can too be 12 if I want to!! He's sitting over a water bottle on my computer table at work... heh. A nice little reminder of my trip to NYC! Makes me smile every time I look at it.

    Not caught up from the overnight chattiness & off to a meeting in a few, but had to respond to this! I wanted the slippers, but could NOT justify spending $45 for a giant pair of what would surely end up as cat toys! I caved and decided I had to have a bunny when I went back for finale weekend. I ended up buying a clip-on one - you squeeze his bum and his mouth opens, very much like the GIF I posted. He's currently chomping on the lamp on my computer table! :)

    Off for a laaaaarrrge cup of coffee & then to a 2 hour meeting.... :Iluvclaysbutt:killer_rabbit.gif

    ETA: Forgot - loverly banner, cindilu2! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  4. Awww... thanks chacha. :) He looks so YOUNG! And CUTE!

    ETA: Totally OT, but I *must* have some whine with my cheese during lunch here... Ever come across someone who CONSTANTLY sounds like they need to clear their throat when they talk? There's this one chick in our office - thankfully only part-time on this project, so not around all the time - who has this very unique voice. Whiney, nasally, loud, feels the need to always be stressing the pronunciation of words and drawing them ooooouuuut, whether there's a need to stress anything or not. Thank the good Lord for Clay Aiken and iPods!!!

  5. Based on recent events I guess some people on other boards consider their "blowtorched puppy" to be "if a sleazy media site reported that he had a baby with his best friend via AI or IV"? Or was it "if he appears on CNN wearing a red shirt that looks pink in screencaps?" Since we're still here, I guess those don't qualify as our BT puppies but I wonder, has anyone's definition of a blowtorched puppy changed since then (Sept 2007) and to the newbies, what would you consider to be your "blowtorched puppy"?

    A blowtorched puppy. Or kitten. Any animal, really.

    Until then: Iluvclaysbuttcharacters.jpg

    Tulsa pics? My pleasure!











  6. What about Clayboard and TTC...weren't those the big boards at the time? RHT came later.

    There's some stuff archived from TTC & CB, but there was a big EZBoard mishap (crash? hacking? both??) a couple years ago and a lot of stuff was lost - I know this well because it ate my account, said I didn't exist and would NOT let me re-register! Not sure if the switch to Yuku resulted in any further losses.

    I was on a little board in the beginning, can't remember the name of it now, mostly college & high school kids. I was the "old lady" of the board at the ripe old age of 27! :cryingwlaughter:

  7. My Chinese speaking friend says that we're sorta OK with the characters, but that the word for love is a really strong one, implying intense and unswerving devotion, so maybe not appropriate for Clay's rear end. She suggests we use 我爱上克雷的屁股 instead, which means "I fell in love with Clay's butt." She loves the CD cover. They translated "Measure of a Man" as "True Love Measure". It's smutty either way.


    OK, are you guys just joking or something with all the ??????? ? I mean all I see are question marks.

    I don't even see question marks, just little empty boxes. I thought I'd be able to see them from work, but nope.

    You probably don't have the Chinese fonts installed on your computer.

    Who knew? (tm King Arthur)


    I like your little emotiguy, Cotton! :)

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